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June 25, 2024



Forensic Science International
Available online 21 June 2024, 112115

A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination






We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.


Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death.


These findings indicate the urgent need to elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of death with the goal of risk stratification and avoidance of death for the large numbers of individuals who have taken or will receive one or more COVID-19 vaccines in the future.


risk stratification:リスク層別化

pathophysiologic mechanisms:病態生理学的メカニズム
病態生理学とは、生体の正常機能を学ぶ生理学に対して、その破綻により症状や疾病が引きおこされる機序や経過を理解するための学問である。 ウイーキペディアより

This review helps provide the medical and forensic community a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccine fatal adverse events.



Rational harm‐benefit assessments by age group are required for continued COVID‐19 vaccination






The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, have led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, Spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.




Table 1. Characteristics of Included Autopsy and Necropsy Studies Examining Potential COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Deaths.


An autopsy case of fulminant myocarditis after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccine inoculation




We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. All autopsy and necropsy studies that included COVID-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included. Because the state of knowledge has advanced since the time of the original publications, three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.




We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. The mean age of death was 70.4 years. The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination, of which the primary causes of death include sudden cardiac death (35%), pulmonary embolism (12.5%), myocardial infarction (12%), VITT (7.9%), myocarditis (7.1%), multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%), and cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%).


Vaccine‐induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (VITT)




The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.


Keywords キーワード
Autopsy, necropsy,  COVID-19,  COVID-19 vaccines, mRNA,


mRNA,               SARS-CoV-2 vaccination,
メッセンジャーRNA、新型コロナウイルス ワクチン

Death、excess mortality、spike protein、organ system



Fig. 3. Number of Affected Organ Systems by Cases.

図3. 症例別の罹患臓器数。

The cardiovascular system was most frequently implicated (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), multiple organ systems (7%), neurological (4%), immunological (4%), and gastrointestinal (1%). In 7% of cases, the cause of death was either unknown, non-natural (drowning, head injury, etc.) or infection (Fig. 2). One organ system was affected in 302 cases, two in 3 cases, three in 8 cases, and four or more in 13 cases (Fig. 3).


Table 2. Number and Proportion of Reported Causes of Death Among Included Cases.

表2. 対象症例における報告された死因の数と割合。

Table 2 shows the number and proportion of each reported cause of death. Sudden cardiac death was the most common cause of death (21.2%), followed by myocardial infarction (9.5%), pulmonary embolism (9.5%), ischemic heart disease (6.8%), VITT (5.8%), COVID-19 pneumonia (5.8%), myocarditis/pericarditis (5.5%), cerebral/subarachnoid hemorrhage (2.8%), coronary artery disease (2.5%), respiratory failure (2.5%), and unexplained (2.5%).

表2は、報告された各死因の数と割合を示している。死因として最も多かったのは心臓突然死(21.2%)で、次いで心筋梗塞(9.5%)、肺塞栓症(9.5%)、虚血性心疾患(6.8%)、CoV-19ワクチン後の血栓症・血小板減少症(VITT)(5. 8%)、COVID-19肺炎(5.8%)、心筋炎/心膜炎(5.5%)、脳/くも膜下出血(2.8%)、冠動脈疾患(2.5%)、呼吸不全(2.5%)、原因不明(2.5%)であった。

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June 11, 2024


Influence of electromagnetic fields on the circadian rhythm: Implications for human health and disease





Living organisms have evolved within the natural electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of the earth which comprise the global atmospheric electrical circuit, Schumann resonances (SRs) and the geomagnetic field. Research suggests that the circadian rhythm, which controls several physiological functions in the human body, can be influenced by light but also by the earth's EMFs. Cyclic solar disturbances, including sunspots and seasonal weakening of the geomagnetic field, can affect human health, possibly by disrupting the circadian rhythm and downstream physiological functions.Severe disruption of the circadian rhythm increases inflammation which can induce fatigue, fever and flu-like symptoms in a fraction of the population and worsen existing symptoms in old and diseased individuals, leading to periodic spikes of infectious and chronic diseases.


electromagnetic fields (EMFs):電磁場(EMFs)
circadian rhythm 概日リズム
概日リズム(がいじつリズム)、サーカディアン・リズム(英語: circadian rhythm)とは、約25時間周期で変動する生理現象で、動物、植物、菌類、藻類などほとんどの生物に存在している。一般的に体内時計とも言う。厳密な意味では、概日リズムは内在的に形成されるものであるが、光や温度、食事など外界からの刺激によって修正される。ウイキペディアより

Possible mechanisms underlying sensing of the earth's EMFs involve entrainment via electrons and electromagnetic waves, light-dependent radical pair formation in retina cryptochromes, and paramagnetic magnetite nanoparticles. Factors such as electromagnetic pollution from wireless devices, base antennas and low orbit internet satellites, shielding by non-conductive materials used in shoes and buildings, and local geomagnetic anomalies may also affect sensing of the earth's EMFs by the human body and contribute to circadian rhythm disruption and disease development.


