July 29, 2024

エッセンシャルオイルと認知機能Tisserand Instituteより

Essential Oils and Cognitive Function

エッセンシャルオイルと認知機能Tisserand Instituteより



by hana tisserand|エッセンシャルオイル, 心理学, 研究

Some time ago a research paper that looked at the brains of perfumers caught my curiosity. I knew that smelling essential oils could have a profound impact on our psychological wellbeing, and I wanted to see if there are actual, physiological changes that happen in the brains of people frequently exposed to scents. And as you might have guessed, there were. Otherwise this would not have been a great introduction to this article, would it?


Turns out that in this particular research (Delon-Martin et al 2013) they found that engaging your sense of smell on a regular basis does have a profound impact on our brains, and structural differences were observed between the brains of trained professionals (perfumers) and untrained people to the point of certain regions having a significantly larger volume.

この特別な研究(Delon-Martin et al 2013)では、定期的に嗅覚を働かせることが脳に多大な影響を与えることが判明し、訓練された専門家(調香師)とそうでない人の脳では、特定の領域の体積が著しく大きくなるという構造的な違いが観察された。

We’re finding more and more evidence telling us that regular exposure to scent has a significant impact on our brain health in general, and specifically on our cognitive function. This is important given that cognitive decline is one of the biggest emerging public health challenges.


Let’s explore what we know and what we can do!


What is cognitivefunction?


The term ‘cognitive function’ encompasses several areas related to our ability to carry out tasks. It describes mental processes that are involved in acquisition of knowledge, manipulation of information and reasoning. This generally includes attention, perception, learning, memory, decision making and language abilities. Basically any time we use our brain for anything, we are employing our cognitive function.


Cognitive function tests are increasingly common as a part of regular health screenings and can range from a very simple assessment such as Mini-cog (free to download) to more extensive and thorough testing protocols such as 5-Cog (not free), which tests many different abilities: attention, memory, visuospatial, language and reasoning skills.


5-cog ファイブ・コグ(高齢者用認知機能検査)

Cognitive dysfunction


Talking to my relatives and friends I see a recurring worry that becomes more and more pronounced as we all grow older ? most of us are afraid we are going to lose our cognitive capacity, or will even develop a form of dementia. Indeed, as I mentioned in the opening, cognitive dysfunction is one of the leading public health problems. Not feeling like your brain is working properly can be unsettling!


The ‘good’ news is that a certain level of cognitive decline is a normal part of aging. Just as our skin loses elasticity, so does our mind, and we lose some cognitive capacity. The one thing that seems to improve with age is our vocabulary (Eikelboom et al 2020). So when do you need to be concerned and look for help? As one expert on cognitive function put it: “Not remembering where you parked your car is not really a concern, standing in front of your car and not recognizing it is.” That said, early recognition and intervention is very important!

良い」ニュースは、ある程度の認知機能の低下は老化の正常な一部であるということだ。肌の弾力性が失われるのと同じように、心も弾力性を失い、認知能力が低下するのだ。加齢とともに向上すると思われるのは、語彙力である(Eikelboom et al 2020)。では、どのような場合に心配し、助けを求める必要があるのだろうか。ある認知機能の専門家はこう言う: 「車をどこに停めたか覚えていないことは、それほど心配することではないが、車の前に立っていてそれがわからないことは心配だ」。つまり、早期発見と介入が非常に重要なのである!

Brain fog: SCD and MCI

Aside from aging we can experience cognitive impairment for other reasons ? and depending on the cause, it goes by many names: chemo brain, covid brain, brain fog, mental clouding and other similar terms describe the same phenomenon that encompasses symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness and inability to find the right words. I particularly like the visual quality of the last two terms, as it links nicely to the opposite, desirable state of “mental clarity” or “clear vision”.

加齢以外にも、私たちは認知機能障害を経験することがあります。その原因によって様々な呼び名がある: ケモブレイン、コロナ脳、ブレインフォグ、意識混濁、その他似たような言葉は、集中力の欠如、物忘れ、正しい言葉が見つからないといった症状を含む同じ現象を表している。特に、最後の2つの用語の視覚的な質は、反対の望ましい状態である「精神的明晰さ」や「クリアな視界」とうまくリンクしているので、私は気に入っている。

chemo brain:ケモブレイン(がん治療と関係している)

covid brain :コロナ脳
brain fog ブレインフォグ(脳の霧)
mental clouding:意識混濁 

The medical term for brain fog is eitheror mild cognitive impairment (MCI). SCD is defined as the self-reported experience of worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss, doesn’t need to be officially diagnosed and is milder than MCI. According to the US Center for Disease Control, 11.1% Americans live with SCD. The percentage is slightly higher for men, the Black population, and people with fewer years of formal education.


Subjective Cognitive Decline(SCD)」主観的認知機能低下
mild cognitive impairment (MCI):軽度認知障害(MCI).
軽度認知障害(MCI:Mild Cognitive Impairment)とは、物忘れはあるものの日常生活に支障がなく、正常と認知症の中間の状態をいいます。軽度認知障害の人は年間で10〜30%が認知症に移行するとされており、認知症の前段階と考えられています

The next stage, MCI, can be identified through a combination of tests which include testing one’s olfactory function (more on this later). The condition may be temporary, or it may be long-term and progressive (gets worse). In about 20% of people MCI will progress to Alzheimer’s disease (AD).


Almost 50% of people with long COVID also experience MCI, though this is often reversible. It’s very likely you know somebody who has experienced this during or after their COVID infections.

ロングコビッド(新型コロナ後遺症)人の50%近くが軽度認知障害(MCI)を経験するが、これは可逆的であることが多い。 新型コロナウイルス(COVID)感染中あるいは感染後に軽度認知障害(MCI)を経験した人を知っている可能性は非常に高い。

long COVID:ロングコビッド(新型コロナ後遺症)

Before we move onto what you can do to help dissolve the mental fog of cognitive decline, let’s look at the link between olfaction and brain health.


Test your nose, test your brain


In both MCI and AD, the response to odors in the olfactory cortex (a complex series of structures) of our brain is much reduced, which manifests as a decreased sense of smell. This is most likely because the same regions in our brain are involved in both olfactory and cognitive processing.This is both fascinating and very useful, as the loss of olfactory acuity can come befory other symptoms become detectable, making early intervention possible, and hopefully preventing a faster and sharper decline.


Olfactory testing can be used to detect other neurological and psychological disorders (Parkinson’s disease, depression), and STANA, an organization advancing research in smell and taste, is advocating for smell testing to be a part of general health screenings. If you wish to test your sense of smell you can either order one of the commercially available tests ? there are many  or you can create one at home using your essential oil collection. Just make sure to scramble the samples or have somebody else administer the test so that you don’t initially know what you are smelling.


Smell & Taste Association of North America (STANA)

Making a smell test at home:


*Choose six to eight essential oils that you are familiar with and that are distinct from each other (Suggestions: Peppermint, Lemon, Lavender, Clary Sage, Citronella, Pine)


*Write them down and assign numbers to them


*Put a drop of each on a cotton ball and put the ball in a small empty jar or bottle (alternatively put them in individual inhaler sticks)


*Label the bottom of each jar with the number corresponding to the essential oil that is inside


You can adjust test difficulty:


*Give no clue at all, the oils have to be assessed “blind”

全くヒントを与えず、「ブラインド 」でオイルを評価する。

*Give a full list of the oils included, numbers need to be assigned to the oils


*Create a forced choice test, giving three options to choose from for each oil (this requires more preparation and cannot be self-administered)


If you want to test your own sense of smell with your kit make sure to not look at the numbered labels, and try to guess the oil before you check your list. You can also pick three random oils from your testing kit.


It’s always a good idea to keep track of your performance, so you will need to assign scores to the test results. Generally speaking anything above 90% score is a great result, and anything under 50% would be considered an impaired sense of smell. When you smell a test substance, the first question is “Can I smell something?” ? this will give you a detection result, and can score 1 or 0 (yes or no). The determination task ? “What am I smelling?” ? will be scored next. Each sample can earn you two points: one for detection and one for determination. Just to be clear, cheating doesn’t help you assess your sense of smell ? being honest does.

