September 27, 2023



一枚引きタロット読みは、メディスンカードでネイティブ・アメリカンの動物占いカード!です。以前、英国ITECのアロマセラピー・リフレクソロジーの国際資格が取れる学校で働いておりました。このカードを紹介してくれたの英国リフレクソロジー先生Helen Beardさんです。リフレクソロジーはエネルギーの流れを良くると言っていました。リフレでトラウマセラピーをおこなってました。カリブ海でリフレを行ったことがあると言ってました。海中だとエネルギー流れがよくなるそうです。

フェアーに出店したときや、お話会のときに、メディスンカードの一枚引きタロット読みを行っていました。お客さに1枚引いていただき、引いたカードが6 snake だとすると、英語の解説本のページを開き、Medicine Cards: 6 - Snake:Transmutそれからはation 6-スネーク(変性)とお客様につたえます。本の中に、This medicine teach you,If you have drawn this symbolなどのところを読み、お客様に伝え、反応を聞いて、こちらから浮かんできたことを喋り、口からでまかせ、歩きまかせで、どこにいくやら、思いついたことを喋ってます。売れない芸人で、語り部 アロマコージ ヒデマロと申します。“芸は身を助く”になりたいです。お話を聞きになりたい方はご連絡ください。

尚、Sacred Path Cards(聖なる道へのカード)も持っています。

下記は、January 22, 2013 ブログ投稿


Medicine Cards: 6 - Snake:Transmutation


Snake…come crawling, スネークよ…腹ばって来なさい
There’s fire in your eyes, あなたの眼にファイアーがあります
Bite me, excite me,    私を噛んで、私をかきたてください

The poison transmuted, 毒は変性して
Brings eternal flame,  永遠の炎をもたらす
Open me to heaven,   私に楽園への道を開いてください
To heal me again,    再び私を癒すことに

6 - Snake:Transmutation

6 -スネーク:変性

Snake medicine people are very rare. Their initiation involves experiencing and living through multiple snake bites, which allows them to transmute all poisons, be they mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional. The power of snake medicine is the power of creation, for it embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension(or immortality).


The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snake's skin. It isthe energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability toexperience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind.Thoth, the Atlantian who later returned as Hermes and was the father of alchemy,used the symbology of two snakes intertwining around a sword to represent healing.Complete understanding and acceptance of the male and female within each organism creates a melding of the two into one, thereby producing divine energy.


cosmic consciousness 宇宙意識
Thoth トート

This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being. Through accepting allaspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the fire medicine. This fire energy, whenfunctioning on the material place, creates passion, desire, procreation, and physical vitality.On the emotional place, it becomes ambition, creation, resolution, and dreams. On the mental place it becomes intellect, power, charisma, and leadership. When this Snake energy reaches the spiritual plane, it becomes wisdom, understanding, wholeness and connection to Great Spirit.If you have chosen this symbol, thereis a need within you to transmute some thought, action, or desire so that wholeness may be achieved. This is heavy magic, but remember, magic is no more than a change in consciousness. Becomethe magician or the enchantress: transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire.

このメディスンはあなたが普遍的存在である個人のレベルについてあなたに教えます。あなたの人生の全ての面を受け入れることを通して、あなたはファイアー メディスンの変性をもたらすことができます。物質的立場で機能すると、このファイアー・エネルギーは情熱、願望、生殖、および肉体的ヴァイタリティーを創造します。感情的立場で、それは野心、創造、決断力、および夢になります。精神的立場で、それは知性、パワー、カリスマおよび統率力になります。このスネーク・エネルギーがスピリチュアルプレーンに達すると、それは、智恵、理解、全体性とグレイト・スピリットとの結びつきになります。

fire medicine:ファイアーメディスン
spiritual plane スピリチュアルプレーン

If you have chosen this symbol, there is a need within you to transmute some thought, action, or desireso that wholeness may be achieved. This is heavy magic, but remember, magic is no more than a change in consciousness. Become the magician or the enchantress: transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire.