Cryptochromes :クリプトクロム(クリプトクロム(青色光受容タンパク質)

Keywords: Circadian rhythm, Covid-19 pandemic, Geomagnetic field, Grounding, Schumann resonances

キーワード 概日リズム、新型コロナウイルス感染症Covid-19パンデミック、地磁気、グラウンディング、シューマン共振



The earth's natural electromagnetic fields influence the circadian rhythm in humans.


Sunspots and seasonal weakening of the geomagnetic field can affect human health.


Seasonal geomagnetic field weakening increases infectious and chronic diseases.


Electromagnetic pollution from wireless devices can also affect circadian rhythms.


Grounding and reduction of electromagnetic pollution can produce health benefits.






クリプロクロームは青色のタンパク質分子です。クリプトクロームが光を受けて電子を一つはじき出します。通常分子のもつ電子は偶数ですが、はじき出せれた電子が近くの別の分子と合流すると奇数の電子を持つ分子が2つ出来ることになり、ラジカルペアーと呼ばれる状態が生じます。「ラジカル」は遊離基と呼ばれているもので奇数個の電子を持ち、多くの化学反応で重要な役を果たします。それは紫外線をはじめとするさまざまな方法で誘発され、身近なところでは日焼けの原因は紫外線によるラジカルの生成によるものです。 ただこのラジカルのペアーはすこし変わっています。対になる電子がはじき出されてできたものですから、はじき出された電子と残った電子とは暫くの間一体として「量子重ねあわせ」の状態を保ち、また「量子もつれ」という名で知られている奇妙な振る舞いをするのです。


常磁性磁鉄鉱ナノ粒子 松果体


常磁性磁鉄鉱ナノ粒子と松果体(pineal gland)に関する関係性は、主に動物の磁気感受性やナビゲーション能力に関する研究で注目されています。松果体は脳の中央部に位置する内分泌腺であり、メラトニンの分泌を通じて睡眠・覚醒リズムを調節する役割を果たしていますが、一部の研究では、磁気感知においても役割を果たす可能性が示唆されています。












渡り鳥の脳内には、磁鉄鉱ナノ粒子が存在し、これが鳥の磁気コンパス機能に関与していることが示されています。松果体だけでなく、上喉頭嚢(olfactory epithelium)や視床下部(hypothalamus)など他の部位でも磁鉄鉱ナノ粒子が発見されています。












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June 07, 2024


Will the Next ‘Pandemic’ Coincide with an Imminent ‘Solar Maximum’?



By Dr. Mathew Maavak


Earlier this week, I had this peculiar sensation where I felt that my brain was being microwaved in slow motion, if that makes any sense. In the midst of this oppressive languor, an idea struck me: Were the recent, much-debated solar storms behind this malaise? Why not research the topic and publish my take on the matter? I am qualified to commentate on this topic as I am conversant with systems theory, and in its subset, Complex Adaptive System (CAS).

今週初め、私は脳がスローモーションで、電子レンジでチンされているような奇妙な感覚に襲われた。この重苦しいけだるさの中で、ある考えが浮かんだ: 最近話題になっている太陽嵐は、この倦怠感の背後にあるのだろうか?このテーマを研究し、私の見解を発表してはどうだろう?私はシステム理論、そしてそのサブセットである複雑適応系(CAS)に精通しているので、このトピックについてコメントする資格がある。

複雑適応系(ふくざつてきおうけい、英: complex adaptive system, CAS)は、特殊な複雑系である。多様な複数の相互接続された要素から成るという意味で「複雑」であり、変化する能力と経験から学ぶという意味で「適応的」である。複雑適応系という用語はサンタフェ研究所 (SFI) のジョン・H・ホランドやマレー・ゲルマンらが作った造語である。

According to the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), Earth was subjected to a dynamic solar flare from an active sunspot called Region 3664 between May 10 and 13. It peaked on May 11 as a massive X5.8 class flare. The X-class constitutes the most powerful category of solar flares.


Space Weather Prediction Center:SWPC): NOAA 宇 宙天気予報センター

嵐の太陽、巨大黒点から過去最大の太陽フレアを噴出 - そしてそれはまだパチパチと音を立てている(動画)

During a solar maximum, the sun disgorges huge amounts of energy in the form of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) which can adversely impact Earth’s magnetosphere, leading to frequent and intense geomagnetic storms which can manifest themselves as auroras. These spectacular visual displays were seen in several low latitude parts of the continental United States (e.g. Texas, Alabama, Florida, etc.) from May 10-13.


coronal mass ejections (CMEs):コロナ質量放出(CMES)

As a result, parts of the earth’s exposed side encountered temporary or complete loss of high frequency (HF) radio signals for a short period of time.


Now, the Earth periodically faces 11-year solar cycles. The current one, called Solar Cycle 25, began in December 2019 and is expected to peak into a “solar maximum” between late 2024 and early 2025. Rather coincidentally, the coronavirus “pandemic” began at the beginning of Solar Cycle 25. Is there a link between changes in solar activities and disease outbreaks? Read


The brief YouTube clip below is an excellent conspectus on this phenomenon. It also explains the difference between solar flares and CMEs and their cumulative effects.