自分の成績を記録しておくことは常に良いことなので、テスト結果に点数をつける必要がある。一般的に90%以上であれば素晴らしい結果であり、50%以下であれば嗅覚に障害があると考えられます。 検査物質の匂いを嗅いだら、まず 「何か匂うか?」という質問をします。- これで検出結果が得られ、1か0(イエスかノーか)のスコアがつけられます。次に判断課題である 「私は何を嗅いでいるのか?」 - が次に採点されます。各サンプルは2点獲得することができます。1点は検出、もう1点は判定です。はっきりさせておきたいのは、不正行為はあなたの嗅覚の評価に役立たないということです。


May 28, 2024

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October 23, 2023



Attenuation of Food Intake by Fragrant Odors: Comparison between Osmanthus fragrans and Grapefruit Odors





Previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that the odor of OSM attenuates food intake in rodents [18]. The present study was designed to confirm this effect in humans and also to compare the underlying causative mechanisms, in terms of autonomic nerve activity and expression of mRNA for feeding-related neuropeptides, between the OSM odor and grapefruit odor, which also attenuates food intake and body weight gain [16, 17, 31].

我々の研究室での先行研究では金木犀OSMの香りがげっ歯類の摂食を減弱させることが証明されている[18]。本研究では、この効果をヒトで確認するとともに、自律神経活動と摂食関連神経ペプチドのmRNA発現の観点から、金木犀OSM香りと、同じく摂食量と体重増加を減弱させるグレープフルーツ香り[16, 17, 31]の根本的な原因機構を比較することを目的とした。

autonomic nerve 自律神経

4.1 Feeding-related neuropeptides

4.1 摂食関連神経ペプチド

It is well established that feeding-related neuropeptides in the hypothalamus play important roles in the elicitation, maintenance, and cessation of appetite and food intake [3, 32, 33]. Previously, our research group revealed that the neural information of OSM odor decreased mRNA expression of orexigenic neuropeptides (AgRP, NPY, MCH, and orexin) and increased expression of anorexigenic neuropeptides (CART and POMC) [18]. These findings are suggested to be, at least in part, the causative mechanisms underlying the effects of OSM odor on the decreased motivation to eat, sluggish masticatory movements, and the resulting reduction in body weight [18, 19]. Since comparative data are not available for the grapefruit odor, the present study examined the expression of feeding-related neuropeptides following exactly the same method we have previously used for the OSM odor. Consequently, we could not detect any difference in the expression of feeding-related neuropeptides b etween the grapefruit odor group and non-odor control group, indicating that grapefruit odor essentially

視床下部に存在する摂食関連神経ペプチドが、食欲や食物摂取の誘発、維持、停止に重要な役割を果たしていることはよく知られている[3, 32, 33]。以前、我々の研究グループは、金木犀OSM香りの神経情報により、食欲促進神経ペプチド(アグーチ関連タンパク質(AgRP)、神経ペプチドY(NPY)、メラニン凝集ホルモン(MCH)、オレキシン)のmRNA発現が減少し、食欲抑制神経ペプチド(コカインおよびアンフェタミン調節転写物(CART)、プロオピオメラノコルチン(POMC))の発現が増加することを明らかにした[18]。これらの知見は、少なくとも部分的には、食べる意欲の低下、咀嚼運動の鈍化、およびその結果としての体重減少に対する金木犀OSM香りの効果の根底にある原因機構であることが示唆されている [18, 19]。グレープフルーツ香りについては比較データがないため、本研究では、以前に金木犀OSM香りについて行ったのと全く同じ方法で摂食関連神経ペプチドの発現を調べた。その結果、グレープフルーツ香り群と非香り対照群との間で摂食関連神経ペプチドの発現に差は検出されず、グレープフルーツ香りは視床下部の摂食関連神経ペプチドの発現に本質的に影響を及ぼさないことが示された。

Masticatory 咀嚼

4.2 Autonomic nerve activity

4.2 自律神経活動

Fragrant odors are known to affect the autonomic nerve activity. For example, the odors of rose flowers [13, 15], lavender [34, 35, 36], and yuzu [37] activate parasympathetic neurons, whereas those of lemon [38], jasmine [39] and grapefruit [13, 17, 38, 40] activate sympathetic nerve activity. To our knowledge, there is only one previously published study that suggests that the OSM odor stimulates parasympathetic activity in humans [41]; therefore, more research is required to confirm these findings.

香りは自律神経活動に影響を与えることが知られてい る。例えば、バラの花[13, 15]、ラベンダー[34, 35, 36]、ゆず[37]のにおいは副交感神経ニューロンを活性化するが、レモン[38]、ジャスミン[39]、グレープフルーツ[13, 17, 38, 40]のにおいは交感神経活動を活性化する。われわれの知る限り、OSMのにおいがヒトの副交感神経活動を刺激することを示唆する先行研究は1件しかない[41]。

parasympathetic :副交感神経
sympathetic nerve:交感神経

To examine how the OSM odor affects autonomic nerve activity in humans, we used the fingertip photoplethysmogram (PPG) to monitor autonomic nervous activation. Analysis of fingertip PPG signals is an important tool for assessing pulse wave components and their relation to vascular health. Several studies have demonstrated that the PPG waveform can provide clinical information on the dynamics of the autonomic nervous system, as well as the activity of the left ventricle, vascular aging, and arterial stiffness [42, 43, 44]. Although PPG is easy to set up, convenient, simple, and inexpensive, with only a single fingertip sensor, it has been proven that electrocardiogram and PPG signal recordings can be interchanged for heart rate variation (HRV) analysis including the time and frequency domains [45]. The PPG technique is also utilized for the assessment of arterial wall stiffening during aging [46] and for the assessment of the index of the periodontal condition [47].

金木犀OSM香りがヒトの自律神経活動にどのような影響を与えるかを調べるため、指先光電脈波(PPG)を用いて自律神経の活性化をモニターした。指先光電脈波法PPG信号の解析は、脈波成分と血管の健康状態との関連を評価するための重要なツールである。いくつかの研究では、光電脈波法PPG波形が左心室の活動、血管老化、および動脈硬化と同様に自律神経系の動態に関する臨床情報を提供できることが実証されています [42, 43, 44]。光電脈波法PPGは、指先のセンサー1つで簡単に設定でき、便利でシンプルかつ安価ですが、心電図と光電脈波法PPG信号の記録を交換することで、時間領域と周波数領域を含む心拍変動(HRV)分析が可能であることが証明されています [45]。光電脈波法PPG技術は、加齢に伴う動脈壁の硬化の評価 [46] や、歯周状態の指標の評価 [47] にも利用されている。

photoplethysmogram (PPG)  光電脈波法
光電脈波法(Photoplethysmogram, PPG): 光を使って、心拍数や血流量など生体内の情報を得る手法。 反射型と透過型の測定法がある。 反射型では主に赤色光や近赤外光、透過型では緑色光が使用される。

heart rate variation (HRV):心拍変動(HRV)
periodontal 歯周病

The present HRV analysis on the basis of PPG has revealed that lavender odor significantly stimulates parasympathetic nerve activity, which is in agreement with previous results [34, 35, 36]. Jasmine odor tended to be a sympathetic activator, but the effect was not significant, which may have reflected an inter-individual difference in the preference for this odor, as suggested by Inoue et al. [48] and Kuroda et al. [49]. The important finding is that OSM odor significantly stimulated the parasympathetic nerve activity, which is opposite in action to grapefruit odor, which is a well-established sympathetic activator in animals [38] and humans [13, 40]. The milk odor, which was used as a control (or counter-part) odor for the OSM odor [18], tended to stimulate the sympathetic nerve activity.

光電脈波法PPGに基づく今回の心拍変動HRV分析により、ラベンダーのにおいが副交感神経活動を有意に刺激することが明らかになったが、これは以前の結果 [34, 35, 36] と一致している。ジャスミンのにおいは交感神経を活性化する傾向があったが、その効果は有意ではなかった。これは、井上ら[48]や黒田ら[49]が示唆したように、この香りに対する嗜好性の個人差を反映している可能性がある。重要な知見は、金木犀OSM香りが副交感神経活動を有意に刺激したことであり、動物[38]やヒト[13, 40]で確立された交感神経活性化物質であるグレープフルーツ香りとは逆の作用である。金木犀OSM香り[18]の対照(または対となる)香りとして用いられた牛乳の匂いは、交感神経活動を刺激する傾向があった。

The differences in the physiological actions between the OSM and grapefruit odors (as mentioned above) should be derived from the difference in volatile compounds in these odors. There are more than 10 active compounds detected in OSM odor, including major volatiles (such as ocimene, ionone, linalool, capraldehyde, and decalactone) [21, 50]. The major active volatile compound in grapefruit odor is limonene; additional compounds include myrcene, pinene, and linalool [51, 52]. It is noted that not only the major volatiles but some volatiles with low content also contribute to aroma [50]. Further study is required to elucidate the specific role of each compound.