If you have drawn this symbol in the reverse, you may have chosen to mask your ability to change. Look at the idea that you may fear changing your present state of affairs because this may entail a short passage of discomfort. Does this discomfort keep you from assuming the viewpoint of the magician within?Is theold pattern safe, reliable,and a rut? In order to glide beyond that place which has become safe butnonproductive,become Snake. Release the outer skin of your present identity. Move through the dreamlike illusion that has insisted on static continuity, and find a new rhythm as your body glides across the sands of consciousness, like a river winding its way toward the great waters of the sea. Immerse yourself in that water, and know that the single droplet which you represent is being accepted by the whole.


a rut 決まりきったやり方
static 活気のない,おもしろみのない.

Feel Snake's rhythm and you will dance freely, incorporating those transmuting forces of the universe as a part of your sensual dance of power.



Thoth トート(ギリシア神話のヘルメス神と同一視された。これが後に発展してヘルメス・トリスメギストスを生んだ。)

Hermes Trismegistus:ヘルメス・トリスメギストス神秘思想・錬金術の文脈に登場する神人であり、伝説的な錬金術師である。


Sacred Path Cards(聖なる道へのカード)の30はfire medicine:ファイアーメディスンになります。



Sacred Fire within us, 内なる聖なるファイアー
Place of eternal flame, 永遠な炎の所
Burn away the barriers, 障壁を燃えつくせ
In Great Mystery’s name 偉大なるミステリーの名において

Teach us warmth and goodness, 思いやりと良さを私たちに教えてください
The love of Grandfather Sun  グランドファーザー太陽の愛
Melting every difference,    あらゆる相違を溶かすこと
Until we are truly one.     私たちが本当に一つになるまで


Transmute all poisons. Shed the skin of the past. Honor the change in progress.

Source: Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. Medicine Cards (Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988

四大元素(FIRE 火)とのあなたとの結びつき(5)






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August 25, 2015


Medicine Cards・5: Bear: Introspection



Bear ベーア(熊)よ
Invite me 私を招いてください
Into the cabe  ほら穴の中へ
Where silence surround そこは静寂に包まれていて
The answers you gave  あなたに与えられた答えがある

The strength of Bear medicine is the power of introspection. It lies in the West on the great medicine wheel of life. Bear seeks honey, or the sweetness of truth, within the hollow of an old tree. In the winter, when the Ice Queen reigns and the face of death is upon the Earth, Bear enters the womb-cave to hibernate, to digest the year's experience. It is said that our goals reside in the West also. To accomplish the goals and dreams that we carry, the art of introspection is necessary.


womb 子宮(あらゆるものを生み出すとところの意味がある。)

To become like Bear and enter the safety of the womb- cave, we must attune ourselves to the energies of the Eternal Mother, and receive nourishment from the placenta of the Great Void. The Great Void is the place where all solutions and answers live in harmony with the questions that fill our realities. If we choose to believe that there are many questions to life, we must also believe that the answers to these questions reside within us. Each and every being has the capacity to quiet the mind, enter the silence, and know.


Great Void グレート・ヴォイド

Many tribes have called this space of inner-knowing the Dream Lodge, where the death of the illusion of physical reality overlays the expansiveness of eternity. It is in the Dream Lodge that our ancestors sit in Council and advise us regarding alternative pathways that lead to our goals. this is the power of Bear.



The female receptive energy that for centuries has allowed visionaries, mystics, andshamans to prophesy is contained in this very special Bear energy. In India, the cave
symbolizes the cave of Brahman. Brahman's cave is considered to be the pineal gland that sits in the center of the four lobes of the brain.


prophecy 予言

ブラフマン(ब्रह्मन् brahman)は、ヒンドゥー教またはインド哲学における宇宙の根本原理。自己の中心であるアートマンは、ブラフマンと同一(等価)であるとされる(梵我一如)
the cave of Brahman ブラフマンの洞窟

If one were to imagine an overview of the head, the top of it would be a circle. TheSouth would be the forehead, the North the back of the skull, the West would be the right brain, and the east the left brain.


Bear is in the West, the intuitive side, the right brain. To hibernate, Bear travels to the cave, which is the center of the four lobes where the pineal gland resides. In the cave, Bear seeks answers while dreaming or hibernating. Bear is then reborn in the spring, like the opening of spring flowers.


