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September 23, 2024











抗COVID-19 mRNAワクチンによって産生されたmRNAおよびスパイクの排出に関する現在の知見;これらの製品による接種者の周囲の人々への汚染の可能性

Current state of knowledge on the excretion of mRNA and spike produced by anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines; possibility of contamination of the entourage of those vaccinated by these products


Received: 11 October 2022; Accepted: 07 November 2022;

Helene Banoun1*
1Pharmacist biologist, Former Inserm researcher, Member of the Independent Scientific Council, Marseille 13000, Franc



The massive COVID-19 vaccination campaign is the first time that mRNA vaccines have been used on a global scale. The mRNA vaccines correspond exactly to the definition of gene therapy of the American and European regulatory agencies. The regulations require excretion studies of these drugs and their products (the translated proteins). These studies have not been done for mRNA vaccines (nor for adenovirus vaccines). There are numerous reports of symptoms and pathologies identical to the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines in unvaccinated persons in contact with freshly vaccinated persons. It is therefore important to review the state of knowledge on the possible excretion of vaccine nanoparticles as well as mRNA and its product, the spike protein. It is therefore important to review the state of knowledge on the possible excretion of vaccine nanoparticles as well as mRNA and its product, the spike protein.


Vaccine mRNA-carrying lipid nanoparticles spread after injection throughout the body according to available animal studies and vaccine mRNA (naked or in nanoparticles or in natural exosomes) is found in the bloodstream as well as vaccine spike in free form or encapsulated in exosomes (shown in human studies). Lipid nanoparticles (or their natural equivalent, exosomes or extracellular vesicles (EVs)) have been shown to be able to be excreted through body fluids (sweat, sputum, breast milk) and to pass the transplacental barrier. These EVs are also able to penetrate by inhalation and through the skin (healthy or injured) as well as orally through breast milk (and why not during sexual intercourse through semen, as this has not been studied).


It is urgent to enforce the legislation on gene therapy that applies to mRNA vaccines and to carry out studies on this subject while the generalization of mRNA vaccines is being considered




Why are we interested in this hypothesis, which may seem conspiracist? The expression “vaccine shedding” classically refers to the possible excretion of a virus by a person who has been freshly vaccinated against that virus; this is valid only for live attenuated virus vaccines (measles/mumps/rubella (MMR), chickenpox, rotavirus, nasal spray influenza).

なぜ私たちは、陰謀論めいたこの仮説に関心を持っているのでしょうか? 「ワクチン・シェディング」という表現は、一般的に、ワクチン接種を受けたばかりの人がウイルスを排出する可能性を指します。これは弱毒生ウイルスワクチン(麻疹・おたふく風邪・風疹(MMR)、水痘、ロタウイルス、鼻腔噴霧インフルエンザ)のみに当てはまります。

No COVID-19 vaccine uses this formula. Therefore, there is no risk that a vaccine recipient will transmit a vaccine virus. However, mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines are the first to be used commercially in humans on a global scale and no studies have been conducted regarding the possible excretion of the vaccine itself (lipid nanoparticles containing mRNA) of the vaccine mRNA or of the vaccine product, the spike protein translated by the cells of the vaccinee.


The COVID vaccination started in December 2020. The first published testimony of vaccine shedding that I saw dates from December 2021 and is that of Dr Ray Sahelian [1]: he reported cases of medical or scientific colleagues who had observed symptoms close to those of the adverse effects of the vaccine after having been in contact with freshly vaccinated persons; he proposed an excretion of the products of the vaccine by the skin and the respiratory tract and asked for complementary studies.


At the beginning, this type of testimony did not seem very credible to me, but they accumulated and in October 2021, I received a testimony from a group of French caregivers: they observed a stroke in a 7-year-old child with no risk factors and whose parents had been freshly vaccinated. There are Telegram groups listing testimonies from patients and doctors. All of these testimonials report symptoms or conditions reported in the COVD-19 vaccine adverse event databases : the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are now recognized by regulatory agencies (see VAERS and Eudravigilance databases, as well as the ANSM, France).