金木犀OSM香りとグレープフルーツ香りの生理作用の違い(上述)は、これらの香りに含まれる揮発性化合物の違いに由来すると考えられる。金木犀OSM香りには、主要な揮発性化合物(オシメン、イオノン、リナロール、カプラアルデヒド、デカラクトンなど)を含む10種類以上の活性化合物が検出される[21, 50]。グレープフルーツ香りの主な活性揮発性化合物はリモネンであり、その他の化合物にはミルセン、ピネン、リナロールが含まれる[51, 52]。主要な揮発性化合物だけでなく、含有量の少ない揮発性化合物も香りに寄与していることが指摘されている[50]。各化合物の具体的な役割を解明するには、さらなる研究が必要である。

4.3 Effects of odors on cookie intake

4.3 クッキー摂取に対する香りの効果

To confirm our previous findings in rodents that the OSM odor attenuates appetite and food intake, we elaborated on an experimental design in which the effect of OSM odor on snack eating behavior was examined in university students. Since OSM odor activates parasympathetic nerve activity (as described above), we selected lavender odor which also stimulates parasympathetic nerve activity for a comparable stimulus. Although sweetness and palatability of cookies were not different after exposure to OSM or lavender odors and in non-odor control group, we found that the hunger level, TMD score, and the numbers of cookies eaten significantly changed in the OSM group, compared with lavender and control groups. After exposure to the odors, subjects in the OSM group felt less hungry than those exposed to lavender or subjects in the control group, suggesting that appetite is reduced after exposure to OSM odor. Consequently, the consumption of cookies after OSM odor was less t han that after lavender or non-odor conditions. Such effects in feeding behavior are not due to disagreeable feelings to OSM odor because pleasantness of OSM odor after exposure was not statistically significantly different from that of lavender odor. Moreover, mood states were significantly improved after exposure to OSM odor compared with lavender odor or non-odor conditions, as shown by the POMS data. Thus, the previous finding that the odor of OSM decreases food intake in rodents was modestly confirmed in humans through the present experimental paradigm.


Total mood disturbance (TMD)  総合的感情状態(TMD)

4.4 Application

4.4 アプリケーション

How could the findings of this present study be utilized in our daily life? As it is expected that appetite and meal size could be reduced under the presence of OSM odor, you will be more satisfied (satiated) with a smaller meal size that otherwise would not fulfill your appetite (Figure 10). Repeating this procedure at every meal, you could adjust yourself to eating smaller meals, which could possibly lead to a reduction in body weight. To examine this possibility, we performed a pilot study [53] where five females were exposed to OSM odor daily from the hour of rising to bedtime for 12 days. For delivery of the odor, each subject hung a small case containing a filter paper soaked in OSM essential oils around their neck.
At the end of the experiment, the subjects showed a reduction in total body fat and body weight, compared with five females in the non-odor control group. For a practical use, it is necessary to elucidate the most effective and convenient method of odor exposure, or exposure duration. A proper use of the OSM odor as well as grapefruit odor could be an attractive and promising tool to promote ecological eating and to improve and promote good health.

本研究の成果は、私たちの生活にどう活かされるのでしょうか。金木犀OSM香りの存在下で食欲と食事のサイズを減らすことができると予想されるので、他の方法では食欲を満たさない小さな食事サイズで、より満足(満腹)するでしょう(図 10).毎食この手順を繰り返すと、少量の食事を食べるように調整でき、体重の減少につながる可能性があります。この可能性を検討するために、パイロット研究を実施しました[53]12人の女性が起床時から就寝時まで12日間毎日金木犀OSM香りに曝露されました。香りを届けるために、各被験者は金木犀OSM精油に浸したろ紙の入った小さなケースを首に掛けました。実験の終わりに、被験者は、無臭対照群の5人の女性と比較して、総体脂肪および体重の減少を示した。実用化のためには、最も効果的で簡便な香気暴露方法、すなわち暴露期間を解明する必要がある。グレープフルーツ香りと同様に金木犀OSM香りを適切に使用することは、生態学的な食事を促進し、健康を改善おび促進するための魅力的で有望なツールとなる可能性があります。

Figure 10.

図 10.

A model showing that a less amount attains the same satiation level after exposure to the Osmanthus fragrans (OSM) odor.


Suppose the degree of satiation increases linearly with the amount of food consumed, the amount of food intake “a” attains satiation level “a”. after exposure to the OSM odor, the line (relationship between the amount of food consumed and the degree of satiation) shifts upward, and the same satiation level “a” can be attained by taking less amount of food “b”, indicating that the OSM odor is effective in satisfying appetite with a smaller volume, otherwise you will be unhappy because you are not full and want to eat more. A proverb says that “moderation in eating is the best medicine”. Inlet picture denotes OSM flowers.


A limitation of our study pertains to the selection of subjects and the duration of odor stimulation. The number of subjects was not enough to analyze the results in terms of sex differences because the number of male subjects was too small to be compared with female subjects. Subjects wore masks with odor continuously for 70 minutes and another 70 minutes, separated by a 20-minute-intermission without masks. Adaptation to odors is a well-known phenomenon: repeated or prolonged exposure to an odorant leads to decreases in olfactory sensitivity to that odorant [54, 55, 56]. According to Inoue et al. [48], five-minutes continuous exposure to the odor of jasmine tea affected autonomic nerve responses for more than 60 minutes, suggesting that our prolonged odor presentation may have not been necessary. Proper duration of exposure and concentration of the odor should be determined more precisely in future studies.

私たちの研究の限界は、被験者の選択と香り刺激の持続時間に関係しています。被験者の数は、男性被験者の数が女性被験者と比較するには少なすぎるため、性差の観点から結果を分析するのに十分ではありませんでした。被験者は、マスクなしで70分の休憩を隔てて、70分とさらに20分間、香りのあるマスクを着用し続けました。香りへの適応はよく知られている現象です:香り物質への繰り返しまたは長期の曝露は、その香り物質に対する嗅覚感受性の低下につながります[54,55,56].井上らによると。[48], 井上ら[48]によると、ジャスミン茶の香りへの5分間の連続曝露は、60分以上にわたって自律神経反応に影響を与え、長時間の香り呈示は必要なかった可能性が示唆された。適切な曝露期間および香気の濃度は、将来の研究においてより正確に決定されるべきである



The present human experiments have shown that OSM odor is agreeable and elicits sedative effects, improves mood, attenuates hunger, and reduces food intake. Grapefruit odor, which has also been shown to attenuate food intake, activates sympathetic nerve activity and had no effects on expression of feeding-related neuropeptides in rats, which is contrary to the results obtained for OSM odor, indicating the difference of causative neural mechanisms between the two odors. Exposure to OSM odor before eating and that to grapefruit odor after eating may be recommended as the effective practical use for preventing from overeating and obesity.





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October 22, 2023

香りによる食物摂取の減弱: 金木犀とグレープフルーツの香りの比較

香りによる食物摂取の減弱: 金木犀とグレープフルーツの香りの比較

Attenuation of Food Intake by Fragrant Odors: Comparison between Osmanthus fragrans and Grapefruit Odors




Odors affect various physiological and mental activities. Previous studies in rats have shown that the odors of grapefruit and Osmanthus fragrans (OSM, fragrant tea olive) attenuate food intake, leading to a reduction in body weight gain, but it is not yet clear whether the causative mechanisms underlying these effects are the same for both odors.

匂いは様々な生理的・精神的活動に影響を与える。ラットを用いたこれまでの研究で、グレープフルーツおよび金木犀Osmanthus fragrans(OSM、フレグランスティーオリーブ)の匂いが摂餌量を減弱させ、体重増加の抑制につながることが示されているが、これらの効果の原因機構が両者の匂いで同じであるかどうかはまだ明らかではない。


金木犀、Osmanthus fragransモクセイ科 モクセイ属

別名:sweet osmanthus, sweet olive, tea olive, and fragrant olive

オリーブ学名:Olea europaea、モクセイ科オリーブ属

causative mechanism 原因機構

The first part of the present study revealed that grapefruit odor had no effect on the expression of feeding-related neuropeptides, in contrast to the previous finding that OSM odor suppresses orexigenic and activates anorexigenic neuropeptides in the hypothalamus of the rat.


orexigenic 食欲促進の
anorexigenic 食欲抑制の

The second part revealed that OSM odor activated the parasympathetic nerve, in contrast to the previous finding demonstrating that grapefruit odor activates sympathetic nerve activity. The third part was performed to confirm the previous findings about the effects of OSM odor on appetitive reactions in humans.


