エッセンシャルオイルと認知機能Tisserand Instituteより
Essential Oils and Cognitive Function
エッセンシャルオイルと認知機能Tisserand Instituteより
by hana tisserand|エッセンシャルオイル, 心理学, 研究
Some time ago a research paper that looked at the brains of perfumers caught my curiosity. I knew that smelling essential oils could have a profound impact on our psychological wellbeing, and I wanted to see if there are actual, physiological changes that happen in the brains of people frequently exposed to scents. And as you might have guessed, there were. Otherwise this would not have been a great introduction to this article, would it?
Turns out that in this particular research (Delon-Martin et al 2013) they found that engaging your sense of smell on a regular basis does have a profound impact on our brains, and structural differences were observed between the brains of trained professionals (perfumers) and untrained people to the point of certain regions having a significantly larger volume.
この特別な研究(Delon-Martin et al 2013)では、定期的に嗅覚を働かせることが脳に多大な影響を与えることが判明し、訓練された専門家(調香師)とそうでない人の脳では、特定の領域の体積が著しく大きくなるという構造的な違いが観察された。
We’re finding more and more evidence telling us that regular exposure to scent has a significant impact on our brain health in general, and specifically on our cognitive function. This is important given that cognitive decline is one of the biggest emerging public health challenges.
Let’s explore what we know and what we can do!
What is cognitivefunction?
The term ‘cognitive function’ encompasses several areas related to our ability to carry out tasks. It describes mental processes that are involved in acquisition of knowledge, manipulation of information and reasoning. This generally includes attention, perception, learning, memory, decision making and language abilities. Basically any time we use our brain for anything, we are employing our cognitive function.
Cognitive function tests are increasingly common as a part of regular health screenings and can range from a very simple assessment such as Mini-cog (free to download) to more extensive and thorough testing protocols such as 5-Cog (not free), which tests many different abilities: attention, memory, visuospatial, language and reasoning skills.
5-cog ファイブ・コグ(高齢者用認知機能検査)
Cognitive dysfunction
Talking to my relatives and friends I see a recurring worry that becomes more and more pronounced as we all grow older ? most of us are afraid we are going to lose our cognitive capacity, or will even develop a form of dementia. Indeed, as I mentioned in the opening, cognitive dysfunction is one of the leading public health problems. Not feeling like your brain is working properly can be unsettling!
The ‘good’ news is that a certain level of cognitive decline is a normal part of aging. Just as our skin loses elasticity, so does our mind, and we lose some cognitive capacity. The one thing that seems to improve with age is our vocabulary (Eikelboom et al 2020). So when do you need to be concerned and look for help? As one expert on cognitive function put it: “Not remembering where you parked your car is not really a concern, standing in front of your car and not recognizing it is.” That said, early recognition and intervention is very important!
良い」ニュースは、ある程度の認知機能の低下は老化の正常な一部であるということだ。肌の弾力性が失われるのと同じように、心も弾力性を失い、認知能力が低下するのだ。加齢とともに向上すると思われるのは、語彙力である(Eikelboom et al 2020)。では、どのような場合に心配し、助けを求める必要があるのだろうか。ある認知機能の専門家はこう言う: 「車をどこに停めたか覚えていないことは、それほど心配することではないが、車の前に立っていてそれがわからないことは心配だ」。つまり、早期発見と介入が非常に重要なのである!
Brain fog: SCD and MCI
Aside from aging we can experience cognitive impairment for other reasons ? and depending on the cause, it goes by many names: chemo brain, covid brain, brain fog, mental clouding and other similar terms describe the same phenomenon that encompasses symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness and inability to find the right words. I particularly like the visual quality of the last two terms, as it links nicely to the opposite, desirable state of “mental clarity” or “clear vision”.
加齢以外にも、私たちは認知機能障害を経験することがあります。その原因によって様々な呼び名がある: ケモブレイン、コロナ脳、ブレインフォグ、意識混濁、その他似たような言葉は、集中力の欠如、物忘れ、正しい言葉が見つからないといった症状を含む同じ現象を表している。特に、最後の2つの用語の視覚的な質は、反対の望ましい状態である「精神的明晰さ」や「クリアな視界」とうまくリンクしているので、私は気に入っている。
chemo brain:ケモブレイン(がん治療と関係している)
covid brain :コロナ脳
brain fog ブレインフォグ(脳の霧)
mental clouding:意識混濁
The medical term for brain fog is eitheror mild cognitive impairment (MCI). SCD is defined as the self-reported experience of worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss, doesn’t need to be officially diagnosed and is milder than MCI. According to the US Center for Disease Control, 11.1% Americans live with SCD. The percentage is slightly higher for men, the Black population, and people with fewer years of formal education.