The vaccines are all based on the spike protein, which has since been recognized as the main responsible for the pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 [2-6]. Therefore, in the event that the vaccine or its product (the spike) passes from vaccinated to unvaccinated, the adverse effects of the vaccine should be found in some unvaccinated people in contact with vaccinated people. The exploration of vaccine-related pathologies in non-vaccinated age groups in contact with vaccinated people could give indications in the sense of vaccine shedding, but it does not give significant results (unpublished). As there are more than 400 pathologies related to adverse vaccine reactions in the pharmacovigilance reporting databases (see for example, the UK data, spontaneous notification data for Pfizer vaccine in May 2021 [7]), this large number dilutes the signals that could appear in non-vaccinated age groups.


On the other hand, an analysis of European, Israeli and US data shows that for the non-vaccinated 0-14 age group, most of the associations between mortality and vaccination in adults are positive: the excess mortality in non-vaccinated age groups when vaccination campaigns begin could be explained by a transmission phenomenon of the vaccine or its products. This pattern of positive correlations increases from the week of vaccination to week 18 after vaccination and then disappears. It indicates indirect negative effects of adult vaccination on mortality in children aged 0-14 years during the first 18 weeks after vaccination [8].



(PDF) COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk (researchgate.net)


The mRNA vaccines correspond exactly to the definition of gene therapy of the American and European regulatory agencies. The regulations require excretion studies of these drugs and their products (the translated proteins).






*薬物動態学と薬力学: mRNAワクチンが体内でどのように吸収、分布、代謝、排泄されるかを理解するために、包括的な薬物動態学(PK)研究が必要です。
*毒性学研究: 臨床試験前に、mRNAやタンパク質の排泄に関連する潜在的な有害効果を評価するための前臨床毒性学研究が行われます。
*規制ガイドライン: FDAやEMAは、排泄研究のための具体的なガイドラインを提供しています。
*環境影響評価: mRNAワクチンの環境への影響についての評価が求められることがあります。


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September 17, 2024



ワクチンの効果には年齢、免疫力、既存の病歴、肥満、栄養状態、生活習慣などが影響を与えるため、一律の接種には疑問が残ります。承認されたのは、製薬会社「Meiji Seika ファルマ」が申請していた、従来株の新型コロナウイルスに対する「レプリコンワクチン」と呼ばれるタイプのワクチンです。このワクチンは変異株には対応していないようです。


「自己複製 RNA または DNA を利用するレプリコン遺伝子ベクターワクチンの課題と宿主への影響」






*自己複製RNAベクターワクチン: 宿主細胞内で自己複製し、ターゲット抗原を生成するRNAを使用。

*自己複製DNAベクターワクチン: 同様の概念でDNAを使用し、宿主細胞内で抗原を発現させる。


*自己複製のリスク: 過剰な抗原発現や異常な免疫応答を引き起こす可能性。
*感染のリスク: DNAベクターが宿主遺伝子に組み込まれることで遺伝子変異や発がんリスクの懸念。