In human subjects, we found that continuous exposure to OSM odor attenuated appetite and consumption of snacks (cookies) and improved mood, when evaluated using the POMS (Profile of Mood States) data from university students.


Profile of Mood States(POMS)感情プロフィール検査

In conclusion, OSM odor attenuated appetite and decreased food intake in humans, and the underlying causative mechanisms differed from those mediating the effects of grapefruit odor, specifically in terms of the expression of hypothalamic feeding-related neuropeptides and autonomic nerve activity.



Odor,Osmanthus fragrans, grapefruit, feeding behavior ,feeding-related neuropeptide,Autonomic nerve, total mood disturbance

匂い、グレープフルーツ、摂食行動、摂食関連神経ペプチド、自律神経, 全身の気分障害



Overeating leads to obesity, which heightens the risk of several chronic illnesses including hypertension, diabetes, high blood triglycerides, heart disease, stroke, kidney problems and cancer. One of the causes of overeating is palatability of foods, especially those containing sweet and fatty substances, which often promote ingestion over homeostatic repletion [1, 2, 3]. It is suggested that the palatability-induced ingestion is based on a sequential release of brain substances such as β-endorphin, dopamine and orexigenic neuropeptides, corresponding to palatability (liking), motivation (wanting), and actual intake (eating), respectively [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. Any attempts to suppress actions of one or more of these brain substances could be an effective approach to prevent from overeating.

過食は肥満の原因となり、高血圧、糖尿病、高血中トリグリセライド(中性脂肪)、心臓病、脳卒中、腎臓病、がんなどの慢性疾患のリスクを高める。過食の原因のひとつは、食品の嗜好性であり、特に甘味物質や脂肪物質を含む食品は、恒常的な満腹よりも摂取を促進することが多い [1, 2, 3]。味覚による摂食は、β-エンドルフィン、ドーパミン、食欲促進、神経ペプチドなどの脳内物質が、それぞれ味覚(好き)、動機づけ(食べたい)、実際の摂取(食べる)に対応して順次放出されることに基づいていることが示唆されている [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]。これらの脳内物の1つまたは複数の作用を抑制する試みは、過食を防ぐための効果的なアプローチとなりうる。

blood triglyceridesトリグリセライド(中性脂肪)
palatability 嗜好性

Odors produce various physiological, psychoemotional, and behavioral reactions depending on their qualities and hedonic tones [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Concerning food intake behavior, it is our common experience that odors associated with pleasant foods enhance appetite, but repellent odors reduce appetite. Interestingly, some fragrant odors attenuate ingestive behavior and body weight gain. Studies using rats have demonstrated that grapefruit odor inhibits food intake, leading to a reduction in body weight gain. It is plausible that this effect is mainly caused by activation of sympathetic nerve activity, which enhances energy consumption and suppresses appetite [16, 17]. Another example is the odor of Osmanthus fragrans (OSM, fragrant tea olive), which also attenuates food intake in rats [18]. This effect, however, is suggested to be due to the reduced expression of feeding-related neuropeptides in the hypothalamus. More precisely, Yamamoto et al. [18]. dem onstrated that OSM odor decreased the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression of orexigenic neuropeptides, such as agouti-related protein (AgRP), melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH), neuropeptide Y (NPY), and orexin, and increased the expression of anorexigenic neuropeptides, such as cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) and proopiomelanocortin (POMC). It is also suggested that, in rats, OSM odor decreased the motivation to eat, food intake, and body weight, as well as caused sluggish masticatory movements [19].

香りは、その特質や感情価(快楽的なトーン)応じて、様々な生理的、精神情動的、行動的反応を引き起こす [8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15]。食物摂取行動に関しては、心地よい食物に関連する香りは食欲を増進させるが、不快な匂いは食欲を減退させるというのが一般的な経験である。興味深いことに、香りの中には摂食行動と体重増加を抑制するものがある。ラットを用いた研究では、グレープフルーツの香りが摂食を抑制し、体重増加を減少させることが実証されている。この効果は、主に交感神経活動の活性化によって引き起こされ、エネルギー消費を促進し、食欲を抑制するという説が有力である[16, 17]。別の例として、金木犀(OSM、フレグランスティーオリーブ)の香りもラットの摂食を抑制する [18]。しかしこの効果は、視床下部における摂食関連神経ペプチドの発現低下によるものと示唆されている。より正確には、山本ら[18]。は、金木犀OSMの匂いがアグーチ関連タンパク質(AgRP)、メラニン濃縮ホルモン(MCH)、神経ペプチドY(NPY)

Valence: 感情価(快楽的なトーン)
感情価(かんじょうか、英語: Valence)、または快楽的なトーン(英語: hedonic tone)は、イベント、オブジェクト、または状況の本質的な魅力/「良い」-性(正の価)または嫌悪/「悪い」-性(負の価)を指す情動の質[1]。ウイキペディアより

agouti-related protein (AgRP):アグーチ関連タンパク質

melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) メラニン凝集ホルモン

neuropeptide Y (NPY)  神経ペプチドY
神経ペプチドYは脳と自律神経系で見つかった36のアミノ酸から成るペプチド神経伝達物質で、ノルアドレナリン作動性ニューロンの血管収縮効果を増大させる。 脳中のニューロンと体の他の分泌細胞により作られた神経ペプチドYは、エネルギー収支の調整、記憶と学習、そして、てんかんなどの脳の多くの生理学的な過程に関連する。ウイキペディアより

messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA):メッセンジャーリボ核酸(mRNA)、メッセンジャーRNA


Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) コカインおよびアンフェタミン調節転写物(CART)
コカインおよびアンフェタミン調節転写物は、CARTとも呼ばれ、ヒトではCARTPT遺伝子によってコードされる神経ペプチドタンパク質です。 CARTは、報酬、摂食、ストレスに役割を果たしているようであり、内因性の精神刺激薬の機能的特性を備えています。ウイキペディア英語


ingestive behavior. 摂食行動

OSM is an evergreen shrub that has been grown in Eastern Asia, especially in China, for more than 2500 years [20]. It produces small clusters of flowers in the late summer and autumn. The flowers are small, pale yellow, yellow, or orange-yellow and have a strong fragrant scent of ripe peaches or apricots. Because of its favorable fragrance, tea, wine, and jam with OSM flowers are traditionally very popular and are enjoyed on a daily basis in far-east Asia, especially in Taiwan and China. Since it has been traditionally believed to exert good effects on physical and mental health, the OSM plant has also been utilized as a Chinese herbal medicine. Among the volatile compounds of the scent of OSM, the essential ones are γ-decalactone, β-ionone, dihydro-β-ionone, linalool oxides [18, 21].

金木犀OSMは常緑低木で、2500年以上前から東アジア、特に中国で栽培されてきた[20]。夏の終わりから秋にかけて、小さな房状の花を咲かせる。花は小さく、淡黄色、黄色、または橙黄色で、熟した桃やアプリコットのような強い芳香がある。その香りの良さから、金木犀OSMの花を使ったお茶やワイン、ジャムは伝統的に人気が高く、特に台湾や中国などの極東アジアでは日常的に楽しまれている。金木犀OSMは伝統的に心身の健康に良いと信じられてきたため、漢方薬としても利用されてきた。OSMの香りの揮発性化合物のうち、必須なものはγ-デカラクトン、β-イオノン、ジヒドロ-β-イオノン、リナロールオキシドである[18, 21]。

Although both grapefruit and OSM odors suppress appetite, food intake and body weight gain, the underlying causative mechanisms appear to differ to those described above. However, there are a lack of comparative data on the possible effects of grapefruit odor on feeding-related neuropeptides and effects of OSM odor on autonomic nerve activity. The present study, therefore, was designed to examine possible effects of grapefruit odor on the expression of orexigenic and anorexigenic neuropeptides in rats. We also examined effects of OSM odor, together with odors of lavender, jasmine, and milk on the autonomic nervous activity in humans. Finally, we examined how OSM odor affects appetitive reactions in humans.
Author Information




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October 02, 2023





What is chemical precursors are involved in creating the volatile compounds



The chemical precursors involved in creating the volatile compounds responsible for the scent of flowers are typically a variety of organic compounds. These precursors are transformed into fragrant volatile compounds through enzymatic processes within the plant's cells. Some of the common chemical precursors and their conversions include:


Amino Acids: Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are involved in the biosynthesis of various scent compounds. For example, phenylalanine, an amino acid, serves as a precursor for the production of phenylpropanoids and benzenoids, which contribute to floral fragrances.


