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April 04, 2024



Power Animals and Spirit Helpers


Spirit Guides, Power Animals, and Spirit Helpers: Allies of the Shaman

スピリットガイド、パワーアニマル、スピリットヘルパー: シャーマンの朋友

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.


Marcel Proust

Marcel Proust マルセルル・プルースト


Shamanic traditions are based on an Animistic view on the world: the perception that everything is alive and has a soul. Not only animals, but the stones, wind, and trees are alive and animated. The shaman is one who talks with nature, to help live a balanced life that honors the deep interconnectedness that is the foundation of the planet.


Apart from a deep connection to nature and the elements, the shaman also has a living relationship with the forces of the dream world and the 3 shamanic worlds that he or she enters through the trance journey. These forces are usually called the “spirits.”


3 shamanic worlds:3つのシャーマニズムの世界

Upper World=天上界Middle World =中層界 Lower World=地下界


This living, powerful soul dimension of existence is the field in which the shaman operates. They listen with the ears of the heart to the dimensions of the soul and learn to work together with these unseen forces.


The core component of shamanism is this spiritual communication that makes it possible for the shaman to work together with the spirit helpers to gain power, guidance and bring healing to the community. The shamanic journey, shamanic healing, and rituals are all founded upon the personal relationship of the shaman with the spirit world.It is this cooperation between people and the reality of the “helping spirits” that define shamanism.


When the shamanic practitioner, through their work, begins to tune into shamanic reality, also called Non-Ordinary Reality (NOR), they become increasingly aware of this reality of the soul. The openness leads them to a personal and direct experience of this soul dimension in which they can experience the presence of the spiritual beings who offer guidance.


Non-Ordinary Reality (NOR) 非日常的な現実

The helping spirits are essential within shamanic work and it is often said: ‘No spirits, no shaman’. All traditions recognize spiritual forces that play a helping role and support people. We have the forces of nature that are honored worldwide, but also Christianity and the other major religions speak of angels and other unseen beings who communicate with people.


Spirit Helper


The term spirit helpers, very generally describes the beings that the shaman cooperates with.They can present themselves to the shaman in any form imaginable. As ancestral beings in human or other form, power-animals, nature beings, but also more formless beings as the wind or ‘light beings’. In essence, spirits do not have a form, but communicate with the shaman through these forms. The essence is not so much in the outer form but in the relationship with the practitioner.


Spirit helpers can help the shaman in many ways, as guides, teachers or healers. The shamanicpractitioner has a long-term relationship with some, but sometimes a spirit helper only comes once to offer guidance or support. They guide through the landscape of the 3 shamanic worlds and often also have the function of counselor or teacher.

スピリットヘルパーは、ガイド、ティーチャー 、またはヒーラーとして、多くの方法でシャーマンを助けることができます。シャーマニズムの実践者は、ある人たちと長期的な関係を持っていますが、時には、スピリットへルパーが一度だけ、指導や支援を申し出に来ることもあります。彼らは3つのシャーマニズム世界の風景を案内し、しばしばカウンセラーやティーチャー の機能も持っています。

For example, someone who works with shamanic healing will usually have healing teachers in the other worlds who support and guide him on the path of healing.

例えば、シャーマニック・ヒーリングに働きかける人は、通常、他の世界にヒーリングのティーチャー がいて、ヒーリングの道を歩む彼をサポートし、導いてくれます。

Power Animals & Ancestral spirits


Power Animal


Power animals are non-physical entities that show themselves to the shaman or Western practitioner during the shamanic trance. Certainly, in the shamanic journey to the Lower world, power animals usually occupy a central place as a guide for the shamanic journeyer, but they are also active in the middle and upper world. The relationship with a power animal is always one of support and guidance for the shaman.


Every power animal has its qualities. For example, Bear will have a different role in shamanic work compared to Snake or Squirrel. But two different practitioners with the same power animal can also have their own and different contact with this power animal. After all, it is always the relationship between the practitioner and the power animal that determines the bond and cooperation between them. This bond is always direct, personal, and unique.


The connection with animals as protectors and guides is inherently part of human history. Think of the endless myths in which animals guide and help the hero, or come to teach. Many traditions worldwide see animals as wise teachers with whom we have a strong bond in spirit.