*免疫原性: 強い免疫応答やアレルギー反応を引き起こす可能性。
*持続的な免疫応答: 長期間の抗原発現が免疫系に与える影響の理解が不足。

*遺伝子の導入: 効率的な遺伝子導入技術の必要性。
*安定性: RNAやDNAの体内での安定性確保が難しい。

*製造プロセス: 技術的に複雑で高コストの可能性。
*規制の承認: 新技術の規制承認や標準化の遅れ。

*過剰な免疫応答: 炎症や自己免疫疾患のリスク。
*長期的な影響: 抗原の長期的発現による免疫系バランスの崩れ。

*発がんリスク: 特にDNAベクターによる遺伝子組み込みが発がんリスクを増す可能性。
*遺伝子変異: 意図しない遺伝子変異のリスク。

*局所的副作用: 注射部位の反応や炎症。
*全身的副作用: 発熱や倦怠感などの全身的な副作用。

1.免疫反応の過剰活性化: 強力な免疫反応が過剰な活性化や炎症を引き起こす可能性。
2.サイトカインストームのリスク: 強いサイトカイン放出による重度の炎症や組織損傷の可能性。
3.短期間(数日)の抗原発現: 長期的な免疫維持の難しさと追加免疫の必要性。
4.RNAベースの安定性問題: RNAの分解しやすさと保存条件の管理の難しさ。
5.宿主免疫の影響: 既存の免疫によるワクチン効果の低下可能性。
6.エクソソームとの相互作用: ワクチンの送達効率や免疫反応に影響を与える可能性。




Replicon gene vector vaccines, which utilize self-replicating RNA or DNA, present several challenges and host implications, particularly concerning immune responses, side effects, and the long-term expression and stability of the gene.

自己複製 RNA または DNA を利用するレプリコン遺伝子ベクターワクチンには、特に免疫反応、副作用、遺伝子の長期発現と安定性に関して、いくつかの課題と宿主への影響が存在します。

Immune Response and Side Effects

Replicon vaccines are designed to induce strong immune responses due to their self-amplifying nature. This characteristic can lead to potent humoral and cellular immune responses, which are beneficial for vaccine efficacy. However, the robust immune activation can also pose risks, such as overactivation of the immune system, potentially leading to adverse effects like inflammation or autoimmunity Additionally, there is a risk of cytokine release, which can result in a cytokine storm, causing severe inflammatory reactions and tissue damage23. While generally associated with minimal adverse effects, replicon vaccines can cause mild side effects such as fever or inflammation at the injection site, typical of many vaccine types.

レプリコンワクチンは、自己複製という性質により、強力な免疫反応を誘発するように設計されています。この特性は、ワクチン効果を高めるのに有益な、強力な体液性および細胞性免疫反応を引き起こす可能性があります。しかし、強力な免疫活性化は、免疫システムの過剰活性化につながり、炎症や自己免疫などの副作用を引き起こす可能性があるというリスクもはらんでいます。さらに、サイトカイン放出のリスクもあり、サイトカインストームを引き起こし、重度の炎症反応や組織損傷につながる可能性もあります。 一般的に副作用はほとんどないと考えられていますが、レプリコンワクチンは、発熱や注射部位の炎症などの軽度の副作用を引き起こす可能性があり、これは多くのワクチンに共通するものです。

Long-term Expression and Stability

The self-amplifying nature of replicon vaccines allows for prolonged expression of the target antigen, which is crucial for inducing a robust and long-lasting immune response. However, maintaining long-term expression can be challenging due to the transient nature of replicon systems, which typically express antigens for only a few days. This transient expression reduces the risk of integration into the host genome but may require booster doses to sustain immunity. Additionally, the stability of RNA-based vaccines can be problematic due to their susceptibility to degradation, necessitating careful formulation and storage conditions to ensure vaccine efficacy over time.


Host Implications

Replicon vaccines are designed to replicate in the cytoplasm of host cells without integrating into the host genome, reducing the risk of insertional mutagenesis1619. They also do not spread to the environment, minimizing the risk of unintended transmission or environmental contamination16. However, pre-existing immunity to the viral vectors used in replicon vaccines can neutralize the vaccine before it elicits a protective immune response, reducing its effectiveness。


Exosome Shedding and Interaction

Exosomes, small extracellular vesicles, can interact with replicon RNA, potentially influencing their distribution and uptake by cells. This interaction might affect the delivery efficiency and immune response elicited by the vaccine. Exosome-mediated transfer of replicons can also contribute to viral pathogenesis by promoting viral persistence and chronic infection. Understanding these interactions opens up potential therapeutic avenues, such as targeting the exosomal pathway to prevent the spread of viral replicons