Terpenoids: Terpenoids are a large class of organic compounds found in plants. They serve as the precursor for many floral scents. Enzymes within the plant cells can modify terpenoids to produce a wide range of volatile compounds, such as monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, which contribute to floral fragrances. Examples of terpene precursors include geranyl diphosphate and farnesyl diphosphate.

テルペノイド: テルペノイドは植物に含まれる有機化合物の大きな部類である。テルペノイドは多くの花の香りの前駆体として機能する。植物細胞内の酵素はテルペノイドを修飾し、モノテルペンやセスキテルペンなど、フローラルな香りに寄与する様々な揮発性化合物を生成することができる。テルペン前駆体の例としては、ゲラニル二リン酸やファルネシル二リン酸が挙げられる。

geranyl diphosphate :ゲラニル二リン酸
モノテルペン:ゲラニル二リン酸→ シネオール リモネン ピネン

farnesyl diphosphate: ファルネシル二リン酸
セスキテルペン:ファルネシル二リン酸→アルテミシニン ナルドシノン ビサボロール

Phenylpropanoids: Phenylpropanoids are another group of compounds involved in floral scent production. Enzymes can convert phenylpropanoids into fragrant molecules like benzaldehyde, which imparts a sweet almond scent, or eugenol, which has a clove-like aroma.

フェニルプロパノイド: フェニルプロパノイドは、花の香りの生成に関与するもう一つの化合物群である。酵素はフェニルプロパノイドを、甘いアーモンドの香りをつけるベンズアルデヒドや、クローブのような香りをつけるオイゲノールのような香り分子に変換することができる。

Phenylpropanoids フェニルプロパノイド

Benzenoids: Benzenoids are derived from the amino acid phenylalanine and are responsible for some floral scents. These compounds can be converted into fragrant molecules such as methyl benzoate and methyl salicylate, which contribute to the overall aroma of the flower.

ベンゼノイド: ベンゼノイドはアミノ酸のフェニルアラニンから誘導され、いくつかの花の香りの元となっている。これらの化合物は、安息香酸メチルやサリチル酸メチルなどの芳香分子に変換され、花全体の香りに貢献する。

benzenoid ベンゼノイド
phenylalanine フェニルアラニン

Fatty Acids: Some floral scents are derived from fatty acids. Enzymes can modify fatty acids to produce compounds like esters, which often have sweet or fruity fragrances. For example, ethyl hexanoate is responsible for the apple-like scent in certain flowers.

脂肪酸: 一部の花の香りは脂肪酸に由来する。酵素は脂肪酸を修飾してエステルのような化合物を生成することができ、これらの化合物は甘い香りやフルーティーな香りを持つことが多い。例えば、ヘキサン酸エチルは、ある種の花のリンゴのような香りの原因となっている。

ethyl hexanoate ヘキサン酸エチル

Aldehydes and Ketones: Enzymes can also convert various organic compounds, including aldehydes and ketones, into fragrant compounds. For instance, hexanal contributes to the green, grassy scent of some flowers.

アルデヒドとケトン: 酵素はまた、アルデヒドやケトンなどの様々な有機化合物を芳香化合物に変換することができる。例えば、ヘキサナールはいくつかの花の緑色や草のような香りに貢献している。

Hexanal ヘキサナール

Aromatic Amino Acids: Aromatic amino acids like tryptophan can be transformed into compounds like indole, which can give flowers a unique, musky scent.

芳香族アミノ酸: トリプトファンのような芳香族アミノ酸は、インドールのような化合物に変化し、花に独特の麝香のような香りを与えることができる。

Indole インドール

It's important to note that the specific chemical precursors and enzymatic processes involved in scent production can vary from one flower species to another. Each flower has a unique combination of these precursors and enzymatic activities, which gives it its distinct fragrance profile. This complexity in scent production is one reason why flower scents can be so diverse and captivating.


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April 04, 2023


Aromatherapy through the lens of trauma-informed care: Stress-reduction practices for healthcare professionals





In this post-pandemic era of short-staffing, limited resources, and an ever-growing rate of healthcare professionals reporting exhaustion, stress, anxiety, and burn-out, it is imperative to arm workers with easy to use self-care practices. Aromatherapy is a personal, easy to use, low-cost, effective complementary therapy to promote relaxation, stress reduction, grounding, and calm.


Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic plant essences, such as essential oils, to support physiological and psychological wellness. When essential oils are inhaled, they impact the limbic system and sequentially the nervous system. Using a trauma-informed approach, aromatherapy is paired with polyvagal theory and somatic experiencing and presented with breathing practices and recommendations for use in the healthcare workplace.

アロマセラピーは、生理学的および心理的健康をサポートするために、エッセンシャルオイルなどの芳香植物エッセンスを使用することです。エッセンシャルオイルを吸入すると、大脳辺縁系に影響を与え、続いて神経系に影響を与えます。 トラウマインフォームドアプローチを使用して、アロマセラピーはポリヴェーガル理論(多重迷走神経理論)とソマティック(身体)体験とペアになり、医療現場で使用するための呼吸法と推奨事項を提示されます。

Experiencing: 体験



Aromatherapy Polyvagal theory Self-care Somatics And trauma-informed care


1.Statement of the problem


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses and other healthcare workers are in the midst of a crisis of burnout, exhaustion, and moral distress.1 The pandemic together with insufficient staffing are increasing nurses' stress level, negatively impacting their job satisfaction, and causing many to leave the profession.2, 3, 4 In fact, the national nursing shortage is being intensified by a record number of nurses leaving the workforce. From 2020 to 2021, the size of the nursing workforce decreased by more than 100,000 nurses, with a significant number of nurses leaving being under the age of 35.5 This is the largest decrease in over 40 years. Other surveys confirm the severity of the problem in healthcare workers. In a 2020 survey of over 1000 healthcare workers by Mental Health America [MHA], “93% reported they were experiencing stress, 86% reported anxiety, and 76% reported exhaustion and burnout”6; pg. 2). Moreover, in their 2022 follow-up survey, the percentage of healthcare workers who reported exhaustion and burnout increased to 81%.6

COVID-19のパンデミックを受けて、看護師をはじめとする医療従事者は、燃え尽き症候群、疲労困憊、道徳的苦痛といった危機的状況に陥っています1。パンデミックは、人員不足とともに、看護師のストレスレベルを高め、仕事の満足度に悪影響を与え、多くの人が職業から離れる原因となっています2、3、4 実際、看護師の退職者が過去最多となり、国内の看護師不足は激化している。2020年から2021年にかけて、看護師の労働力規模は10万人以上減少し、離職する看護師の多くは35歳未満です5。これは40年以上ぶりの大きな減少です。他の調査でも、医療従事者における問題の深刻さが確認されています。Mental Health America [MHA]が1000人以上の医療従事者を対象に行った2020年の調査では、「93%がストレスを感じていると回答、86%が不安を感じていると回答、76%が疲労と燃え尽きを感じていると回答」6;2頁)。さらに、2022年の追跡調査では、疲労と燃え尽き症候群を報告した医療従事者の割合は81%に増加しました6。

While burnout is a workplace phenomenon that needs to be addressed at the organizational level with a multifaceted systems approach, greater self-care among healthcare workers at the individual level also is critically important. Providing healthcare workers with self-care stress-reduction practices that are easy to use in the workplace is crucial. Aromatherapy is an effective, low-cost, portable, self-care modality that should be considered for use in the healthcare workplace, especially when used in conjunction with somatic exercises. We present aromatherapy as a self-care practice through the lens of trauma-informed care with somatic-based practices.

