« 香りによる食物摂取の減弱: 金木犀とグレープフルーツの香りの比較 | Main | 植物がしゃべると信じている人たちBBCより »

October 23, 2023



Attenuation of Food Intake by Fragrant Odors: Comparison between Osmanthus fragrans and Grapefruit Odors





Previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that the odor of OSM attenuates food intake in rodents [18]. The present study was designed to confirm this effect in humans and also to compare the underlying causative mechanisms, in terms of autonomic nerve activity and expression of mRNA for feeding-related neuropeptides, between the OSM odor and grapefruit odor, which also attenuates food intake and body weight gain [16, 17, 31].

我々の研究室での先行研究では金木犀OSMの香りがげっ歯類の摂食を減弱させることが証明されている[18]。本研究では、この効果をヒトで確認するとともに、自律神経活動と摂食関連神経ペプチドのmRNA発現の観点から、金木犀OSM香りと、同じく摂食量と体重増加を減弱させるグレープフルーツ香り[16, 17, 31]の根本的な原因機構を比較することを目的とした。

autonomic nerve 自律神経

4.1 Feeding-related neuropeptides

4.1 摂食関連神経ペプチド

It is well established that feeding-related neuropeptides in the hypothalamus play important roles in the elicitation, maintenance, and cessation of appetite and food intake [3, 32, 33]. Previously, our research group revealed that the neural information of OSM odor decreased mRNA expression of orexigenic neuropeptides (AgRP, NPY, MCH, and orexin) and increased expression of anorexigenic neuropeptides (CART and POMC) [18]. These findings are suggested to be, at least in part, the causative mechanisms underlying the effects of OSM odor on the decreased motivation to eat, sluggish masticatory movements, and the resulting reduction in body weight [18, 19]. Since comparative data are not available for the grapefruit odor, the present study examined the expression of feeding-related neuropeptides following exactly the same method we have previously used for the OSM odor. Consequently, we could not detect any difference in the expression of feeding-related neuropeptides b etween the grapefruit odor group and non-odor control group, indicating that grapefruit odor essentially

視床下部に存在する摂食関連神経ペプチドが、食欲や食物摂取の誘発、維持、停止に重要な役割を果たしていることはよく知られている[3, 32, 33]。以前、我々の研究グループは、金木犀OSM香りの神経情報により、食欲促進神経ペプチド(アグーチ関連タンパク質(AgRP)、神経ペプチドY(NPY)、メラニン凝集ホルモン(MCH)、オレキシン)のmRNA発現が減少し、食欲抑制神経ペプチド(コカインおよびアンフェタミン調節転写物(CART)、プロオピオメラノコルチン(POMC))の発現が増加することを明らかにした[18]。これらの知見は、少なくとも部分的には、食べる意欲の低下、咀嚼運動の鈍化、およびその結果としての体重減少に対する金木犀OSM香りの効果の根底にある原因機構であることが示唆されている [18, 19]。グレープフルーツ香りについては比較データがないため、本研究では、以前に金木犀OSM香りについて行ったのと全く同じ方法で摂食関連神経ペプチドの発現を調べた。その結果、グレープフルーツ香り群と非香り対照群との間で摂食関連神経ペプチドの発現に差は検出されず、グレープフルーツ香りは視床下部の摂食関連神経ペプチドの発現に本質的に影響を及ぼさないことが示された。

Masticatory 咀嚼

4.2 Autonomic nerve activity

4.2 自律神経活動

Fragrant odors are known to affect the autonomic nerve activity. For example, the odors of rose flowers [13, 15], lavender [34, 35, 36], and yuzu [37] activate parasympathetic neurons, whereas those of lemon [38], jasmine [39] and grapefruit [13, 17, 38, 40] activate sympathetic nerve activity. To our knowledge, there is only one previously published study that suggests that the OSM odor stimulates parasympathetic activity in humans [41]; therefore, more research is required to confirm these findings.

香りは自律神経活動に影響を与えることが知られてい る。例えば、バラの花[13, 15]、ラベンダー[34, 35, 36]、ゆず[37]のにおいは副交感神経ニューロンを活性化するが、レモン[38]、ジャスミン[39]、グレープフルーツ[13, 17, 38, 40]のにおいは交感神経活動を活性化する。われわれの知る限り、OSMのにおいがヒトの副交感神経活動を刺激することを示唆する先行研究は1件しかない[41]。

parasympathetic :副交感神経
sympathetic nerve:交感神経

To examine how the OSM odor affects autonomic nerve activity in humans, we used the fingertip photoplethysmogram (PPG) to monitor autonomic nervous activation. Analysis of fingertip PPG signals is an important tool for assessing pulse wave components and their relation to vascular health. Several studies have demonstrated that the PPG waveform can provide clinical information on the dynamics of the autonomic nervous system, as well as the activity of the left ventricle, vascular aging, and arterial stiffness [42, 43, 44]. Although PPG is easy to set up, convenient, simple, and inexpensive, with only a single fingertip sensor, it has been proven that electrocardiogram and PPG signal recordings can be interchanged for heart rate variation (HRV) analysis including the time and frequency domains [45]. The PPG technique is also utilized for the assessment of arterial wall stiffening during aging [46] and for the assessment of the index of the periodontal condition [47].