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September 06, 2024



Adverse Effects of Spike Proteins from SARS-CoV-2 and mRNA Vaccines: Mechanisms Involving ACE2 Interaction, Immune Response, Autoimmunity, Thrombosis, Neuroinflammation, and Exosome Release

Adverse effect. 有害事象

The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is also expressed by mRNA vaccines, has been associated with several adverse effects. Here are key mechanisms through which the spike protein might trigger these effects:


Interaction with ACE2 Receptors:


The spike protein binds to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors on host cells, which facilitates viral entry. This interaction can disrupt the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), leading to imbalances in blood pressure regulation and inflammation. Reduced ACE2 activity from spike protein binding may cause increased angiotensin II levels, potentially resulting in hypertension and inflammatory responses.


Immune System Activation:


The spike protein acts as an, stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies. While this is beneficial for immunity, it can sometimes lead to adverse effects such as myocarditis or pericarditis, especially following mRNA vaccination. The immune response might involve CD8+ T cells targeting cells expressing the spike protein, which can cause tissue damage.



免疫原(英: immunogen)は、免疫系の抗体やリンパ球が特異的に結合する物質です。すべての抗原が認識されるものの、免疫応答を引き起こす能力を持つ抗原を免疫原と呼びます。この能力は「免疫原性」(英: immunogenicity)といいます。

CD8+ T cells :CD8+T細胞
CD8+ T細胞(または細胞傷害性T細胞)は、感染した細胞や異常な細胞(例えば、がん細胞など)を標的にして破壊します。また、初回の免疫応答後、CD8+ T細胞は記憶細胞に変わり、同じ抗原に再度曝露された際に迅速かつ効果的に対応できるようになります。

Molecular Mimicry:


The spike protein shares structural similarities with certain human proteins, a phenomenon known as molecular mimicry. This similarity can potentially trigger autoimmune reactions, where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues, mistaking them for foreign invaders.


Molecular Mimicry:分子模倣

Endothelial Dysfunction and Thrombosis:


The spike protein has been linked to endothelial cell activation and dysfunction, which can promote thrombosis (blood clot formation). This effect is partly due to the spike protein’s interaction with ACE2 on endothelial cells and platelets, leading to increased platelet aggregation and clot formation.




Evidence suggests that the spike protein can cross the blood-brain barrier and induce neuroinflammation, potentially contributing to neurological symptoms observed in some COVID-19 patients and vaccine recipients.


Exosome Release:


Cells transfected with mRNA vaccines may release exosomes containing the spike protein. These exosomes can travel to distant sites in the body, potentially triggering immune responses or interacting with ACE2 receptors elsewhere.


These mechanisms illustrate the complex interactions between the spike protein and various biological systems, which can lead to a range of adverse effects depending on individual susceptibility and other factors. Understanding these pathways is crucial for developing strategies to mitigate these risks while preserving the benefits of vaccination.


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September 04, 2024



The multifaceted role of ACE2 in health and disease across various organs, and its interaction with the coronavirus spike protein.

1, Lungs 肺

•Regulation of Blood Pressure and Fluid Balance: ACE2 converts angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, into angiotensin-(1-7), a vasodilator. This conversion helps regulate blood pressure and fluid balance in the lungs, reducing inflammation and fibrosis.

血圧と体液バランスの調節: ACE2は、強力な血管収縮物質であるアンジオテンシンIIを血管拡張物質であるアンジオテンシン-(1-7)に変換する。この変換により、肺の血圧と体液バランスが調整され、炎症と線維化が抑制される。

Protection Against Lung Injury: ACE2 has protective effects against acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

肺損傷に対する保護: ACE2は急性肺障害および急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)に対する保護作用を持つ。

SARS-CoV-2 Interaction: ACE2 is expressed in alveolar epithelial cells, particularly type II pneumocytes, crucial for surfactant production and lung tissue repair. During SARS-CoV-2 infection, the virus binds to ACE2, leading to its downregulation. This can result in increased angiotensin II levels, causing inflammation and ARDS.