燃え尽き症候群は、多面的なシステムアプローチを用いて組織レベルで対処する必要がある職場の現象ですが、個人レベルでの医療従事者のセルフケアの強化も非常に重要です。医療従事者に、職場で使いやすいセルフケアストレス軽減の実践を提供することが重要です。アロマセラピーは、効果的で低コストで携帯可能なセルフケア治療手段であり、特にソマティック運動と組み合わせて使用 する場合、ヘルスケアの職場での使用を検討する必要があります。我々は、ソマティック(身体)に基づく実践によるトラウマ・インフォームド・ケアのレンズを通して、セルフケアの実践としてのアロマセラピーを紹介する。





トラウマインフォームドケア(Trauma-Informed Care:TIC)とは



花 澤  寿 千葉大学・教育学部養護教育

ポリヴェーガル理論(多重迷走神経理論)は,進化論と神経生理学に基づき,Porgesが提唱した自律神経系の適応反応に関する新しい理論である。この理論によると,哺乳類が獲得した新しい自律神経である腹側迷走神経と,そ れと連係協働する脳神経群が形成する腹側迷走神経複合体が,より原始的な自律神経(交感神経系,背側迷走神経系) をコントロールすることにより,最も適応的なストレス反応が可能になる。腹側迷走神経複合体が司るのは,人と人 とのつながりと,安全・安心の感覚を結びつける社会的関わりシステムである。治療者と患者の関係性が重要な意味 を持つ精神療法を,ポリヴェーガル理論を基礎において検討することにより,精神療法一般に共通する理論的基盤と 実践的方法論が得られる可能性について考察した。 キーワード:ポリヴェーガル理論(polyvagal theory),精神療法(psychotherapy), 社会的関わりシステム(social engagement system),ニューロセプション(neuroception)

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March 20, 2023

精油と季節性情動障害 ロバート・ティスランド先生ブログより


Essential Oils and Seasonal Affective Disorder by rtisserand | Jan 15, 2016



季節性情動障害(Seasonal Affective Disorder:SAD)

Feeling unusually sad is not uncommon in the winter months. Classic (winter based) seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder, affecting people with otherwise normal mental health. Symptoms include difficulty waking up in the morning, nausea, tendency to oversleep and overeat, cravings for carbohydrates, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating or completing tasks, withdrawal from friends, family and social activities and decreased sex drive. While sharing many symptoms with clinical depression, the main distinguishing factor of SAD is its seasonal character




There is likely not a single cause for SAD but scientists have identified several physiological suspects: serotonin, melatonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. SAD has been most strongly linked to reduced levels of serotonin, an important “feelgood” neurotransmitter. Since eating carbohydrates increases serotonin levels, this may explain the tendency to binge on carbs. However, even in the general population, postmortem examination of the hypothalamus shows minimal serotonin in the months of December and January, suggesting that this is not sufficient in itself to cause SAD (Gupta 2013, Levitan 2007).

季節性情動障害(SAD)の原因は1つではないようですが、科学者たちは、セロトニン、メラトニン、ドーパミン、ノルエピネフリン(アドレナリン)といった生理学的な疑惑を特定しました。SADは、重要な「気分の良い」神経伝達物質であるセロトニンの減少と最も強く結びついている。炭水化物を食べるとセロトニンレベルが上がるので、炭水化物に偏りがちになるのはこのためかもしれません。しかし、一般人でも、死後に視床下部を調べると、12月と1月にセロトニンが極小になることから、これだけではSADの原因として十分ではないことが示唆されています(Gupta 2013, Levitan 2007)。

Studies have shown that dopamine depletion causes a temporary worsening of symptoms in SAD patients. Dopamine is associated with “reward” pathways in the brain,and may also be linked to binge eating. Fatigue and lethargy in SAD are very likely associated with low levels of dopamine and also norepinephrine (Levitan 2007).

研究では、ドーパミンの枯渇が季節性情動障害(SAD)患者の症状を一時的に悪化させることが示されています。ドーパミンは脳内の「報酬」経路と関連しており、暴飲暴食とも関連する可能性があります。SADにおける疲労や無気力は、ドーパミンやノルエピネフリン(ノルアドレナリン)の低レベルと関連している可能性が非常に高い(Levitan 2007)。

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland when there is very little light, and it signals our body to sleep. And if we choose to ignore those signals (because falling asleep while driving or in a meeting for example may have negative consequences), our natural sleep rhythms may be thrown off balance. We naturally produce more melatonin in winter months.


Many species naturally decrease their activity during winter months, as food sources are diminished and there is not enough sunlight to go hunting for whatever is still available. Some animals, such as bears and hedgehogs, even choose total hibernation, sleeping through the winter months to awaken when sun is high and food abundant. We humans cannot afford such winter sleep indulgences, and so we need to fight the ramifications of ignoring our natural circadian rhythms (the inner clock that tells us to sleep when the sun goes down).


circadian rhythm 概日リズム

Common treatments for SAD include light therapy, vitamin D supplements and antidepressants. However, essential oils may also be of great service.


Essential oils


Studies on depression and the sense of smell show that clinical depression is associated with reduced olfactory sensitivity (Negoias et al 2010, Schablitzky and Pause 2014). However, this may not apply to SAD, where researchers find the opposite – an increased olfactory sensitivity, especially in the right nostril, which corresponds to the right side of the brain (Postolache et al 1999). This increased sensitivity suggests that people with SAD may be especially responsive to aromatherapy.

うつ病と嗅覚に関する研究によると、臨床的うつ病は嗅覚感受性の低下と関連しています(Negoias et al 2010、Schablitzky and Pause 2014)。しかし、これは季節性情動障害SAD には当てはまらないかもしれません。研究者はその逆、特に脳の右側に対応する右の鼻孔で嗅覚感受性が増加していることを発見しています(Postolache et al 1999)。この感受性の高まりは、SADの人々がアロマセラピーに特に反応する可能性を示唆しています。

Clinical depression 臨床的うつ病
olfactory sensitivity 嗅覚感受性

It has long been claimed by aromatherapists that essential oils can positively affect mood, and scientific studies are now providing significant evidence for such effects, as well as explanations of how they work. Inhalation is a very efficient mode of administration for affecting neurological function, as the smell receptor sites in our nasal cavity have a direct link to the brain, via the olfactory bulbs.


In a 2013 article, researchers at Xiamen University, China, commented: “Most studies, as well as clinically applied experience, have indicated that various essential oils, such as lavender, lemon and bergamot can help to relieve stress, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. Most notably, inhalation of essential oils can communicate signals to the olfactory system and stimulate the brain to exert neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin and dopamine) thereby further regulating mood.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23531112.

Aromatherapy and the central nerve system (CNS): therapeutic mechanism and its associated genes



Many studies have found that vaporized citrus oils are particularly effective for mood enhancement. In one, a mixture of bergamot, orange and lemon (with lemon predominating) was slowly vaporized throughout the day over a two-week period, and depressed patients exposed to this fragrance were able to reduce their dose of antidepressants (Komori et al 1995).

多くの研究で、気化した柑橘系オイルが特に気分の高揚に効果的であることが分かっています。ある研究では、ベルガモット、オレンジ、レモンのブレンド(レモンが優勢)を2週間にわたって1日中ゆっくりと気化させ、この香りに触れたうつ病患者は、抗うつ薬の投与量を減らすことができた(Komori et al 1995)。

Bergamot and lemon oils are among the most widely-researched for positive effects on mood. Rodent studies show that lemon oil is antidepressant (Komori et al 1995) and invigorating (Komori et al 2006). It also reduces anxiety and boosts both serotonin and dopamine (Komiya et al 2006), two neurochemicals that are often reduced in SAD. In addition to lemon oil, other essential oils that positively impact dopamine and/or serotonin, and are also antidepressant, include clary sage, Atlas cedarwood, eucalyptus globulus and orange (Costa et al 2013, Kako et al 2008, Martins et al 2015, Seol et al 2010).

ベルガモットとレモンオイルは、気分に対するポジティブな効果について最も広く研究されているオイルの一つである。齧歯(げつし)動物の研究では、レモンオイルは抗うつ作用があり(Komori et al 1995)、爽快感を与える(Komori et al 2006)ことが示されている。また、不安を軽減し、季節性情動障害SADでしばしば減少する2つの神経化学物質であるセロトニンとドーパミンを増加させます(Komiya et al 2006)。レモンオイルに加えて、ドーパミンおよび/またはセロトニンにプラスの影響を与え、抗うつ作用もある他の精油には、クラリセージ、アトラスシダーウッド、ユーカリグロブルス、オレンジなどがあります(Costa et al 2013, Kako et al 2008, Martins et al 2015, Seol et al 2010).

The citrus oil that has been most widely researched for mood effects in humans is bergamot. Bergamot oil inhalation, from diffusion or water-based sprays, has shown significant effects in the following conditions:


* Reduction of work-related stress in a total of 83 elementary school teachers (Chang & Shen 2011, Liu et al 2013).

* 合計83人の小学校教師における仕事に関連したストレスの軽減(Chang & Shen 2011, Liu et al 2013)。

* Reduction of anxiety in 53 patients awaiting surgery, compared to 49 control patients (Ni et al 2013)

* 手術を控えた患者53名における不安の軽減、対照群49名と比較(Ni et al 2013)

* Reduction of stress hormone cortisol, along with reduction in self-reported fatigue and anxiety in 41 healthy women, within 15 minutes (Watanabe et al 2015).

* 健康な女性41名において、自己申告による疲労と不安の軽減とともに、15分以内にストレスホルモンであるコルチゾールの減少(Watanabe et al 2015)

* Changes in heart rate variability that indicate relaxation in 25 healthy females compared to 22 controls, within 15 minutes (Peng et al 2009).