Could Solar Storms Destroy Civilization? Solar Flares & Coronal Mass Ejections

Solar storms can not only disrupt satellite communications, power grids, and navigation systems, they may also affect human and animal behaviour. Migratory species such as birds, bees and fish use the Earth’s magnetic field as a natural compass for their long journeys. Geomagnetic storms may distort these magnetic cues. This leads to disorientation and navigational errors, landing these animals in unfamiliar or hazardous environments. The phenomenon of beached whales is tied to intense geomagnetic activity


A major solar storm may severely impair the pollination activities of honeybees. Coincidentally, the global wild bee population has been declining worldwide and this has serious ramifications for the ecology and food security. Solar storms also affect the biological rhythms and physiological processes of cervids (deers) and cattle, making them more susceptible to infections and diseases.

大規模な太陽嵐は、ミツバチの受粉活動を著しく損なう可能性がある。偶然にも、世界の野生のミツバチの個体数は世界的に減少しており、これは生態系と食料安全保障に深刻な影響を及ぼす。 太陽嵐はまた、子牛(シカ)や牛の生物学的リズムや生理学的プロセスに影響を与え、感染症や病気にかかりやすくする。

Effects on human health


Biospheric and geophysical factors (from temperature fluctuations to earthquakes to volcanic eruptions, etc.) along with solar fluctuations can affect life on earth. Several studies have discovered a significant surge in hospital admissions during periods of heightened solar activity.



The human body, particularly its cardiovascular and central nervous systems, is highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Geomagnetic storms can disrupt the heart rate variability (HRV) which is crucial to stress response and emotional regulation. The pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythms by producing melatonin, is especially sensitive to electromagnetic activity. Melatonin is crucial for sleep regulation, and disruptions in its production can lead to sleep disorders, mood swings, suicidal ideations, headaches, epileptic seizures, cognitive impairments and high blood pressure, among others.


Quality sleep is the ultimate healer of the human body. This is the reason why you should avoid sleeping next to your cellphone or anywhere close to a WiFi router. Close proximity to telecommunications and electrical transmission towers, not to mention 5G antennas, will vitiate the nocturnal healing process.


Solar radiation can severely impair one’s immune system, leading to a variety of ailments and increased mutation rates in pathogens. The field of medicine that explores the historical correlation between solar activity and disease outbreaks is interchangeably known as biometeorology, astrobiology or astrobiomedicine. Historical epidemiologists in this field have discovered intriguing correlations dating back to the Justinian plague (AD 541?549) and beyond. Referencing the Athenian Plague, which wiped out 25% of the city’s population between 430?426 BC, Alexey Ju. Retejum concluded the following:

太陽放射は人の免疫システムを著しく損ない、さまざまな病気を引き起こし、病原菌の突然変異率を上昇させる。太陽活動と疾病発生の歴史的相関関係を探求する医学分野は、生物気象学、宇宙生物学、または宇宙生物医学として互換的に知られている。 この分野の歴史的疫学者は、ユスティニアヌスのペスト(AD541-549)以降にさかのぼる興味深い相関関係を発見している。紀元前430年から426年の間に都市人口の25%を一掃したアテネのペストを参照し、アレクセイ・Ju. レテジュムは次のように結論づけた:

Solar radiation :太陽放射
太陽放射(たいようほうしゃ)とは、太陽が出す放射エネルギーのこと。日射とも呼ばれる。特に電磁波の放射を指すことが多い。太陽放射のスペクトルから、太陽の黒体放射温度は約5800 Kと見積もられる。太陽放射の約半分は電磁スペクトルという可視光線であり、残り半分は赤外線や紫外線が占める[1]。光とも呼ばれるこれら3つの電磁波が太陽放射の大部分を占めるため、太陽放射により放出される電磁波のことを太陽光とも言う。 ウイキペディアより

the Justinian plague:ユスティニアヌスのペスト

“The singularity of this disease, which exceeds any means of expression, was shown not only in the fact that the disease affected people with a force that human nature could not bear, but also in the fact that, unlike everything previously observed, birds and quadrupeds that feed on human corpses did not touch the corpses at all…(but disappeared nonetheless). The disease affected everyone, both strong and weak, without distinction in lifestyle. ”


Retejum was actually referring to the effects of a Grand Solar Minimum here, and presents another intriguing hypothesis that links lowered solar activity with outbreaks of diseases.A grand solar minimum is marked by a steep drop in temperatures. The Black Death of AD 1346-1353 reportedly occurred during one of these muted solar cycles.


Grand Solar Minimum :太陽活動大極小期

If wide oscillations in solar activity can induce pathogenic outbreaks, how about electromagnetic/radiation surges from human devices such as telecommunication systems? Remember the dwindling wild bee population mentioned earlier? Their numbers have been consistently shrinking through three decades of solar maxima and minima.