保護者やガイドとしての動物とのつながりは、本質的に人類の歴史の一部です。動物が主人公を導き、助けたり、教えに来たりするという果てしない神話を考えてみてください。世界中の多くの伝統では、動物は私たちがスピリチュアル的に強い絆で結ばれている賢明なティーチャー と見なされています。

Depending on different traditions, and the landscape in which shamanic cultures live, the shaman will work with the spirits of the land, the elements or power animals.


Many traditions also have a stong relationship with Ancestral helpers and teachers. This can be ancestors from the bloodline, the shamanic lineage, or ancestors in general. Depending on the tradition, ancestral beings can also be the elements, nature spirits, animals or the formless.

また、多くの伝統は、先祖代々のヘルパーやティーチャー と強い関係を築いています。これは、血統の祖先、シャーマンの血統、または一般的な祖先である可能性があります。伝統によっては、先祖代々の存在は、エレメント、自然のスピリット・精霊、動物、または形のないものにもなり得ます。

They can work with the shaman, or, in some traditions, work through the shaman’s body. But whatever form the helping spirits may take on, they are the helpers for the shaman, bringing guidance, healing, teachings, and power to the community.

彼らはシャーマンに働きかけることもできるし、ある伝統ではシャーマンの体を通してワークすることもある。しかし、ヘルパースピリットがどのような形をとるにせよ、彼らはシャーマンの助け手であり、共同体に導き、癒し、教え、そして パワーをもたらします。

When we start reconnecting with our spirithelpers, we get access to direct empowerment, guidance and healing. For most people, this reconnection feels like a deep homecoming to a soul-filled reality that is so powerful, and yet deeply familiar.


I believe that these times we are living in, are an invitation to step back into that power.


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April 03, 2024


December 21, 2013にヘルメス・トリスメギス・トートの7つの宇宙の法則(1-4)をブログに紹介しました。それから時が経ちましたがやっと7に到達しました。

Cosmic LAWS - GOD's Orderより


The seven Cosmic Laws of Hermes Trismegistos = Thot

(Hermetic Laws)

7. The Principle of Polarity and Sexuality


Everything has a pair of poles. Everything has a pair of contrasting aspects. Like and unlike are the same.


Contrasts are the same by their nature. GOD'S TRUTH IS ONE. 」


Only in the low-vibrating worlds, like in the 3. dimension, the aspects have different signs marking them as "contrasts", and thus have different vibrational frequencies. The human brain is three-dimensionally oriented; for that reason the ONE-NESS or SAME-NESS appears PARADOX to the polaric mind. But each PARADOXON should be brought together - in the middle - , only this way we can approach TRUTH. Or else our truths are only half truths. We cannot understand TRUTH - only grasp it with the HEART!


In the 3rd dimension we should learn to recognize the ONE-NESS OF ALL - by LEARNING UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ans LIVING this LOVE = THAT is our GOAL IN LIVE-on-Earth! When we are living in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, we are living in NON-POLARITY.


Do not judge or evaluate others. Do not raise yourself above others. Accept the other opinion. Everyone is right. Everything is justified. Everything is well.


Sexuality is in everything. Both sexual aspects is ONENESS at the same time.


Sexuality manifests itself in everything. Everything has male and female elements. Everything is male and female in ONE. Sexuality strives for ONE-NESS. But actually sexuality IS ONE-NESS or UNITY, as you can see with TAO. The NON-POLARIC UNITY consists of the male and the female aspect. you also cannot divide SEA and WAVES - both is ONE - and ONE is not without the other.


You yourself are male and female at the same time. Live your male and your female aspect equally. Be balanced - be in your middle - BE ONE.



December 21, 2013

1. The Principle of SPIRIT ( MIND)  スピリット(心)の原理
2. The Principle of Cause and Effect = KARMA 原因と結果=カルマの原理
3. The Principle of Correspondence or Analogy 照応または類似の原理
4. The Principle of Resonance or Attraction 共鳴または引き寄せの法則

April 26, 2016

5. The Principle of Harmony and Balance 調和とバランスの法則

May 10, 2016

6. The Principle of Rhythm or Vibration リズムまたは波動の原則

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April 02, 2024







Viral shedding of SARS-CoV-2 in body fluids associated with sexual activity: a systematic review and meta-analysis





Objective To identify and summarise the evidence on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA detection and persistence in body fluids associated with sexual activity (saliva, semen, vaginal secretion, urine and faeces/rectal secretion).