SARS-CoV-2との相互作用: ACE2は肺胞上皮細胞、特にII型肺細胞で発現し、界面活性剤の産生と肺組織の修復に重要である。SARS-CoV-2感染時には、ウイルスがACE2に結合し、その下方制御を引き起こす。その結果、アンジオテンシンII濃度が上昇し、炎症や急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)を引き起こす。

Heart 心臓

Cardioprotection: ACE2 counteracts the effects of angiotensin II, protecting the heart from hypertrophy, fibrosis, and inflammation.

心臓保護: ACE2はアンジオテンシンIIの作用に対抗し、心臓を肥大、線維化、炎症から保護する。

Regulation of Cardiac Function: By converting angiotensin II to angiotensin-(1-7), ACE2 helps maintain proper cardiac function and reduces the risk of heart failure.

心機能の調節: ACE2はアンジオテンシンIIをアンジオテンシン-(1-7)に変換することにより、適切な心機能を維持し、心不全のリスクを軽減する。

SARS-CoV-2 Interaction: ACE2 plays a role in cardiovascular homeostasis by converting angiotensin II to angiotensin-(1–7), which has vasodilatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Downregulation of ACE2 during infection can lead to increased cardiac stress and injury, contributing to conditions such as myocarditis and heart failure.

SARS-CoV-2との相互作用: ACE2は、血管拡張作用と抗炎症作用を持つアンジオテンシンIIをアンジオテンシン-(1-7)に変換することで、心血管系の恒常性維持に役立っている。感染時にACE2が下方制御されると、心臓へのストレスや傷害が増加し、心筋炎や心不全などの病態を引き起こす。

3. Kidneys 腎臓

Regulation of Renal Function: ACE2 helps modulate renal blood flow and sodium balance, protecting against hypertension and kidney injury.

腎機能の調節: ACE2は腎血流およびナトリウムバランスの調節を助け、高血圧および腎障害を予防する。

Protection Against Diabetic Nephropathy: ACE2 has a protective role in preventing kidney damage associated with diabetes.

•糖尿病性腎症に対する保護: ACE2は糖尿病に伴う腎障害を予防する

SARS-CoV-2 Interaction: ACE2 is expressed in the renal tubular epithelium and plays a role in regulating blood pressure and electrolyte balance. Its downregulation during infection can lead to acute kidney injury (AKI) due to increased angiotensin II activity, promoting inflammation and fibrosis.

SARS-CoV-2との相互作用: ACE2は腎尿細管上皮に発現し、血圧と電解質バランスの調節に関与している。感染時にACE2が下方制御されると、アンジオテンシンII活性の亢進により急性腎障害(AKI)を引き起こし、炎症と線維化を促進する。

4. Gastrointestinal Tract 消化管

Modulation of Inflammation: In the intestines, ACE2 helps regulate local inflammation and maintain the integrity of the gut barrier.

炎症の調節: 腸において、ACE2は局所炎症を制御し、腸管バリアの完全性を維持するのに役立つ

Nutrient Absorption: ACE2 is involved in the uptake of certain amino acids, which are critical for gut health and function.

栄養吸収: ACE2は腸の健康と機能にとって重要な特定のアミノ酸の取り込みに関与している。

SARS-CoV-2 Interaction: The gastrointestinal tract has high ACE2 expression, particularly in enterocytes of the small intestine. This makes it a potential site for viral entry and replication, leading to symptoms like diarrhea and abdominal pain during COVID-19.

SARS-CoV-2との相互作用: 消化管、特に小腸の腸細胞ではACE2が高発現している。このため、ウイルスの侵入と増殖の潜在的な部位となり、COVID-19の際に下痢や腹痛などの症状を引き起こす可能性がある。

5. Brain 脳

Neuroprotection: ACE2 contributes to neuroprotection by counteracting the effects of angiotensin II, reducing oxidative stress, and preventing neuronal damage.