Research into this topic has been somewhat suppressed, partly due to lobbying from the telecommunications and pharmaceutical industries. In fact, there is a small but vocal number of dissident doctors who insist that the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920 ? which killed anywhere between 17 million and 100 million individuals worldwide ? was primarily caused by the rapid and widespread introduction of telegraph and electricity systems.


Dr Mathew Maavak specialises in systems science, global risks, strategic foresight, geopolitics and governance. He has published numerous Op-Eds on a variety of eclectic subjects for over 20 years ? by ‘connecting the dots’ in a disjointed world.


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June 06, 2024

“真核生物におけるミトコンドリアと有性生殖の進化の旅路” 寒冷気候の愛・私たち(母)のミトコンドリアと心より




Complete genes may pass from food to human blood.



 Our (Mother’s) Mitochondria and Our Mind


 Love in a Cold Climate


 Life on earth has existed for around 4 billion years (Dodd et al., 2017). For the first 2 billion, all creatures alive were single cells with no nucleus (Dacks et al., 2016). Then—according to a leading theory (Martin & Müller, 1998; Martin, Neukirchen, Zimorski, Gould, & Sousa, 2016)—certain bacteria invaded certain archaea, members of a separate domain of microbes. At the time, these archaea lived around volcanic ridges on the ocean floor and fed on carbon dioxide and on hydrogen from submarine hydrothermal vents. The bacteria lived in the vicinity, fed on organic compounds, and discharged as waste products precisely the carbon dioxide and hydrogen that the archaea made use of. Microbes do sometimes break into one another and the result is rarely a happy marriage. After tolerating the bacteria for a while, however, the invaded archaea evolved to take advantage of them and ended up integrating them for good. In the process, the bacteria became mitochondria, the milk cows of their hosts, and shed most of their genetic material (Lane, 2015; Lane & Martin, 2010). Thanks to their new milk cows, the hosts had plenty of energy ready for use and could afford to pick up parts of the discarded material, build a kind of control center out of it—a cell “nucleus”—and evolve from prokaryotes (organisms made of one cell with no nucleus) into eukaryotes (organisms made of one or more cells with a nucleus, like us).

 地球上の生命は約40億年前から存在している(Dodd et al.) 最初の20億年間は、生きている生物はすべて核を持たない単細胞だった(Dacks et al.) その後、有力な説によると(Martin & Müller, 1998; Martin, Neukirchen, Zimorski, Gould, & Sousa, 2016)、ある種の細菌が、微生物の別領域に属するある種の古細菌に侵入した。当時、これらの古細菌は海底の火山尾根周辺に生息し、二酸化炭素と海底熱水噴出孔からの水素を栄養源としていた。細菌はその周辺に生息し、有機化合物を餌とし、古細菌が利用した二酸化炭素と水素を廃棄物として排出した。微生物同士は、時として互いに侵入し合うことがあるが、その結果、幸せな結婚が実現することは稀である。しかし、侵入した古細菌はしばらくの間細菌に耐えた後、細菌を利用するように進化し、最終的には細菌と統合した。その過程で、細菌は宿主の乳牛であるミトコンドリアとなり、遺伝物質のほとんどを脱ぎ捨てた(Lane, 2015; Lane & Martin, 2010)。宿主は新しい乳牛のおかげで、使えるエネルギーがたっぷりあり、廃棄された物質の一部を拾い集め、そこから一種のコントロールセンター(細胞の「核」)を作り、原核生物(核を持たない1つの細胞からなる生物)から真核生物(私たちのように核を持つ1つ以上の細胞からなる生物)へと進化する余裕があった。

 Archaea 古細菌(アーキア

日本語では「古細菌」または「アーキア」が呼称されることが多い。「始原菌(しげんきん)」[5][6]も使われる。「古細菌」という名称は、「菌」および「細菌」を名前に含むが、菌類(真菌)や細菌(真正細菌)とは異なる ウィキペディアより


 Prokaryotes :原核生物

Eukaryotes  真核生物

 Regardless of whether eukaryotes emerged this way (Lane, 2015; Martin & Müller, 1998) or a different one (Koonin, 2015), all eukaryotes contain either bacteria-like mitochondria with bacterial DNA or, in exceptional cases, remnants of it (Martin et al., 2016). Prokaryotes are sexless and reproduce by making copies of themselves. Occasionally, they exchange chunks of genetic material with one another (Hanage, 2016) and hand down the resulting mix to the next generation via cloning. Eukaryotes, on the other hand—including virtually all of those that can clone themselves—reproduce sexually at least some of the time (Speijer, 2016). Sex mixes up genes extraordinarily well and this bears various potential advantages. It forces parasites to constantly readapt (Tooby, 1982), for example, and it does in fact diminish their ability to break through host defenses (Auld, Tinkler, & Tinsley, 2017). Sexual reproduction involves passing on not only genes but also all the rest of the fertilized egg, including live mitochondria. Yet, although eukaryotic parents mix their genes, they avoid mixing their mitochondria; in the overwhelming majority of cases only one parent—almost always the mother—passes them on (Breton & Stewart, 2015). Why this should be so continues to be debated (see next section), but given that it is the case and that only eukaryotes have mitochondria, only eukaryotes have sex, and nearly all eukaryotes have sex at least some of the time, many agree that the evolution of sex is likely to have a lot to do with mitochondria (Lane, 2015; Speijer, 2016).

