臨床的重要性: 精子の移動、成熟、受精における精子嗅覚受容体の走化性行動を促進する卵巣匂い物質様生体分子より
Ovarian odorant-like biomolecules in promoting chemotaxis behavior of spermatozoa olfactory receptors during migration, maturation, and fertilization
Clinical importance
The fluid milieu of the female reproductive tract plays a vital role in cross-talk between gametes, enhances fertilization, promotes gametes/embryo transfer, stimulates nourishment, and implantation processes. The discovery and evaluation of the vital biomolecules involved in the chemotaxis behavior of sperm through the female reproductive tract as well as the molecular mechanism of their physiological interaction will help to provide useful information in the diagnosis and management of infertility and uterine deficiencies or in the formation of new methods of hormone-free contraception that inhibit the sperm cells from fusing with oocyte [73].
implantation 着床とは受精卵が子宮内膜にたどり着くことで、これが妊娠の始まりです。
chemotaxis behavior 走化性行動
female reproductive tract:女性の生殖路
It is known that for many decades, the vaginal has been used for many reproductive procedures and drug administration due to effective absorption and faster nature. Various studies have indicated the rapid changes in uterine physiology after vaginal administration of progesterone, especially close to the cervix. The available information showed that these effects might be due to local counter-current transfer from the venous blood in the vaginal to the arterial blood in the uterus and lymphatic vessels, also referred to as the “first-pass metabolism” [74].
Vaginal 膣
uterine physiology 子宮生理学
counter-current transfer :対向流輸送
first pass metabolism第一通過代謝
Nature does not play games; hence, there is a physiological reason for the actual chemotaxis behavior of sperm from odorant-like molecules secreted by the ovary and other parts of the female reductive tract.The local communication between these systems is probably essential for regulating sperm and egg transport and biomolecular aspects of tubal secretions, including transfer of early luteotrophic signals and embryo transport and development.
luteotrophic 黄体刺激
This area is quite important in In-vitro fertilization and intra uterine insemination procedures when considering treatment options to enhance conception. It should be emphasized that great attention should be given to chemotaxis signals affecting gamate/embryo physiology, early pregnancy markers, fluid milieu of female reproductive tract in in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, cancer biology, and other pathophysiological conditions such as endometriosis and poly cystic ovarian syndrome.
Browne et al. [75] indicated that thorough understanding of sperm migration, maturation, and fertilization in the female reproductive tract could initiate new development in assisted reproduction, which relies on supporting the sperm to reach the fertilization site or produce an embryo which is ultimately returned to the uterine cavity even though most of these techniques are well established yet success rate is still meager [75].
Browneら[75]は、女性の生殖路における精子の移動、成熟、受精を徹底的に理解することで、精子が受精部位に到達するのをサポートしたり、最終的に子宮腔に戻される胚を生成することに依存する生殖補助医療の新しい展開が始まるだろうと指摘した、これらの技術のほとんどは十分に確立されているが成功率はまだ低い [75].
uterine cavity 子宮腔
The biology of sperm wash, ovarian stimulation plus the behavior of sperm or embryo in the female reproductive tract can equally improve IVF procedures resulting in better clinical outcomes. Lastly, the diagnosis of infertility could also be significantly improved upon if the biology and behavior of sperm movement along the female genital tract plus the principle guiding these processes are understood.
Vaginal Drug Delivery
Vaginal drug delivery offers various advantages like avoidance of enzymatic degradation, drug interactions, and first-pass effect.
first pass metabolism(第一通過代謝)を調べたときに見つけました。
エストロゲンの経口投与vs経皮投与 : First pass effectについて
経口投与された薬剤は,腸管から吸収され,肝─門脈系(hepatic-portal system)に入り,肝臓を通過してから,全身循環に入る.このとき多くの薬剤は肝臓内で代謝され,その結果,全身に分布される薬剤量は減少する.このような肝臓通過による効果はfirst pass effect(第一通過効果),first pass metabolism(第一通過代謝),presystemic metabolism(全身循環以前の代謝)などと呼ばれている.
投与法が経口ではなく,経腟,静脈内,筋注,舌下,エロソールによる吸入などの場合には,肝門脈系を介さないので,first pass effect発生しない.薬剤に対するfirst pass effectに影響を与えるのは,消化管腔の状態,消化管壁内酵素,消化管内細菌酵素,肝酵素などである1).
IVF-ET (in vitro fertilization ? embryo transfer:体外受精・胚移植 )とは?
多嚢胞性卵巣症候群(PCOS:polycystic ovarian syndrome)とは、若い女性の排卵障害では多くみられる疾患で、卵胞が発育するのに時間がかかってなかなか排卵しない疾患です。自覚症状としては、(1)月経周期が35日以上(2)月経が以前は順調だったのに現在は不規則(3)にきびが多い(4)やや毛深い(5)肥満などです。PCOSでは、超音波で卵巣をみると10mmくらいの同じような大きさの卵胞がたくさんできて卵巣の外側に1列に並び、なかなかそれ以上大きくならないことが特徴で、ネックレスサインと呼ばれます。
1. ARTの定義
生殖補助医療(assisted reproductive technology:ART)とは、「妊娠を成立させるためにヒト卵子と精子、あるいは胚を取り扱うことを含むすべての治療あるいは方法」である。一般的には体外受精・胚移植(IVF-ET)、卵細胞質内精子注入・胚移植(ICSI-ET)、および凍結・融解胚移植等の不妊症治療法の総称である。
配偶者間人工授精(AIH:artificial insemination with husband’s semen)や非配偶者間人工授精(AID:artificial insemination with donar’s semen)は除外する。
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