* 健康な女性25名において、対照群22名と比較して、15分以内にリラックスを示す心拍変動の変化(Peng et al 2009)

Many other essential oils are said to be uplifting – some of these are more stimulating, and some are more calming (see below). However, note that a “relaxed alertness” is also described for some essential oils, as is as an antidepressant effect.


Stimulating oils


Black pepper

Black pepper is the only essential oil that has been shown to significantly increase epinephrine levels on inhalation (Haze et al 2002) and so might be useful where lethargy is a problem, but perhaps not if anxiety is high.

ブラックペッパーは、吸入によりエピネフリン濃度を有意に増加させることが示されている唯一の精油である(Haze et al 2002)ため、無気力が問題である場合には有用かもしれないが、不安が強い場合にはそうではないかもしれない。


In healthy adults, inhaled grapefruit oil was stimulating and invigorating, increasing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system by 50%, and causing a slight increase in skin temperature (Haze et al 2002). Grapefruit oil inhalation slightly increased epinephrine and norepinephrine levels. The effect was not statistically significant, but it may reveal a tendency (Haze et al 2002).

健康な成人では、グレープフルーツオイルの吸入は刺激的で活性化し、交感神経系の活動を50%増加させ、皮膚温度をわずかに上昇させた (Haze et al 2002)。グレープフルーツオイルの吸入はエピネフリンとノルエピネフリンレベルをわずかに上昇させた。その効果は統計的に有意ではなかったが、その傾向を明らかにすることができる(Haze et al 2002)。



Jasmine absolute is widely regarded as an antidepressant. Vaporized jasmine absolute had a stimulating effect on the autonomic nervous system, resulting in greater blood oxygen saturation and increased alertness and perceived vigor (Sayowan et al 2013).

ジャスミンアブソリュートは、抗うつ剤として広く知られている。気化したジャスミンアブソリュートは、自律神経系を刺激する効果があり、その結果、血中酸素飽和度が高まり、覚醒度と知覚活力が増加しました(Sayowan et al 2013)。



Rodent studies show that lemon oil is antidepressant and invigorating (Komori et al 1995, Komori et al 2006). It reduces anxiety and boosts both serotonin and dopamine (Komiya et al 2006).

齧歯類の研究で、レモンオイルには抗うつ作用と爽快感があることが示されています(Komori et al 1995, Komori et al 2006)。不安を軽減し、セロトニンとドーパミンの両方を増加させる(Komiya et al 2006)。



A proven essential oil for those who have difficulty concentrating (Moss & Oliver 2003, Moss et al 2003), rosemary oil also acts on serotonin receptors (Martinez et al 2009). Also see Rosemary Boosts Brain Power.

ローズマリーローズマリーオイルは、集中力に欠ける人のための精油として知られており(Moss & Oliver 2003, Moss et al 2003)、またセロトニン受容体に作用します(Martinez et al 2009)。ローズマリーで脳力アップもご参照ください。

Calming oils




Bergamot was a key ingredient in the original Eau de Cologne, which was said to have restorative and refreshing properties. According to the research (cited above), inhaled bergamot oil reduces anxiety and stress, and correspondingly causes slight reductions in blood pressure and heart rate.


Clary sage


Clary sage oil increases both dopamine and serotonin levels, and these effects are thought to explain its notable antidepressant action (Lee et al 2014, Seol et al 2010).

クラリセージは、ドーパミンとセロトニンのレベルを増加させ、これらの作用が顕著な抗うつ作用を説明すると考えられています(Lee et al 2014, Seol et al 2010)。



Research on orange oil demonstrates that it is calming, reduces anxiety and heart rate, and improves mood (Goes et al 2012, Jafarzadeh et al 2013, Lehrner et al 2005). Orange oil does increase serotonin levels (Costa et al 2013).

オレンジオレンジオイルに関する研究は、オレンジオイルが心を落ち着かせ、不安と心拍数を減らし、気分を改善することを示しています(Goes et al 2012、Jafarzadeh et al 2013、Lehrner et al 2005)。オレンジオイルは、セロトニンレベルを増加させます(Costa et al 2013)。



Inhalation of rose essential oil resulted in a 30% decrease of epinephrine levels (Haze et al 2002). So this would be an appropriate essential oil for extreme stress, but not for extreme lethargy. Prolonged inhalation of rose oil (24 hours) by gerbils revealed an anti-anxiety effect that was described as being similar to “some serotonergic agents” (i.e. substances that increase serotonin) (Bradley et al 2007).


ローズ精油の吸入は、エピネフリンレベルの30%減少をもたらしました(Haze et al 2002)。ですから、極度のストレスには適切な精油でしょうが、極度な無気力には向きません。スナネズミがローズオイルを長時間(24時間)吸入したところ、「いくつかのセロトニン作動性物質」(すなわちセロトニンを増加させる物質)に類似した抗不安作用があることがわかりました(Bradley et al 2007)。



Traditionally, Buddhists used sandalwood oil as a therapy for anxiety, depression and insomnia, while Tibetan Monks used it to relax the body and focus the mind. Research reveals that inhaled sandalwood oil is calming, while improving mood and increasing attentiveness (Heuberger et al 2006).

伝統的に、仏教徒は不安、うつ病、不眠症の治療法としてサンダルウッドオイルを使用し、チベット僧は体をリラックスさせ、精神を集中させるために使用しました。研究では、サンダルウッドオイルの吸入は、気分を改善し、注意力を高めると同時に、心を落ち着かせることが明らかにされています(Heuberger et al 2006)。

Cautions & conclusion


Not everyone should take substances that increase serotonin. In particular, drug interactions are possible. Be aware that a few essential oils, if taken with for example SSRI drugs, could possibly lead to serotonin syndrome, such as I reported here [Interaction with SSRI medication] almost certainly due to blue (German) chamomile oil.


SSRI:Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor(選択式セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬)

If you have chosen an oil or blend that fits you the best, I recommend using a diffuser with intermittent setting and diffusing oils in intervals of 30 to 60 minutes and then stopping for at least the same amount of time for the greatest therapeutic benefit. This way the nervous system does not habituate or adapt to the olfactory stimulus. And,its safer. In a day, 2-3 sessions are usually adequate. If diluted essential oils are being worn as fragrance, body oil etc., these limits wont apply.


So, get those diffusers and inhalers ready, because the winter still has a long way to go and even if you are not suffering from SAD we can all use some uplifting now and again, especially when the temperatures drop into single digits and blizzards roar outside.



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December 05, 2022


“機能性フレグランス "の謎に迫る

Inside the Murky World of "Functional Fragrance"

Spritzing on perfumes that aim to boost your mood can feel like a convenient quick fix, but the science behind the claims remains shaky.



January 27, 2022

This fall, Addison Rae did what many celebrities and influencers have done before and launched a perfume line. The three perfumes have a slight twist from other celeb launches, however; her Happy AF, Chill AF, and Hyped AF are on trend not just for their slangy names but also because they tout ingredients that promise to "boost your mood."

この秋、tiktokスターアディソン・レイはこれまで多くのセレブやインフルエンサーが行ってきたことを行い、香水ラインを立ち上げた。彼女のHappy AF、Chill AF、Hyped AFの3つの香水は、そのスラング的な名前だけでなく、"気分を高める "ことを約束する成分を売り物にしているので、他のセレブの発売とは少しひねりが効いています。

Rae is not the only one to think fragrance consumers are after more than just smelling good. In 2019, the beauty supplement company The Nue Co launched its Functional Fragrance, a blend of palo santo, violet, and cardamom that promises to reduce stress, followed by Forest Lungs in 2020 and Mind Energy in 2021, which aim to produce some of the same health benefits associated with forest bathing and boost focus, respectively. Since 2016, natural perfume brand Heretic has incorporated wellness into its storytelling, including its September launch Dirty Hinoki, described as a "grounding" scent inspired by hinoki's potential ability to alleviate depression.