For eons, all seekers of the Dreamtime and of visions have walked the path of silence, calming the internal chatter, reaching the place of rites of passage - the channel or pineal gland. From the cave of Bear, you find the pathway to the Dream Lodge and the other levels of imagination or consciousness. In choosing Bear, the power of knowing has invited you to enter the silence and become acquainted with the Dream Lodge, so that your goals may become concrete realities. This is the strength of Bear.


Eon:無限に長い期間; 永遠.
rites of passage:通過儀礼



If you have drawn Bear reversed, your internal dialogue may have confused yourperception of your true goals. In seeking answers or advise from others, you may have placed your own feelings and knowing aside. The time has come to regain your authority, for no one knows better than yourself what is proper and timely for your evolution. Reclaim the power of knowing. Find joy in the silence and richness of the mother's womb. Allow the thoughts of confusion to be lain to rest as clarity emerges from the West, nuturing your dreams as the Earth Mother nourishes us all.


Bear in the contrary position is teaching you that only through being your own advisor can you attain your true goals. Anything less than the doing of that which gives you the most joy is denial. To achieve happiness you must know yourself.  To know yourself is to know your body, your mind, and your spirit. Use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses and know that both are necessary in your evolution.


Journey with Bear to the quietness of your cave and hibernate in silence. Dream your dreams and own them. Then in strength you will be ready to discover the honey that is waiting in the Tree of Life.





February 12, 2014


44 - Hummingbird: Joy 44 -ハミングバード:喜び

Hummingbird ハミングバード
Joyful little sister 喜びにあふれる小さな姉妹よ
     Nectar you crave! あなたが切望する花蜜

All the sweetness  全ての甘美
Of the flowers, 花たちの
Is the love you gave. あなたが与えてくれた愛がある。

Hummingbird is associated with the Ghost Shirt religion, which taught that a certain dance done properly would bring about the return of the animals, and that the white people would disappear. Once again the Original People would know the joy of the old ways. In Mayan teachings, Hummingbird is connected to the Black Sun and the Fifth World. Hummingbird can give us the medicine to solve the riddle of the contradiction of duality.


contradiction of duality: 矛盾の二重性

The song of Hummingbird awakens the medicine flowers. Hummer sings a vibration of pure joy. Flowers love Hummingbird because nectar-sucking brings about the reproduction of their families. Plants flower and live because of Hummingbird.


medicine flower メディスンフラワー
Hummer ぶんぶん
nectar sucking:吸蜜

Hummingbird can fly in any direction. Hummingbird can also hover in one spot and appear to be motionless. Great Spirit created Hummingbird to be slightly different from other feathered creatures.


Because of their magical qualities, Hummingbird feathers have been used for millennium in the making of love charms. It is said that Hummingbird conjures love as no other medicine does, and that Hummingbird feathers open the heart chakra. Without an open and loving heart, you can never taste the nectar and pure bliss of life. To Brother and Sister Hummingbird, life is a wonderland of delight - darting from one beautiful flower to another, tasting the essences and radiating the colors.



If Hummingbird is your personal medicine, you love life and its joys. Your presence brings joy to others. You join people together in relationships which bring out the best in them. You know instinctively where beauty abides and, near or far, you journey to your ideal. You move comfortably within a beautiful environment and help others taste the succulent nectar of life.


Hummingbird holds the Bow of Beauty which is delicately inlaid with gold and silver flowers, pearls, and precious jewels. Hummingbird disdains ugliness or harshness, and quickly flies away from discord or disharmony.


If Hummingbird has flown into your cards, get ready to laugh musically and enjoy Creator's many gifts. Drop your judgmental attitude and relax. Hummingbird will not doubt give you a flash of the spirit, darting here, there, and everywhere. Get ready for a strange new burst of energy which may send your senses reeling.


