Published: 09 January 2021
Ovarian odorant-like biomolecules in promoting chemotaxis behavior of spermatozoa olfactory receptors during migration, maturation, and fertilization
Chemotaxis 走化性
Studies have shown that olfactory receptor genes are the largest in the human genome, which are significantly expressed in olfactory and non-olfactory tissues such as the reproductive systems where they perform many important biological functions.
Main body
There is growing evidence that bioactive metabolites from the ovary, follicular fluid, and other parts of the female reproductive tract signal the sperm through a series of signal transduction cascades that regulate sperm migration, maturation, and fertilization processes. Several studies have highlighted the role of G-protein-coupled receptors in these cellular processes. Thus, we aimed to summarize the existing evidence describing the physiological role of most prominent exogenous and endogenous biomolecules found in the female reproductive organ in enhancing the chemotaxis behavior of spermatozoa during migration, maturation, and fertilization and also to elucidate the pathological implications of its dysfunctions and the clinical significance in human fertility.
follicular fluid 卵胞液
bioactive metabolites 生物活性代謝産物
G-protein-coupled receptors Gタンパク質共役型受容体
Short conclusion
In the future, drugs and molecules can be designed to activate these receptors on sperm to facilitate fertility among infertile couples and use as contraceptives.
When spermatozoa are released into the vagina near the cervical os, they have to travel through the different anatomical and biological environments of the female reproductive tract, like the cervix, uterus, utero-tubal junction, and then through the isthmus region of the fallopian tube before reaching the fertilization site. Within minutes, active sperm (morphologically healthy) reaches the final destination the isthmus region; thus, this movement seems to be facilitated by various mechanisms such as ciliary beating, muscular contraction mechanism of the female reproductive tract, thermotaxis and chemotaxis behavior plus molecules enhancing chemo-attraction that guides spermatozoa to the oocyte [1].
Vagina 膣
cervical os子宮頸管口
cervix 子宮頸管.
uterus 子宮
utero-tubal junction
utero-tubal junction 子宮卵管接合部
isthmus region 峡部領域
fallopian tube 卵管
ciliary beating 繊毛搏動
muscular contraction mechanism 筋肉収縮機構
thermotaxis 走熱性
Chemotaxis can be defined as a guided movement with respect to the chemical concentration gradient in any environment or system. Studies have implicated the ovary, follicular fluid (FF), and the female reproductive tract as the primary sources of biochemically active biomolecules that facilitate oocyte-sperm communication during pre- and post-ovulatory period. Unfortunately, the studies aiming to find a bio-molecular predictor and their transduction signaling cascade in sperm migration, maturation, and fertilization involving chemotaxis behavior have been limited thus far.
follicular fluid (FF) 卵胞液(FF)
bio-molecular predictor 生体分子予測因子
post-ovulatory 排卵後
In the recent past, different multistep chemotaxis transduction pathways involved in sperm selection, survival, and binding of the oocyte have been identified [2, 3]. Studies have shown that FF offers an important microenvironment and nutritional status for the development of oocytes. It is known that FF constituents are products of blood plasma constituents that permeate the blood follicular barrier and of the secretory activity of thecal and granulosa cells. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that some critical regulators in the FF secreted from the ovary and reproductive tract play a crucial role in determining oocyte-sperm interaction and communication in a dose-dependent manner [4]. Some of these important biomolecules are involved in G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) chemotaxis behavior regulating sperm migration, selection, survival, maturation, and fertilization of the ovum [5].
近年、精子の選択、生存、卵子との結合に関与する多段階の走化性伝達経路が同定されている[2, 3]。卵胞液(FF)は卵母細胞の発達に重要な微小環境と栄養状態を提供することが研究により示されている。卵胞液(FF)の成分は、血液濾胞バリアを透過する血漿成分や、卵胞膜細胞および顆粒膜細胞の分泌活性の産物であることが知られている。したがって、卵巣および生殖管から分泌される卵胞液(FF)中のいくつかの重要な調節因子が、用量依存的に卵子と精子の相互作用およびコミュニケーションを決定する上で重要な役割を果たすと考えるのは妥当である[4]。これらの重要な生体分子の一部は、精子の移動、選択、生存、成熟、卵子の受精を制御するGタンパク質共役型受容体(GPCR)走化性行動に関与している[5]。
transduction pathways 伝達経路
blood follicular barrier血液濾胞バリア
theca cells 卵胞膜細胞
granulosa cells. 顆粒膜細胞
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) Gタンパク質共役型受容体(GPCR)
私たちとともにあるウイルスという他者 - NATURE & SCIENCE
新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)の感染が拡大しています。「かかったら怖い!」「こうやって感染を防ごう」という情報ばかり報道されていますが、そもそも「ウイルスとは何か?」から、知らないことばかり。ウイルスは多くの動物にとって病原性がある一方、他の生物に感染して増殖するサイクルを回す “生命体” ととらえると、また違う世界が見えてきます。生命の起源と進化を研究テーマに、さまざまな角度からウイルス研究に取り組む東海大学の中川 草先生にお話を聞きました。
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