神経保護: ACE2はアンジオテンシンIIの作用に対抗し、酸化ストレスを軽減し、神経細胞の損傷を防ぐことにより神経保護に寄与する。

Regulation of Brain Blood Flow: It helps maintain cerebral blood flow and protect against stroke and neurodegenerative diseases.

脳血流の調節: 脳血流を維持し、脳卒中や神経変性疾患を予防する。

neurodegenerative diseases :神経変性疾患(パーキンソン病、 アルツハイマー病)

6. Reproductive System 生殖系

Spermatogenesis: In the testes, ACE2 is involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis and testosterone production.

•精子形成: 精巣においてACE2は精子形成とテストステロン産生の制御に関与している。

SARS-CoV-2 Interaction: High levels of ACE2 expression are found in spermatogonia, Leydig cells, and Sertoli cells, suggesting a potential impact on male reproductive health during SARS-CoV-2 infection.

•SARS-CoV-2との相互作用: 精子形成細胞、ライディッヒ細胞、セルトリ細胞に高レベルのACE2発現が認められ、SARS-CoV-2感染時の男性の生殖機能に影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆されている。

spermatogonia 精子形成
Leydig cells;ライディッヒ細胞(テストステロンを分泌する精巣の中の細胞)
Sertoli cells;セルトリ細胞は精細胞の支持、栄養供給、種々のタンパク質の分泌、精子離脱の補助、食作用(貪食作用)、免疫学的障壁(免疫系#上皮の防壁)などの機能を有する。ウイキペディアより

7. Liver 肝臓

Bile Acid Regulation: ACE2 helps regulate bile acid homeostasis and protect against liver injury and fibrosis.

胆汁酸の調節: ACE2は胆汁酸のホメオスタシスを制御し、肝障害や線維症から保護する。

SARS-CoV-2 Interaction: In the liver, ACE2 is expressed mainly in cholangiocytes. Liver damage observed in COVID-19 patients may be due to direct viral effects on these cells or secondary effects from systemic inflammation and hypoxia.

SARS-CoV-2との相互作用: 肝臓ではACE2は主に胆管細胞で発現している。COVID-19患者で観察された肝障害は、これらの細胞に対する直接的なウイルス作用、あるいは全身性の炎症や低酸素による二次的な影響によるものと考えられる。

8. Pancreas 膵臓

•Insulin Secretion: ACE2 plays a role in the regulation of insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis.

インスリン分泌: ACE2はインスリン分泌とグルコースホメオスタシスの調節に関与している。

SARS-CoV-2 Interaction: ACE2 is present in pancreatic islets, suggesting a role in insulin secretion regulation. SARS-CoV-2 infection might lead to pancreatic damage or dysfunction, potentially affecting glucose metabolism.

SARS-CoV-2との相互作用: ACE2は膵島に存在し、インスリン分泌調節に関与していることが示唆されている。SARS-CoV-2感染は膵臓の損傷や機能障害を引き起こし、グルコース代謝に影響を及ぼす可能性がある。



ACE2 is crucial for maintaining the balance of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) across various organs and tissues. It counteracts the effects of angiotensin II, reduces inflammation, fibrosis, and oxidative stress, and protects against various forms of tissue injury. Its role as a receptor for SARS-CoV-2 underscores its importance in both health and disease contexts.