Hummingbird hears celestial music and is in harmony with it. Hummingbird may invite you to an art museum or a concert. Hummingbird energetically embraces the highest aesthetics..


aesthetics 美学

Never be coarse in front of Hummingbird, for this is a fragile Medicine which may have no understanding of worldly affairs. Beauty is the target, and its mission is to spread joy or to be destroyed. It quickly dies if caught or imprisoned.


Follow Sister Hummingbird. Be filled with joy and experience the majik of living.




If contrary Hummingbird is in your cards in any configuration, it speaks to you of matters of the heart. How or why has your heart center been closed? Have you done something callous to another, causing them to shut off the love they once felt for you? The contrary Hummingbird may presage sorrow and the inability to see the many blessings we two-leggeds have been given and the primordial beauty that surrounds us. If contrary Hummingbird sings its forlorn song, perhaps you should journey into your
personal pain and know that your sorrow is your joy in another reflection.









March 01, 2013


Medicine Cards 26 - Squirrel: Gathering


Squirrel リスよ
You have gathered       あなたは取集した
Nuts by the score     スコアーによってナッツを
Exactly predicting 正確に予測して
If you’ll need more.    あなたがもっと必要とするならば

Teach me to take        取集しないことを教えてください
No more than I need.    必要以上のものを
Trusting Great Mystery     大いなる神秘を信頼して
To harvest the seed     種子を収穫するために

Squirrel teaches you to plan ahead for the winter when the trees are bare and the nuts have long since
disappeared. Squirrel medicine can come in many forms, as this furry creature is very diverse in nature.
The erratic behavior of Squirrel has bested many a forlorn hunter, and it thus stands to reason that
there are benefits to being able to circle abranch at lightning speed. This erratic behavior of Squirrel
can so get nerve-wracking ifyou are dealing with persons who have Squirrel medicine. Trying to calm them
down enough to accomplish something may drive you nuts!

リスは木々が葉を落として、木の実はずっと前に消えてしまった冬にそなえて前もって計画することを教える。リス・メディスンは、この毛皮で覆われた生き物は本質的に極めて多種多様です。リスの突飛な行動は多くの孤独なハンターを出し抜いて、そしてそれは目にも留まらぬ速さで ぐるぐる回ることができるメリットがあることは理にかなっている。あなたがリス・メディスンの人となにかをするならば、このリスの一貫性のない行動は非常にいらいらすることになります。頭にくるようなことを達成するためには十分落居着いてください。

erratic behavior:突飛な行動

erratic behavior奇行
at lightning speed 目にも留まらぬ速さで

The gathering power of Squirrel medicine is a great gift. It teaches you how to gather and store your
energy for times of need. It teaches you to reserve something forfuture use, whether it be a judgment,
an opinion, a savings account, candles, or extra food. To put it in a nutshell, Squirrel is the Boy Scout of the animal kingdom - always prepared.

リス・メディスンの収集力は大きな贈り物です。それは必要な時のために如何に集めてエネルギーを保管するかをあなたに教えます。判断、意見、貯蓄口座、または余分な食べ物であろうが、それは将来使うために何かを準備することをあなたに教えます。一言にしてこれを尽くすならば、リスは動物界のボーイスカウトです - 常に準備する。

to put it in a nutshell:せんじ詰めると, 一言にしてこれを尽くすならば

In today's world of changing times and fortunes, it is the wise person who prepares for the future. Our
prophesies have all spoken of the end of the millennium and the changes to come. Squirrel is a friendly medicine to have, in light of possible future rainy days. Its message is to be prepared, but not to go nuts with it. Love yourself enough to gather the goods that will meet your needs in times of scarcity, even if that time never comes.

そのメッセージは準備することであるが、それに夢中になることではない。 自分を愛して、その時が決して来なくても、欠乏の時にあなたのニーズを満たす物を十分集めなさい。

If Squirrel has scurried into your cards today, it may be that you are being told to honor your future by readying yourself for change. The message could be to lighten your load if you have gathered too many "
things" that do not serve you. These "things" can include thoughts, worries, pressures, stresses, or gadgets that have been broken for years. In understanding the balance involved in gathering, you need to look
at the idea of circulating the stock of what you have gathered. Call the nearest thrift store and give
the gadgets to someone who can benefit from them. If something no longer "grows corn" for you, then it is time to let it go.