 真核生物がこのような方法で出現したのか(Lane, 2015; Martin & Müller, 1998)、それとも別の方法で出現したのか(Koonin, 2015)にかかわらず、すべての真核生物は、細菌DNAを持つ細菌のようなミトコンドリアか、例外的にその残骸を含んでいる(Martin et al.) 原核生物は無性で、自分自身のコピーを作ることで繁殖する。時折、遺伝物質の塊を互いに交換し(Hanage, 2016)、その結果できた混合物をクローニングによって次世代に伝える。一方、真核生物は、自分自身をクローン化することができるほぼすべての真核生物を含め、少なくともある時は有性生殖を行う(Speijer, 2016)。性交渉は遺伝子を非常によく混ぜ合わせるので、さまざまな利点が期待できる。例えば、寄生虫は常に再適応を余儀なくされ(Tooby, 1982)、宿主の防御を突破する能力が低下する(Auld, Tinkler, & Tinsley, 2017)。有性生殖では、遺伝子だけでなく、生きたミトコンドリアを含む受精卵の残りのすべてを受け継ぐ。しかし、真核生物の親は遺伝子を混ぜ合わせることはあっても、ミトコンドリアを混ぜ合わせることはしない。なぜそうなのかについては議論が続いているが(次項参照)、真核生物だけがミトコンドリアを持っていること、真核生物だけがセックスを持っていること、そしてほぼすべての真核生物が少なくとも何度かはセックスをしていることを考えると、セックスの進化はミトコンドリアと大いに関係がありそうだということに多くの人が同意している(Lane, 2015; Speijer, 2016)。

 Sexual reproduction 有性生殖

 Sexual reproduction complicates the lives of those involved considerably. Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotes usually do not exchange genetic material with just any other eukaryote; they need to find a suitable mate that must be of the same species, opposite sex, and either won over to collaborate or forced to do so. Meanwhile they may face the risks of retribution (for example, in case of attempted rape), of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, and—especially if they are human females—of potentially fatal complications during labor. To ensure that genes and mitochondria are nevertheless passed on from one generation to the next, individuals must therefore somehow be compensated—“bribed,” in our species, with “intense erotic pleasure; presumably mild pleasure is not enough” (Lane, 2005, p. 206).

 有性生殖は関係者の生活をかなり複雑にする。原核生物とは異なり、真核生物は通常、他のどんな真核生物とも遺伝物質を交換することはない。彼らは、同じ種で異性でなければならず、協力するように仕向けられるか、そうせざるを得ないような、適切な伴侶を見つける必要がある。一方、彼らは報復のリスク(例えばレイプ未遂の場合)や性感染症にかかるリスク、そして特にヒトのメスであれば、出産時に致命的な合併症を引き起こす可能性があるリスクに直面するかもしれない。それにもかかわらず遺伝子とミトコンドリアが世代を超えて受け継がれるようにするためには、それゆえ、個体は何らかの形で補償されなければならない--私たちの種でいえば、「強烈なエロティックな快楽」で「買収」されなければならない; おそらく、軽い快楽では十分ではない」(Lane, 2005, p. 206

 Most of our DNA (including some 20,000 genes) sits in the nucleus of each of our cells, and this nuclear DNA regulates much of how our mitochondria function (Mattson, Gleichmann, & Cheng, 2008). Outside the nucleus, however, mitochondria have retained some DNA of their own (including, in humans, 37 genes) and this gives them a small degree of independence. Human mitochondrial DNA, unlike nuclear DNA, is passed on only from mothers (Pyle et al., 2015). So, any mutations in mitochondrial DNA are weeded out of the gene pool only if they harm women and not if they harm men; for mitochondria, men are just about dead ends, and their future makes no difference to mitochondrial future. Men and women have much in common, and what is harmful to men is usually also harmful to women, but there is at least one exception.

 私たちのDNAの大部分(約20,000の遺伝子を含む)は各細胞の核の中にあり、この核DNAがミトコンドリアの機能の多くを制御している(Mattson, Gleichmann, & Cheng, 2008)。しかし核の外では、ミトコンドリアは独自のDNA(ヒトでは37の遺伝子を含む)を保持しており、これによってミトコンドリアはわずかながら独立している。ヒトのミトコンドリアDNAは、核DNAとは異なり、母親からのみ受け継がれる(Pyle et al.) そのため、ミトコンドリアDNAに変異があっても、それが女性に害を及ぼす場合にのみ遺伝子プールから淘汰され、男性に害を及ぼす場合は淘汰されない。ミトコンドリアにとって、男性は行き止まりでしかなく、その将来はミトコンドリアの将来にとって何の違いもない。男性と女性には多くの共通点があり、男性に有害なものは通常女性にも有害であるが、少なくとも1つの例外がある。