金木犀OSM香りがヒトの自律神経活動にどのような影響を与えるかを調べるため、指先光電脈波(PPG)を用いて自律神経の活性化をモニターした。指先光電脈波法PPG信号の解析は、脈波成分と血管の健康状態との関連を評価するための重要なツールである。いくつかの研究では、光電脈波法PPG波形が左心室の活動、血管老化、および動脈硬化と同様に自律神経系の動態に関する臨床情報を提供できることが実証されています [42, 43, 44]。光電脈波法PPGは、指先のセンサー1つで簡単に設定でき、便利でシンプルかつ安価ですが、心電図と光電脈波法PPG信号の記録を交換することで、時間領域と周波数領域を含む心拍変動(HRV)分析が可能であることが証明されています [45]。光電脈波法PPG技術は、加齢に伴う動脈壁の硬化の評価 [46] や、歯周状態の指標の評価 [47] にも利用されている。

photoplethysmogram (PPG)  光電脈波法
光電脈波法(Photoplethysmogram, PPG): 光を使って、心拍数や血流量など生体内の情報を得る手法。 反射型と透過型の測定法がある。 反射型では主に赤色光や近赤外光、透過型では緑色光が使用される。

heart rate variation (HRV):心拍変動(HRV)
periodontal 歯周病

The present HRV analysis on the basis of PPG has revealed that lavender odor significantly stimulates parasympathetic nerve activity, which is in agreement with previous results [34, 35, 36]. Jasmine odor tended to be a sympathetic activator, but the effect was not significant, which may have reflected an inter-individual difference in the preference for this odor, as suggested by Inoue et al. [48] and Kuroda et al. [49]. The important finding is that OSM odor significantly stimulated the parasympathetic nerve activity, which is opposite in action to grapefruit odor, which is a well-established sympathetic activator in animals [38] and humans [13, 40]. The milk odor, which was used as a control (or counter-part) odor for the OSM odor [18], tended to stimulate the sympathetic nerve activity.

光電脈波法PPGに基づく今回の心拍変動HRV分析により、ラベンダーのにおいが副交感神経活動を有意に刺激することが明らかになったが、これは以前の結果 [34, 35, 36] と一致している。ジャスミンのにおいは交感神経を活性化する傾向があったが、その効果は有意ではなかった。これは、井上ら[48]や黒田ら[49]が示唆したように、この香りに対する嗜好性の個人差を反映している可能性がある。重要な知見は、金木犀OSM香りが副交感神経活動を有意に刺激したことであり、動物[38]やヒト[13, 40]で確立された交感神経活性化物質であるグレープフルーツ香りとは逆の作用である。金木犀OSM香り[18]の対照(または対となる)香りとして用いられた牛乳の匂いは、交感神経活動を刺激する傾向があった。

The differences in the physiological actions between the OSM and grapefruit odors (as mentioned above) should be derived from the difference in volatile compounds in these odors. There are more than 10 active compounds detected in OSM odor, including major volatiles (such as ocimene, ionone, linalool, capraldehyde, and decalactone) [21, 50]. The major active volatile compound in grapefruit odor is limonene; additional compounds include myrcene, pinene, and linalool [51, 52]. It is noted that not only the major volatiles but some volatiles with low content also contribute to aroma [50]. Further study is required to elucidate the specific role of each compound.

金木犀OSM香りとグレープフルーツ香りの生理作用の違い(上述)は、これらの香りに含まれる揮発性化合物の違いに由来すると考えられる。金木犀OSM香りには、主要な揮発性化合物(オシメン、イオノン、リナロール、カプラアルデヒド、デカラクトンなど)を含む10種類以上の活性化合物が検出される[21, 50]。グレープフルーツ香りの主な活性揮発性化合物はリモネンであり、その他の化合物にはミルセン、ピネン、リナロールが含まれる[51, 52]。主要な揮発性化合物だけでなく、含有量の少ない揮発性化合物も香りに寄与していることが指摘されている[50]。各化合物の具体的な役割を解明するには、さらなる研究が必要である。

4.3 Effects of odors on cookie intake

4.3 クッキー摂取に対する香りの効果

To confirm our previous findings in rodents that the OSM odor attenuates appetite and food intake, we elaborated on an experimental design in which the effect of OSM odor on snack eating behavior was examined in university students. Since OSM odor activates parasympathetic nerve activity (as described above), we selected lavender odor which also stimulates parasympathetic nerve activity for a comparable stimulus. Although sweetness and palatability of cookies were not different after exposure to OSM or lavender odors and in non-odor control group, we found that the hunger level, TMD score, and the numbers of cookies eaten significantly changed in the OSM group, compared with lavender and control groups. After exposure to the odors, subjects in the OSM group felt less hungry than those exposed to lavender or subjects in the control group, suggesting that appetite is reduced after exposure to OSM odor. Consequently, the consumption of cookies after OSM odor was less t han that after lavender or non-odor conditions. Such effects in feeding behavior are not due to disagreeable feelings to OSM odor because pleasantness of OSM odor after exposure was not statistically significantly different from that of lavender odor. Moreover, mood states were significantly improved after exposure to OSM odor compared with lavender odor or non-odor conditions, as shown by the POMS data. Thus, the previous finding that the odor of OSM decreases food intake in rodents was modestly confirmed in humans through the present experimental paradigm.