Squirrel has another lesson which can aid you if you observe what is obvious, and which can prepare you for anything. It has to do with the safe place in which to put your gathering. This safe place is an
untroubled heart and mind, and that which is gathered to put in this place is wisdom and caring. The
energies gathered will set your mind and heart free, so that you will know that all will be taken fare of in its own time. Apply this to your fears about the future and they will vanish.




The contrary medicine of Squirrel is the hoarder: a fearful person who expects the worst and is stuck in waiting. Waiting for something to happen is the trap. No actionequals stagnation, but a little of
Squirrel's erratic energy might get things moving. If Squirrel is hanging upside down on your branch, you may have begun seeing the world through opposites, hoarding your thoughts of abundance so that fear of
scarcity takes hold. You ask yourself:


(1) Have I denied my ability to produce enough space for abundance to enter my life?

(1) 私は、私の人生に入ってくる豊かさための十分なスペースを産生する能力を否定しましたか?

(2) Have I denied my connection to the Earth Mother, from whom all things flow?


(3) In moving too fast, have I taken on the erratic nature of Squirrel without having any focus?


(4) Am I leaking my energy on worry instead of gathering power through being prepared?


Remember, one of the Squirrel family gathered the energy of v and connected
to the Great Spirit... now this Squirrel can fly.


Use time and energy properly. Waste nothing on negativity. Gather the rewards of stewardship.






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February 08, 2013


Medicine Cards: 24 - Crow: Law


Crow…         カラスよ
Are you “cawing”,  あなたは“カーカー鳴いて”いるのですか
So I may know  だから私は知っているかもしれない
The secrete of balance, バランスの秘密
Within my soul?  私の内なる魂

Or are you sending, または、あなたは送信しているのですか
Your sacred “caw”      あなたの聖なる“カーカーいう鳴き声”
Just to remind me,   まさに私は思い出します
Of universal laws? 普遍的法則について

There is a medicine story that tells of Crow's fascination with her own shadow.She kept looking at it, scratching it, pecking at it, until her shadow woke up and became alive. Then Crow's shadow ate her. Crow is Dead Crow now.


Dead Crow is the Left-Handed Guarding. If you look deeply into Crow's eye, youwill have found the gateway to the supernatural. Crow knows the unknowable mysteries of creation and is the keeper of all sacred law.


sacred law 聖法

Since Crow is the keeper of sacred law, Crow can bend the laws of the physical universe and "shape shift." This ability is rare and unique. Few adepts exist in today'sworld, and fewer still have mastered
Crow's art of shape shifting. This art includesdoubling, or being in two places at one time consciously;
taking on another physical form, and becoming the "fly on the wall" to observe what is happening far away.


physical univese 物質界
a fly on the wall:壁に止まっているハエ(人に気づかれずに観察する人.)

The Europeans that came to Turtle Island were named the "boat people" by Slow Turtle. Even with
the knowledge of alchemy possessed by certain boat people, none had ever seen the powerful shape shifting of shamans who utilized Crow medicine. Many boat people were frightened by what appeared to be animals
coming into their camps or dwellings to discern their medicine. Crow medicine people are masters of illusion.


All sacred texts are under the protection of Crow. Creator's Book of Laws or Book of Seals is bound in Crow feathers. Crow feathers tell of spirit made flesh. Crow is also the protector of the "ogallah" or ancient records.


ogallah オガラ

The Sacred Law Belts, or Wampum Belts, beaded by native women long before the boat people or Europeans came to this continent, contain knowledge of the Great Spirit's laws, and are kept in the Black Lodges, the
lodges of women. The law which states that "all things are born of women," is signified by Crow.