Subjective Cognitive Decline(SCD)」主観的認知機能低下
mild cognitive impairment (MCI):軽度認知障害(MCI).
軽度認知障害(MCI:Mild Cognitive Impairment)とは、物忘れはあるものの日常生活に支障がなく、正常と認知症の中間の状態をいいます。軽度認知障害の人は年間で10〜30%が認知症に移行するとされており、認知症の前段階と考えられています
The next stage, MCI, can be identified through a combination of tests which include testing one’s olfactory function (more on this later). The condition may be temporary, or it may be long-term and progressive (gets worse). In about 20% of people MCI will progress to Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
Almost 50% of people with long COVID also experience MCI, though this is often reversible. It’s very likely you know somebody who has experienced this during or after their COVID infections.
ロングコビッド(新型コロナ後遺症)人の50%近くが軽度認知障害(MCI)を経験するが、これは可逆的であることが多い。 新型コロナウイルス(COVID)感染中あるいは感染後に軽度認知障害(MCI)を経験した人を知っている可能性は非常に高い。
long COVID:ロングコビッド(新型コロナ後遺症)
Before we move onto what you can do to help dissolve the mental fog of cognitive decline, let’s look at the link between olfaction and brain health.
Test your nose, test your brain
In both MCI and AD, the response to odors in the olfactory cortex (a complex series of structures) of our brain is much reduced, which manifests as a decreased sense of smell. This is most likely because the same regions in our brain are involved in both olfactory and cognitive processing.This is both fascinating and very useful, as the loss of olfactory acuity can come befory other symptoms become detectable, making early intervention possible, and hopefully preventing a faster and sharper decline.
Olfactory testing can be used to detect other neurological and psychological disorders (Parkinson’s disease, depression), and STANA, an organization advancing research in smell and taste, is advocating for smell testing to be a part of general health screenings. If you wish to test your sense of smell you can either order one of the commercially available tests ? there are many or you can create one at home using your essential oil collection. Just make sure to scramble the samples or have somebody else administer the test so that you don’t initially know what you are smelling.
Smell & Taste Association of North America (STANA)
Making a smell test at home:
*Choose six to eight essential oils that you are familiar with and that are distinct from each other (Suggestions: Peppermint, Lemon, Lavender, Clary Sage, Citronella, Pine)
*Write them down and assign numbers to them
*Put a drop of each on a cotton ball and put the ball in a small empty jar or bottle (alternatively put them in individual inhaler sticks)
*Label the bottom of each jar with the number corresponding to the essential oil that is inside
You can adjust test difficulty:
*Give no clue at all, the oils have to be assessed “blind”
全くヒントを与えず、「ブラインド 」でオイルを評価する。
*Give a full list of the oils included, numbers need to be assigned to the oils
*Create a forced choice test, giving three options to choose from for each oil (this requires more preparation and cannot be self-administered)
If you want to test your own sense of smell with your kit make sure to not look at the numbered labels, and try to guess the oil before you check your list. You can also pick three random oils from your testing kit.
It’s always a good idea to keep track of your performance, so you will need to assign scores to the test results. Generally speaking anything above 90% score is a great result, and anything under 50% would be considered an impaired sense of smell. When you smell a test substance, the first question is “Can I smell something?” ? this will give you a detection result, and can score 1 or 0 (yes or no). The determination task ? “What am I smelling?” ? will be scored next. Each sample can earn you two points: one for detection and one for determination. Just to be clear, cheating doesn’t help you assess your sense of smell ? being honest does.
自分の成績を記録しておくことは常に良いことなので、テスト結果に点数をつける必要がある。一般的に90%以上であれば素晴らしい結果であり、50%以下であれば嗅覚に障害があると考えられます。 検査物質の匂いを嗅いだら、まず 「何か匂うか?」という質問をします。- これで検出結果が得られ、1か0(イエスかノーか)のスコアがつけられます。次に判断課題である 「私は何を嗅いでいるのか?」 - が次に採点されます。各サンプルは2点獲得することができます。1点は検出、もう1点は判定です。はっきりさせておきたいのは、不正行為はあなたの嗅覚の評価に役立たないということです。
May 28, 2024
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