 From digested food, mitochondria produce both adenosine triphosphate (ATP)—a chemical that cells use as fuel—and heat, which can be spent to maintain body temperature. The more heat, the less ATP and vice versa. People in cold climates are more likely than those in hot ones to have inherited mitochondria that produce relatively much heat (Ruiz-Pesini et al., 2000). For men, however, there is a catch, because they host one cell type that happens to be particularly sensitive to a loss in ATP: sperm. To be fast, sperm cells need to be small. Typically they accommodate only up to a few dozen mitochondria (there to provide swimming energy), whereas other body cells carry on average 300 to 400 and egg cells, which are huge, about 100,000 (Lane, 2015). If those few sperm mitochondria do not make enough ATP, fertility diminishes. But because only women pass on their mitochondria and women do not carry sperm, the genes of inefficient sperm mitochondria may become more frequent than they otherwise would have. Indeed, mitochondrial DNA associated with reduced male fertility has been found to be more common in men who live in colder climates than in those who live in warmer ones (Ruiz-Pesini et al., 2000): in Swedes (22%) more than in Germans (12%) and in Germans more than in the Druz from the Middle East (4%).

 消化された食物から、ミトコンドリアはアデノシン三リン酸(ATP-細胞が燃料として使う化学物質と、体温を維持するために使われる熱の両方を作り出す。熱量が多ければ多いほどアデノシン三リン酸(ATP)は減少し、逆もまた然りである。寒冷地の人々は、暑い地域の人々よりも、比較的多くの熱を産生するミトコンドリアを受け継いでいる可能性が高い(Ruiz-Pesini et al.) というのも、男性には、アデノシン三リン酸(ATP)の減少に特に敏感な細胞のひとつ、精子があるからだ。精子である。高速で動くためには、精子細胞は小さくなければならない。通常、精子細胞は数十個のミトコンドリア(泳ぐためのエネルギー源)しか持たないが、他の体細胞は平均して300から400個、卵細胞は巨大で約10万個を持つ(Lane, 2015)。その数少ない精子ミトコンドリアが十分なアデノシン三リン酸(ATP)を作れなければ、生殖能力は低下する。しかし、ミトコンドリアを受け継ぐのは女性だけであり、女性は精子を運ばないため、非効率的な精子ミトコンドリアの遺伝子は、そうでない場合よりも頻度が高くなる可能性がある。実際、男性の生殖能の低下に関連するミトコンドリアDNAは、温暖な気候に住む男性よりも寒冷な気候に住む男性に多いことがわかっている(Ruiz-Pesiniら、2000年):スウェーデン人(22%)ではドイツ人(12%)よりも多く、ドイツ人では中東のドルーズ人(4%)よりも多い。

 Unlike a cell’s nucleus that has just one set of DNA, each mitochondrion can carry several (e.g., Cavelier, Johannisson, & Gyllensten, 2000)—meaning up to hundreds or thousands of copies per cell. Each set is used in the production of the same proteins. Should one set no longer function properly, due for example to accumulation of mutations, another can compensate and this renders mitochondria much more resilient than they otherwise would be. The number of copies of mitochondrial DNA is not the same for everyone, though, and this is not an easy number to interpret. A smaller one should stand for reduced mitochondrial efficiency, and on such grounds reduced efficiency of body and brain (Cao, Zhao, Zhou, Chen, & Yang, 2012). Among healthy elderly women, in fact, those who do worse in a cognitive abilities test have fewer copies than those who do better (J. W. Lee, Park, Im, Kim, & Lee, 2010), and those who are depressed have fewer copies than those who are not (Kim, Lee, Kang, Kim, & Lee, 2011). However, healthy young adults with a history of either depression, anxiety, substance use disorder, childhood parental loss, or maltreatment have more DNA copies than people without such a history (Tyrka et al., 2016). Arguably, this increase could be an early compensatory response to adversity that is progressively overwhelmed as one gets older or sicker (Tyrka et al., 2016).

 細胞の核がDNA1セットしか持たないのとは異なり、ミトコンドリアは1個につき数個(例えば、Cavelier, Johannisson, & Gyllensten, 2000)のDNAを持つことができる。それぞれのセットは、同じタンパク質の生産に使われる。突然変異の蓄積などにより、あるセットが正常に機能しなくなったとしても、別のセットがそれを補うことができるため、ミトコンドリアは他のセットよりもはるかに回復力がある。しかし、ミトコンドリアDNAのコピー数はすべての人が同じではないため、この数値を解釈するのは容易ではない。ミトコンドリアDNAのコピー数が少なければ少ないほど、ミトコンドリアの効率は低下し、身体や脳の効率も低下する(Cao, Zhao, Zhou, Chen, & Yang, 2012)。実際、健康な高齢女性では、認知能力テストの成績が悪い人は良い人よりもコピー数が少なく(J. W. Lee, Park, Im, Kim, & Lee, 2010)、うつ病の人はそうでない人よりもコピー数が少ない(Kim, Lee, Kang, Kim, & Lee, 2011)。しかし、うつ病、不安障害、薬物使用障害、幼少期の親の喪失、虐待のいずれかの既往歴がある健康な若年成人は、そのような既往歴がない人に比べてDNAのコピー数が多い(Tyrka et al.) 議論の余地なく、この増加は逆境に対する初期の代償反応である可能性があり、それが年をとったり病気になったりするにつれて徐々に圧倒されるのである(Tyrka et al.