Total mood disturbance (TMD)  総合的感情状態(TMD)

4.4 Application

4.4 アプリケーション

How could the findings of this present study be utilized in our daily life? As it is expected that appetite and meal size could be reduced under the presence of OSM odor, you will be more satisfied (satiated) with a smaller meal size that otherwise would not fulfill your appetite (Figure 10). Repeating this procedure at every meal, you could adjust yourself to eating smaller meals, which could possibly lead to a reduction in body weight. To examine this possibility, we performed a pilot study [53] where five females were exposed to OSM odor daily from the hour of rising to bedtime for 12 days. For delivery of the odor, each subject hung a small case containing a filter paper soaked in OSM essential oils around their neck.
At the end of the experiment, the subjects showed a reduction in total body fat and body weight, compared with five females in the non-odor control group. For a practical use, it is necessary to elucidate the most effective and convenient method of odor exposure, or exposure duration. A proper use of the OSM odor as well as grapefruit odor could be an attractive and promising tool to promote ecological eating and to improve and promote good health.

本研究の成果は、私たちの生活にどう活かされるのでしょうか。金木犀OSM香りの存在下で食欲と食事のサイズを減らすことができると予想されるので、他の方法では食欲を満たさない小さな食事サイズで、より満足(満腹)するでしょう(図 10).毎食この手順を繰り返すと、少量の食事を食べるように調整でき、体重の減少につながる可能性があります。この可能性を検討するために、パイロット研究を実施しました[53]12人の女性が起床時から就寝時まで12日間毎日金木犀OSM香りに曝露されました。香りを届けるために、各被験者は金木犀OSM精油に浸したろ紙の入った小さなケースを首に掛けました。実験の終わりに、被験者は、無臭対照群の5人の女性と比較して、総体脂肪および体重の減少を示した。実用化のためには、最も効果的で簡便な香気暴露方法、すなわち暴露期間を解明する必要がある。グレープフルーツ香りと同様に金木犀OSM香りを適切に使用することは、生態学的な食事を促進し、健康を改善おび促進するための魅力的で有望なツールとなる可能性があります。

Figure 10.

図 10.

A model showing that a less amount attains the same satiation level after exposure to the Osmanthus fragrans (OSM) odor.


Suppose the degree of satiation increases linearly with the amount of food consumed, the amount of food intake “a” attains satiation level “a”. after exposure to the OSM odor, the line (relationship between the amount of food consumed and the degree of satiation) shifts upward, and the same satiation level “a” can be attained by taking less amount of food “b”, indicating that the OSM odor is effective in satisfying appetite with a smaller volume, otherwise you will be unhappy because you are not full and want to eat more. A proverb says that “moderation in eating is the best medicine”. Inlet picture denotes OSM flowers.


A limitation of our study pertains to the selection of subjects and the duration of odor stimulation. The number of subjects was not enough to analyze the results in terms of sex differences because the number of male subjects was too small to be compared with female subjects. Subjects wore masks with odor continuously for 70 minutes and another 70 minutes, separated by a 20-minute-intermission without masks. Adaptation to odors is a well-known phenomenon: repeated or prolonged exposure to an odorant leads to decreases in olfactory sensitivity to that odorant [54, 55, 56]. According to Inoue et al. [48], five-minutes continuous exposure to the odor of jasmine tea affected autonomic nerve responses for more than 60 minutes, suggesting that our prolonged odor presentation may have not been necessary. Proper duration of exposure and concentration of the odor should be determined more precisely in future studies.

私たちの研究の限界は、被験者の選択と香り刺激の持続時間に関係しています。被験者の数は、男性被験者の数が女性被験者と比較するには少なすぎるため、性差の観点から結果を分析するのに十分ではありませんでした。被験者は、マスクなしで70分の休憩を隔てて、70分とさらに20分間、香りのあるマスクを着用し続けました。香りへの適応はよく知られている現象です:香り物質への繰り返しまたは長期の曝露は、その香り物質に対する嗅覚感受性の低下につながります[54,55,56].井上らによると。[48], 井上ら[48]によると、ジャスミン茶の香りへの5分間の連続曝露は、60分以上にわたって自律神経反応に影響を与え、長時間の香り呈示は必要なかった可能性が示唆された。適切な曝露期間および香気の濃度は、将来の研究においてより正確に決定されるべきである



The present human experiments have shown that OSM odor is agreeable and elicits sedative effects, improves mood, attenuates hunger, and reduces food intake. Grapefruit odor, which has also been shown to attenuate food intake, activates sympathetic nerve activity and had no effects on expression of feeding-related neuropeptides in rats, which is contrary to the results obtained for OSM odor, indicating the difference of causative neural mechanisms between the two odors. Exposure to OSM odor before eating and that to grapefruit odor after eating may be recommended as the effective practical use for preventing from overeating and obesity.






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