ボートピープルまたはヨーロッパ人がこの大陸へ来るはるか前にネイティブ・アメリカンの女性によってビーズで飾った聖なる法則のベルト、またはWampum Beltsはグレイト・スピリットの法則の知識を含んでいて、女性ロッジ・ブラックロッジに保管されています。“全ての物は女性から生まれる”と述べている法則はカラスによって示されています。

Children are taught to behave according to the rules of a particular culture. Most orthodox religious
systems create a mandate concerning acceptable behavior within the context of worldly affairs. Do this
and so, and you will go to heaven. Do thus and so, and you will go to hell. Different formulas for
salvation are demanded by each "truefaith."


orthodox religious systems 正統派宗教制度
worldly affairs世事, 俗事, 〈俗事〉・風塵

Human law is not the same as Sacred Law. More so than any other medicine, Crow sees that the physical
world and even the spiritual world, as humanity interprets them, are an illusion. There are billions of
world. There are an infinitude of creatures. Great Spirit is with all. If an individual obeys Crow's
perfect laws as given by the Creator, then at death, he or she dies a Good Medicine death - going on to
the next incarnation with a clear memory of his or her past.


Crow is an omen of change. Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time. The Ancient Chiefs tell us that Crow sees simultaneously the three fates - past, present, and future. Crow merges light and darkness, seeing both inner and outer reality.


If Crow medicine appears in your card spread, you must pause and reflect on how you see the laws of the Great Spirit in relation to the laws of humanity. Crow medicine signifies a firsthand knowledge of a higher order of right and wrong than that indicated by the laws creaed in human culture. With Crow medicine, you speak in a powerful voice when addressing issues that for you seem out of harmony, out of balance, out of whack, or unjust.


Remember that Crow looks at the world with first one eye, and then the other cross-eyed. In the Mayan culture, cross-eyeds had the privilege and duty of looking into the future. You must put aside your fear of being a voice in the wilderness and "caw" the shots as you see them.


As you learn to allow your personal integrity to be your guide, your sense of feeling alone will vanish.
Your personal will can then emerge so that you will stand in your truth. The prime path of true Crow
people says to be mindful of your opinions and actions. Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth, know your life's mission, and balance past, present, and future in the now. Shape shift that old reality and become your future self. Allow the bending of physical laws to aid in creating the shape shifted world
of peace.



So you are an outlaw today, eh? This is one of the varied messages of Crow reversed. The rebel in you has given a yell, and all hell is about to break loose!

したがって、今日、あなたはならず者です、えっ? これは逆転したカラスの幾つかのメッセージの一つです。あなたの反逆者は叫び声を与えて、全ての地獄は解放されるところです!

A word to the wise at this point: make sure that if you are stepping on toes, you have some back-up. The
catalyst for a bar room brawl is usually the person with two black eyes. That is what it means to eat


If you do not plan to go to such extremes, Crow reversed may indicate that you are merely "cheating a
little" on your diet, or covertly watching the neighbors have a spat, or thinking, "Prmises are made to
be broken." In any of these situations, the only loser is you. If you are lying to yourself on any level, you have lost the power of Crow. Think about it, and maybe your inner truth will come to you.


Spat ちょっとしたけんか,いさかい.

In seeing what is true, you may need to weed out past beliefs or ideas to bring yourself into the present moment. Contrary Crow speaks of needing to remember that Divine Law is not judgment or denial of self-truths. Divine Law is honoring harmony that comes from a peaceful mind, an open heart, a true tongue, a light step, a forgiving nature, and a love of all living creatures. Honor the past as your teacher, honor the
present as your creation, and honor the future as your inspiration.


Refusing to honor the shifts in your reality can cause emotional pain. An implosion of energy is apparent when rebellion surfaces. Contrary Crow speaks of broken law. The law of expansion is broken by suppression. This may apply to a situation, an old habit, a person you have given your authority to, or your own
fears. It is always your own creation, so call on Crow and shift that creation to your new


Focus on the positive. Detach from negativity. See opportunities in every challenge.


Source: Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. Medicine Cards (Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988





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January 22, 2013


Medicine Cards: 6 - Snake:Transmutation


Snake…come crawling, スネークよ…腹ばって来なさい
There’s fire in your eyes, あなたの眼にファイアーがあります
Bite me, excite me,    私を噛んで、私をかきたてください

The poison transmuted, 毒は変性して
Brings eternal flame,  永遠の炎をもたらす
Open me to heaven,   私に楽園への道を開いてください
To heal me again,    再び私を癒すことに

6 - Snake:Transmutation

6 -スネーク:変性

Snake medicine people are very rare. Their initiation involves experiencing and living through multiple snake bites, which allows them to transmute all poisons, be they mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional. The power of snake medicine is the power of creation, for it embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension(or immortality).