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June 05, 2024



What is Spikeopathy




"Spikeopathy" is a term that has been coined to describe a pathological condition involving the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. This term is used to refer to the potential adverse effects that the spike protein might cause in the body, particularly when associated with COVID-19 vaccines or the virus itself.


Key Aspects of Spikeopathy:


1.Spike Protein Role: The spike protein is a crucial component of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, enabling it to enter and infect human cells. It binds to the ACE2 receptor on the surface of cells, facilitating viral entry.


ACE2 receptor:アンジオテンシン変換酵素2(ACE2)

2.Pathogenic Mechanisms:


*Inflammation and Immune Response: The spike protein can trigger a strong immune response, which is beneficial for developing immunity but can also cause excessive

炎症と免疫反応: スパイク蛋白質は強力な免疫反応を引き起こす可能性があり、これは免疫形成には有益であるが、同時に過剰な炎症を引き起こす可能性もある。

developing immunity 免疫形成

*Vascular Damage: There are concerns that the spike protein can cause damage to the endothelial cells lining blood vessels, potentially leading to clotting disorders and other vascular issues.

血管損傷: スパイク蛋白質が血管を覆う内皮細胞にダメージを与え、血栓症やその他の血管障害を引き起こす可能性が懸念されている。

*Autoimmune Reactions: Some studies suggest that the spike protein might induce autoimmune responses, where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues.


3.Vaccine Concerns


*mRNA Vaccines: These vaccines (like Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) use mRNA to instruct cells to produce the spike protein, prompting an immune response. Concerns about spikeopathy in this context involve whether the spike protein produced by the vaccine could cause similar adverse effects as the natural infection.

mRNAワクチン: これらのワクチン(ファイザー・バイオンテックやModernaなど)は、mRNAを使用して細胞にスパイクタンパク質の産生を指示し、免疫反応を促す。この文脈におけるスパイク病に関する懸念は、ワクチンによって産生されたスパイクタンパク質が自然感染と同様の副作用を引き起こす可能性があるかどうかに関わる。

*Protein-Based Vaccines: Some vaccines use a portion of the spike protein directly. The potential for spikeopathy is considered in the context of these vaccines as well.


4.Research and Evidence:


*Preclinical Studies: Animal studies and lab-based research have provided insights into how the spike protein might contribute to disease mechanisms.

前臨床研究: 動物実験および実験室ベースの研究により、スパイク蛋白が疾患メカニズムにどのように関与しているかについての知見が得られている。

*Clinical Observations: Real-world data from vaccinated populations are being analyzed to understand the incidence and nature of any adverse effects potentially linked to the spike protein.

臨床観察: スパイク蛋白質と関連する可能性のある副作用の発生率や性質を理解するために、ワクチン接種集団から得られた実際のデータを分析中である。

5.Ongoing Investigation: The scientific community continues to study spikeopathy to better understand its mechanisms, prevalence, and implications for both COVID-19 infection and vaccination strategies. This includes monitoring for adverse effects, understanding individual risk factors, and improving vaccine design.


In summary, spikeopathy refers to the potential pathological effects associated with the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, with ongoing research aimed at clarifying its clinical significance and mitigating risks associated with COVID-19 and its vaccines.


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June 03, 2024


‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA





The COVID-19 pandemic caused much illness, many deaths, and profound disruption to society. The production of ‘safe and effective’ vaccines was a key public health target. Sadly, unprecedented high rates of adverse events have overshadowed the benefits.


This two-part narrative review presents evidence for the widespread harms of novel product COVID-19 mRNA and adenovectorDNA vaccines and is novel in attempting to provide a thorough overview of harms arising from the new technology in vaccines that relied on human cells producing a foreign antigen that has evidence of pathogenicity.

この2部構成のナラティブ・レビューでは、あらたな生成物であるCOVID-19 mRNAおよびアデノベクターDNAワクチンの広範な有害性の証拠を提示し、病原性の証拠がある外来抗原を産生するヒト細胞に依存したワクチンの新技術から生じる有害性の徹底的な概観を提供しようとする点で斬新である。

narrative review
ナラティブ・レビューには,疾患の原因,診断,予後prognosis, または管理の1 つまたは複数の局面に関わる考察が含まれ,多くの背景疑問, 前景疑問および理論的疑問が扱われている

This first paper explores peer-reviewed data counter to the ‘safe and effective’ narrative attached to these new technologies. Spike protein pathogenicity, termed ‘spikeopathy’, whether from the SARS-CoV-2 virus or produced by vaccine gene codes, akin to a ‘synthetic virus’, is increasingly understood in terms of molecular biology and pathophysiology.