目的 性行為に関連した体液(唾液、精液、膣分泌液、尿、糞便/直腸分泌液)における重症急性呼吸器症候群コロナウイルス2(SARS-CoV-2)RNAの検出および持続性に関するエビデンスを特定し、要約すること。

Eligibility All studies that reported detection of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva, semen, vaginal secretion, urine and faeces/rectal swabs.



Information sources The WHO COVID-19 database from inception to 20 April 2022.

情報源 WHO COVID-19データベースの開始時から2022年4月20日まで。

Risk of bias assessment The National Institutes of Health tools.

バイアスリスク評価 米国国立衛生研究所(National Institutes of Health)のツール。

Synthesis of results The proportion of patients with positive results for SARS-CoV-2 and the proportion of patients with a viral duration/persistence of at least 14 days in each fluid was calculated using fixed or random effects models.

結果の統合 SARS-CoV-2陽性の患者の割合、および各液におけるウイルス持続期間/持続性が14日以上の患者の割合を、固定効果モデルまたはランダム効果モデルを用いて算出した。

Included studies A total of 182 studies with 10 023 participants.

組み入れられた研究 合計182の研究、10,023人の参加者。

Results The combined proportion of individuals with detection of SARS-CoV-2 was 82.6% (95% CI: 68.8% to 91.0%) in saliva, 1.6% (95% CI: 0.9% to 2.6%) in semen, 2.7% (95% CI: 1.8% to 4.0%) in vaginal secretion, 3.8% (95% CI: 1.9% to 7.6%) in urine and 31.8% (95% CI: 26.4% to 37.7%) in faeces/rectal swabs. The maximum viral persistence for faeces/rectal secretions was 210 days, followed by semen 121 days, saliva 112 days, urine 77 days and vaginal secretions 13 days. Culturable SARS-CoV-2 was positive for saliva and faeces.

結果 SARS-CoV-2が検出された患者の割合は、唾液で82.6%(95%CI:68.8%〜91.0%)、精液で1.6%(95%CI:0.9%〜2.6%)、膣分泌液で2.7%(95%CI:1.8%〜4.0%)、尿で3.8%(95%CI:1.9%〜7.6%)、糞便/直腸スワブで31.8%(95%CI:26.4%〜37.7%)であった。糞便/直腸分泌液の最大ウイルス残存期間は210日、次いで精液121日、唾液112日、尿77日、膣分泌液13日であった。培養可能なSARS-CoV-2は唾液と糞便で陽性であった。

Limitations Scarcity of longitudinal studies with follow-up until negative results.

限界 陰性になるまで追跡調査した縦断的研究は少ない。

Interpretation SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in all fluids associated with sexual activity but was rare in semen and vaginal secretions. Ongoing droplet precautions and awareness of the potential risk of contact with faecal matter/rectal mucosa are needed.

解釈 SARS-CoV-2 RNAは性行為に関連するすべての体液から検出されたが、精液と膣分泌液ではまれであった。継続的な飛沫予防策と、糞便/直腸粘膜との接触の潜在的リスクに対する認識が必要である。


ウイルス排出(viral shedding)


ウイルス排出 (英: viral shedding)は、宿主細胞の感染中に複製が成功した後のウイルス子孫の圧出と放出のことである。複製が完了し、宿主細胞がウイルスの子孫を作るためのすべての資源を使い果たすと、ウイルスはいくつかの方法で細胞から離れ始めることがある[1]。





*ワクチン接種後の体臭の変化Science daily yより

Body odor changes following vaccination

Date:  April 2, 2014

Source: Monell Chemical Senses Center

出典:米国 モネル化学感覚センター


New research reveals that immunization can trigger a distinct change in body odor. This is the first demonstration of a bodily odor change due to immune activation. "This work provides further evidence that it is possible to use odors to 'eavesdrop' on the immune system, suggesting that non-invasive disease detection may be possible even before the onset of observable symptoms," one of the researchers said.

新たな研究により、予防接種によって体臭が明らかに変化することが明らかになった。これは、免疫活性化による体臭の変化を初めて実証したものである。この研究は、匂いを使って免疫システムを "傍受 "することが可能であるというさらなる証拠を提供するものであり、観察可能な症状が現れる前であっても、非侵襲的な病気の検出が可能であることを示唆しています」と研究者の一人は述べている。

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