The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snake's skin. It is
the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability toexperience anything willingly and
without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, and that those things
which might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the
proper state of mind.Thoth, the Atlantian who later returned as Hermes and was the father of alchemy,used the symbology of two snakes intertwining around a sword to represent healing.Complete understanding and acceptance of the male and female within each organism creates a melding of the two into one, thereby producing divine energy.


cosmic consciousness 宇宙意識
Thoth トート

This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being. Through accepting all
aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the fire medicine. This fire energy, when
functioning on the material place, creates passion, desire, procreation, and physical vitality.On the
emotional place, it becomes ambition, creation, resolution, and dreams. On the mental place it becomes
intellect, power, charisma, and leadership. When this Snake energy reaches the spiritual plane, it becomes wisdom, understanding, wholeness and connection to Great Spirit.If you have chosen this symbol, there
is a need within you to transmute some thought, action, or desire so that wholeness may be achieved. This is heavy magic, but remember, magic is no more than a change in consciousness. Become the magician or the enchantress: transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire.

このメディスンはあなたが普遍的存在である個人のレベルについてあなたに教えます。あなたの人生の全ての面を受け入れることを通して、あなたはファイアー メディスンの変性をもたらすことができます。物質的立場で機能すると、このファイアー・エネルギーは情熱、願望、生殖、および肉体的ヴァイタリティーを創造します。感情的立場で、それは野心、創造、決断力、および夢になります。精神的立場で、それは知性、パワー、カリスマおよび統率力になります。このスネーク・エネルギーがスピリチュアルプレーンに達すると、それは、智恵、理解、全体性とグレイト・スピリットとの結びつきになります。

fire medicine:ファイアーメディスン
spiritual plane スピリチュアルプレーン

If you have chosen this symbol, there is a need within you to transmute some thought, action, or desire
so that wholeness may be achieved. This is heavy magic, but remember, magic is no more than a change in
consciousness. Become the magician or the enchantress: transmute the energy and accept the power of the





If you have drawn this symbol in the reverse, you may have chosen to mask your ability to change. Look at the idea that you may fear changing your present state of affairs because this may entail a short passage of discomfort. Does this discomfort keep you from assuming the viewpoint of the magician within?Is the
old pattern safe, reliable,and a rut? In order to glide beyond that place which has become safe but
nonproductive,become Snake. Release the outer skin of your present identity. Move through the dreamlike
illusion that has insisted on static continuity, and find a new rhythm as your body glides across the
sands of consciousness, like a river winding its way toward the great waters of the sea. Immerse yourself in that water, and know that the single droplet which you represent is being accepted by the whole.


a rut 決まりきったやり方
static 活気のない,おもしろみのない.

Feel Snake's rhythm and you will dance freely, incorporating those transmuting forces of the universe as a part of your sensual dance of power.


Thoth トート(ギリシア神話のヘルメス神と同一視された。これが後に発展してヘルメス・トリスメギストスを生んだ。)

Hermes Trismegistus:ヘルメス・トリスメギストス


Sacred Path Cards(聖なる道へのカード)の30はfire medicine:ファイアーメディスンになります。


Sacred Fire within us, 内なる聖なるファイアー
Place of eternal flame, 永遠な炎の所
Burn away the barriers, 障壁を燃えつくせ
In Great Mystery’s name 偉大なるミステリーの名において

Teach us warmth and goodness, 思いやりと良さを私たちに教えてください
The love of Grandfather Sun  グランドファーザー太陽の愛
Melting every difference,    あらゆる相違を溶かすこと
Until we are truly one.     私たちが本当に一つになるまで


Transmute all poisons. Shed the skin of the past. Honor the change in progress.

Source: Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. Medicine Cards (Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988


ネイティヴアメリカン カード

四大元素(FIRE 火)とのあなたとの結びつき(5)







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