要約: ACE2は様々な臓器や組織にわたってレニン-アンジオテンシン系(RAS)のバランスを維持するために極めて重要である。それはアンジオテンシンIIの作用を相殺し、炎症、線維化、酸化ストレスを軽減し、様々な形態の組織傷害から保護する。SARS-CoV-2の受容体としての役割は、健康と疾患の両面でその重要性を強調している。

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September 02, 2024


Spirituality and spiritual healing as it relates to skin



Spiritual and religious aspects of skin and skin disorders


Spirituality and spiritual healing as it relates to skin


*Understanding Spirituality: Definitions, Experiences, and Benefits


Numerous definitions of spirituality exist. According to Philip Sheldrake, spirituality is centered on the “deepest values and meanings by which people live”.4 Del Rio and White define spirituality as “an attitude toward life, making sense of life, relating to others, and seeking unity with the transcendent” and distinguish it from religiosity.5 The authors’ definition of spirituality is congruent with this definition and is conceived of as relating to the essence of being, the core nature, the energetic gestalt of a person, creature, or thing. Aldwin et al also distinguish between religiousness with its affiliation and service attendance, and spirituality with its meditative and self-transcendent aspects and note their effects on health.6 Spirituality can give higher and deeper meaning to a person’s life and inspires a person to transcend the ordinary. Spirituality is hidden, not overt, yet can manifest energetically. Spiri tuality can be experienced from early childhood onwards, with growth in spiritual maturity often following life crises.6


High-quality spiritual experiences tend to promote benefit to many rather than to just one person, orientation toward service rather than to fame and fortune, support of love and empowerment rather than fear and negativity, allowing for choice rather than demanding obedience, awareness of a higher power rather than claiming ultimate authority, creativeness rather than rehashing old platitudes, focus and intelligence rather than being effusive and contradictory, and emphasizing the personal effort and labor needed for personal growth rather than claiming that enlightenment can occur without work and effort.7


文章チェック 質の高いスピリチュアルな体験は、一人の人だけでなく多くの人に利益をもたらす傾向があり、名声や富よりも奉仕への志向、恐怖や否定性よりも愛とエンパワーメントの支持、服従を要求するよりも選択を許すこと、究極の権威を主張することよりもより高い力への認識、古い決まり文句を蒸し返すことよりも創造性を促進する傾向があります。 感情を表に出して矛盾するのではなく、集中力と知性を重視し、仕事や努力なしに悟りが起こると主張するのではなく、個人の成長に必要な個人的な努力と労働を強調すること。

Genspark により上記の文書が下記になり、リファレンスの番号が記載されています。















5, 占い師・春ちゃんのスピリチュアル体験

6, 大学生活における被奉仕志向性尺度の作成

7 考える言葉 奉仕

8. 大学生活における被奉仕志向性尺度の作成
Development of the scale of service-seeking orientation in a college life


* Exploring the Transcendent Dimensions of Spiritual Experience: Shifts in Consciousness and Wellbeing

* スピリチュアルな体験の超越的な次元を探る:意識とウェルビーイングのシフト

The authors have observed that the spiritual experience is accompanied by a shift in consciousness to a more transcendent realm with broader overall awareness and comprehension of meanings that expands beyond the immediacy of everyday life toward higher and deeper experiences. This is a shift to a higher or deeper self or higher plane or awareness of a higher being or greater source of being that is most likely to be experienced in a spontaneous or an induced trance state, or at least a transpersonal transcendence to heightened and broadened awareness.The transcendence beyond ordinary limits may be accompanied by a sense of nobleness, self-actualization, altruism, or communication with spirits or deities, or merging with a supreme being or with nature. The authors have personally experienced and have had patients and congregants report that this can result in stress reduction and a feeling of wellbeing and a personal sense of inner healing and peacefulness. It can a lso increase resiliency. Spirituality can be expressed through various religious traditions, but is not confined to religious practice or belief.