Pharmacokinetic transfection through body tissues distant from the injection site by lipid-nanoparticles or viral-vector carriers means that ‘spikeopathy’ can affect many organs. The inflammatory properties of the nanoparticles used to ferry mRNA; N1-methylpseudouridine employed to prolong synthetic mRNA function; the widespread biodistribution of the mRNA and DNA codes and translated spike proteins, and autoimmunity via human production of foreign proteins, contribute to harmful effects.


viral-vector :ウイルスベクター(ウイルスベクターは、分子生物学研究において遺伝物質を細胞に送達するために一般的に使ウイキペディアより使用される遺伝子の運び屋であるベクターのうち、ウイルスをベースとしたもの。

This paper reviews autoimmune, cardiovascular, neurological, potential oncological effects, and autopsy evidence for spikeopathy. With many gene-based therapeutic technologies planned, a re-evaluation is necessary and timely.


Keywords: spike protein, pathology, transfection, biodistribution, lipid-nanoparticles, autopsy, inflammation, pharmacovigilance, COVID-19, mRNA vaccines





急性影響としては中枢神経抑制作用、腎障害、心肺系への影響が多く報告され、慢性影響 としても同様に中枢神経系への影響がみられている

*トランスフェクションの本来の意味は、「形質転換による感染」、すなわち、細胞へ原核生物 (感染性ウイルスまたはバクテリオファージ)のDNA(またはRNA)導入によってもたらされる感染である。ウイーキペディアより

*mRNA 合成用 シュードウリジン三りん酸 (自然免回避)









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June 02, 2024



April 14, 2020



1,8-シネオール(ユーカリプトール): 様々な疾患の治療に応用できる万能なファイトケミカル

1,8-cineole (eucalyptol): A versatile phytochemical with therapeutic applications across multiple diseases



Antioxidant:抗酸化、Antimicrobial:抗菌、Antiviral 抗ウイルス:anxiolytic:抗不安
bactericidal activity:殺菌、bronchodilatory:気管支拡張
mucolytic/secretolytic 粘液溶解/分泌物溶解、neuroprotective 神経保護
pro-apoptotic アポトーシス促進性、

Aging 老化
Alzheimer's disease:アルツハイマー病、Anxiety 不安、asthma   喘息
atherosclerosis 動脈硬化症、bronchitis.:気管支炎、carcinogenesis:発がん
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD):慢性閉塞性肺疾患、cancer.:ガン
diabetes mellitus 糖尿病、diarrhea:下痢、depression,うつ病
epilepsy てんかん:Gastrointestinal disorders 胃腸障害
HSV-1-2単純ヘルペス1型と2型、influenza A virus :インフルエンザA型
Ischemia:虚血、neuropathic pain 神経陰性疼痛、Neurologica disorders 神経障害
oncological disorders 腫瘍性疾患、peptic ulcer disease:消化性潰瘍疾患
respiratory disorders 呼吸器疾患、rheumatoid arthritis 関節リウマチ
Rhinosinusitis 副鼻腔炎

下記はApril 14, 2020のブログです。


1. ユーカリラジアータ :Eucalyptus radiata、南アフリカ、フトモモ科 葉
1,8-シネオール (67,71%)、α-テルピネオール(10,76%) リモネン(6,21%)、α-ピネン(2,50%)

2. ユーカリグロブルス:Eucalyptus globulus ポルトガル、フトモモ科 葉

3 カユプテ:Melaleca leucadendron:ベトナム、フトモモ科 葉
1,8-シネオール (57.24%)、α-テルピネオール (12.32%)、リモネン (5.87%)、リナロール(3.03%)

4. ラヴィンサラOG :Cinnamomum camphora L. マダガスカル、クスノキ科、葉
1,8シネオール(55.91% )、サビネン(13.95%)α-テルピネオール(8.36%)、α-ピネン(14.62%)

5.ホワイトセージOG:Salvia apiana 米国、シソ科、全草

6, ニアウリ:Melaleuca quinqueneriva マダガスカル、フトモモ科、 葉

7,ローズマリーシネオール:Rosmarinus officinalis ct cineol、モロッコ、シソ科、葉

8. ローレル(月桂樹)精油: Laurus nobilis モロッコ, クスノキ科, 葉
1,8-シネオール (41.76%)、酢酸テルピニル(9.47%)
、サビネン(7.22%) 、リナロール(6.71%) ;

9マートル・シネオール : Myrtus communis モロッコ、フトモモ科 葉
1,8-シネオール (30.77%)、α-ピネン(23.97%) 、酢酸ミルテニル(17.15%)、リモネン(11.70%)

10.フラゴニア: Agonis fragrans、オーストラリア、フトモモ科 、葉
1.8-シネオール(28.16%)、α―ピネン(26.4%), β-ピネン(1.7)、リナロール(11.7%)、













1, 8-Cineol Protect Against Influenza-Virus-Induced Pneumonia in Mice




炎症反応を制御する新たな分子を発見 -過剰な炎症反応が起きないようにする仕組みの一端を解明-





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