Transcendent :超越
self-transcendent 自己超越的


Altruism 利他主義

The Interplay of Spiritual Struggle and Healing: Impact on Health Outcomes and Skin Health"


On the other hand, spiritual struggle has appeared to predict poor health outcomes consistently. In the example of preparing for cardiac surgery, it has been demonstrated that increased levels of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 occurred in patients who were struggling spiritually.8 This elevation in interleukin-6 associated with negative emotions has been correlated with adverse health outcomes.8


The art of spiritual healing in general and of skin specifically involves rising beyond the polarities and dualities of conscious life toward the wholeness of unity9 found in a heightened and broadened awareness, often with a shift into an ASC that becomes dimensionless and timeless. Accompanying that spiritual shift and ASC is usually an emotional shift in polyvagal autonomic state10 from sympathetic to parasympathetic with an accompanying shift in body chemistry from sympathetic fight or flight to dorsal vagal complex rest, digest, repair and heal, and ventral vagal emotional feeling and expression with transpersonal engagement. The shifts in emotional and autonomic states are often required to facilitate and unblock spiritual and physical healing of the skin.


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September 01, 2024



Spiritual and religious aspects of skin and skin disorders




Skin and skin disorders have had spiritual aspects since ancient times. Skin, hair, and nails are visible to self and others, and touchable by self and others. The skin is a major sensory organ. Skin also expresses emotions detectable by others through pallor, coldness, “goose bumps”, redness, warmth, or sweating. Spiritual and religious significances of skin are revealed through how much of the skin has been and continues to be covered with what types of coverings, scalp and beard hair cutting, shaving and styling, skin, nail, and hair coloring and decorating, tattooing, and intentional scarring of skin.


goose bumps :鳥肌

Persons with visible skin disorders have often been stigmatized or even treated as outcasts. Shamans and other spiritual and religious healers have brought about healing of skin disorders through spiritual means. Spiritual and religious interactions with various skin disorders such as psoriasis, leprosy, and vitiligo are discussed. Religious aspects of skin and skin diseases are evaluated for several major religions, with a special focus on Judaism, both conventional and kabbalistic.


Outcasts のけもの

Keywords: skin, skin disorders, spiritual, religious


Spiritual and religious aspects of skin and skin disorders


Skin and skin disorders have had spiritual and religious aspects since ancient times. The shamans who helped our ancestors to survive and who even today in many areas of the world help to treat skin disorders in part through spiritual means believed that negative spiritual effects could help produce illness and that positive spiritual effects could help alleviate illness. The shamans often employed trance-like states known as altered states of consciousness (ASC) to access the spiritual. There is much still to be learned from the time-tested shamanic approach to the spiritual through ASC. Spiritual effects on skin, skin disorders, and healing of skin disorders occur through mechanisms that medical science is just beginning to understand.


altered states of consciousness (ASC):変性意識状態(へんせいいしきじょうたい、目覚めてはいるが、日常的な意識状態とは異なった意識状態のこと。ウイキペディアより

Psychoneuroimmunology of the skin is elucidating how the mind can influence the skin and skin disorders.1 The modern Western approach to ASC through hypnosis can be used to produce significant improvement or resolution of many skin disorders.2As Dr David Spiegel3 has said, “It is not all mind over matter, but mind matters”. Spirit, mind, emotions, and body are one holistic unit and each aspect influences skin, skin disorders, and healing.


In this paper the focus will be on how spiritual experiences, often in ASC, and religious beliefs, rituals, and prayers can affect various aspects of skin and skin disorders. Several relevant topics will be discussed to help clarify how such spiritual and religious effects on skin and skin disorders can occur.



精神神経免疫学(せいしんしんけいめんえきがく Psychoneuroimmunology:PNI)は、脳、行動、免疫系の相互作用を研究する精神神経医学、心身医学の一分野である。



Online searches were conducted in September and October 2013 in Scopus and in Medline/PubMed extending back as far as the data base would allow, into the 1960s. Searches were performed with various combinations of terms, ie, “spiritual”, “religious”, “skin”, and “skin disease”, as well as names of common skin diseases including “acne”, “eczema”, “dermatitis”, “leprosy”, and “psoriasis”. Other references were obtained from the papers and book chapters as well as books located through the search process. Bookfinder.com was also searched for relevant titles. Classical commentary by Biblical scholars was also included.4–6




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