フレグランスの消費者が求めているのは、単に良い香りだけではないと考えるのは、レイだけではない。2019年には、英国美容サプリメント会社のTHE NUE CO.(ザ・ニュウコー)が、パロサント、バイオレット、カルダモンをブレンドし、ストレス軽減を約束する「Functional Fragrance機能性フレグランス」を発売し、2020年には「Forest Lungs」、2021年には、森林浴に伴う健康効果と集中力アップをそれぞれ目指す「Mind Energy」を発売している。2016年以降、自然派香水ブランドのヘレティックパルファムは、9月に発売した「ダーティヒノキ」を含め、ウェルネスをストーリーテリングに取り入れており、ヒノキの鬱を緩和する潜在能力にインスピレーションを得た「グラウンディング」の香りと表現しています。

ダーティ ヒノキ|汚れたヒノキ ? 香水通販 NOSE SHOP

The growing slate of mood-boosting fragrances represents not just a demand for a wide array of "wellness" products, with everything from bath bombs to oat milk promising such effects, but also consumers’ changing relationship to perfume. "Perfume for the longest time was really the attainable luxury end of a luxury brand," says Douglas Little, founder of and perfumer for Heretic. "And now I really think that that ideology for a certain group of people has faded, and the idea that the fragrance is made from better materials and it also, by the way, can help you relax, I think this is really the next wave of what we're seeing in personal wellness."

気分を高揚させるフレグランスが増えているのは、バスボムからオーツミルクまで、さまざまな「ウェルネス」商品への需要が高まっていることだけでなく、消費者の香水との関係の変化も表している。「香水は長い間、ラグジュアリーブランドの中でも手に入れやすい高級品でした」と、ヘレティックの創設者で調香師のDouglas Little氏は言います。「香水は、より良い素材から作られ、リラックス効果もあるという考え方は、パーソナル・ウェルネスに見られる次の波だと思います。

The market for wellness products is in of itself nothing new, says C?line Manetta, senior consumer science manager at International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (IFF). But what's changed in recent years, and especially with the COVID-19 pandemic, is the acceleration of demand for new products that address all aspects of life. "It's really 24/7 wellness. It's a continuous search for positive emotion," Manetta says. Fragrance is just the tip of the iceberg; an April 2021 report from consulting company, McKinsey, estimates the global wellness market to be worth more than $1.5 trillion, with 42 percent of consumers in their survey reporting wellness to be a top priority.


Enter Aromachology


That opens up an opportunity for fragrance developers like IFF to further their research into aromachology, the study of aromas on human behavior and emotion (aromatherapy, though similar, focuses exclusively on the use of natural essential oils for therapeutic purposes). This spring, IFF launched its Science of Wellness program to create scents that can purportedly aid in relaxation or boost energy. In recent years, Givaudan has developed new wellness-oriented technologies like DreamScentz, which uses fragrance aimed at enhancing sleep. Studies outside the fragrance world have also investigated fragrance's health benefits, with studies finding for example that linalool, found in lavender essential oil, may ease anxiety.


The Two Keys to Mastering the No-Makeup Look


Givaudan's launches and other developments give perfumers a new palette of wellness ingredients to incorporate into their formulas. An eau de parfum can feature dozens of ingredients, however, with up to 80 percent of a given formulation composed of alcohol. What matters though, according to Juliette Karagueuzoglou, senior perfumer at IFF who has made fragrances for the likes of Yves Saint Laurent and L'Artisan Parfumeur, is not the quantity of a wellness ingredient, but that you register its smell. "What is important is that, since you can smell it, since it is noticeable olfactively, you have the effect, because the impact is the smell on your brain," she says.


Manetta emphasizes though that regardless of any potential benefits, perfume is not a cure-all. "In perfumery, we are more talking about positive emotions, instead of anti-anxiety or anti-stress claims, because we are not drugs, we are not medicine."


A Search for Medical Alternatives


But the fact that they are not drugs is specifically what makes "functional fragrance," or any wellness-oriented product, appealing to some. "Modern medicine has been wonderful and life saving, but there are real gaps there still. And so, in general, people look for other things that they can do themselves," says psychologist Traci Stein, PhD, MPH. A beauty product like perfume that can be picked up for $40 without insurance or doctor intervention offers an attractive way to fill that gap at a time when four in 10 U.S. adults report they are struggling with symptoms of anxiety or depression. "I think people like having products that promise very quick results, and that don't require a doctor to step in and prescribe something," says Dr. Stein, who has written about the benefits of aromatherapy, but is cautious to label aromatherapy’s benefits as "proven," as research is not yet definitive.

しかし、薬ではないという事実が、特に「機能性フレグランス」、あるいはウェルネス志向の製品を魅力的にしているのです。「現代医学は素晴らしいもので、命を救ってくれるものですが、そこにはまだ本当のギャップがあります。と、一般的に、人々 は自分自身で出来る他のものを探して」心理学者 Traci Stein、博士、MPH は言います。米国の成人の10人に4人が不安や鬱の症状に苦しんでいると報告されている今、保険や医師の介入なしに40ドルで手に入る香水のような美容製品は、そのギャップを埋める魅力的な方法なのです。「スタイン博士は、アロマセラピーの効果について書いたことがありますが、研究がまだ確定的でないため、アロマセラピーの効果を「実証済み」とすることには慎重です。

However, consumers are not always aware of the limitations of aroma compounds, and "somebody who's going to seek out these [wellness] fragrances, who does have a real problem, may erroneously believe that they're likely to have a bigger effect," Dr. Stein says.


Behind the Claims


The often vague language used to describe the science behind these fragrances can also cause confusion for a nonexpert. Addison Rae’s fragrances contain "ingredients that have scored well on emotional responses," but it's hard to parse out the scientific meaning of that on its surface. According to Lori Mariano, managing partner at Hampton Beauty, which partnered with Addison Rae to develop the scents, this information came from their collaboration with the research and development team at fragrance company, Symrise: "[They] work[ed] with neuroscience experts to track and validate emotional responses based on brain activity upon smelling individual proprietary ingredients used in the fragrance formulations.”

これらのフレグランスの背後にある科学を説明するために使用される多くの曖昧な言葉も、専門家ではない人を混乱させる可能性がありますアディソン・レイのフレグランスには、「感情的な反応に対して良いスコアを出した成分」が含まれていますが、その科学的な意味を表面的に解析するのは困難です。アディソン・レイと提携して香りを開発した Hampton Beauty のマネージング パートナー、Lori Mariano によると、この情報は、ドイツの香料会社シムライズの研究開発チームとのコラボレーションから生まれた: “神経科学の専門家と一緒に、香料配合に使用される個々の独自の成分の香りを嗅いだときの脳活動に基づく感情的反応を追跡、検証することに取り組みました。"

On the other hand, sometimes a claim is specific, but the research behind it appears to come from the company itself. For example, "research conducted by The Nue Co" found a whopping 96 percent of its Functional Fragrance customers felt "instantly calmer" after using the product. When research on a product isn't conducted by an independent party, it can present a conflict of interest, notes Dr. Stein. [We've reached out to The Nue Co about their methodology and will update this article when we hear back.]

一方、宣伝文句が具体的であるにもかかわらず、その背景にある研究が企業自身のものであるかのように見えることがあります。例えば、「The Nue Coが行った調査」によると、同社の機能性フレグランスの顧客の実に96%が、その製品を使用した後に「瞬時に落ち着く」と感じていることが判明しました。製品の研究が独立した第三者によって行われていない場合、利害の対立が生じる可能性があると、スタイン博士は指摘しています。[私たちはThe Nue Coにその方法論について問い合わせたので、返事が来たらこの記事を更新します]。

"There's a lot of money to be made by being aware of people's desires to have control over their care."


"These things are pleasurable, and it feels like we're taking good care of ourselves," Dr. Stein adds. “And there's nothing wrong with that. I think companies are aware though, that there's a lot of money to be made by being aware of people's desires to have control over their care and to feel better right away.”


And it’s not just perfume: Beauty products as a whole are now promising a more holistic experience that is less about looking attractive and more about feeling good. In the case of perfume, that’s a marked shift from how the product has been marketed in recent years. "I would say it's going back to the origins of perfume, linking the perfume to wellbeing and other roles that are far from the sexy, social role that we are used to bringing to the perfume," Manetta says.


Fragrance has always sold a fantasy, and the fantasy of feeling good may certainly be more appealing than that of trying to fit a narrow beauty ideal. But, as with pretty much any product in the wellness industrial complex, the functional fragrance category is susceptible to overpromising.



IFF’s scent division has launched its Science of Wellness program to address consumer desires for a more holistic approach to well-being.

The program is designed to guide the creation of scents that support science-based consumer well-being, with emotional, cognitive and physical benefits. This includes scents that evoke happiness, relaxation, mindfulness and self-esteem.


IFF Science of Wellness is an integrated solution, combining 40 years of human conscious and unconscious measures, neurosciences, artificial intelligence and IFF ingredients.


Nicolas Mirzayantz, president, Scent, said, “IFF has a long history of research into the effects of fragrance on consumer wellness and emotions, along with an AI exploration initiated in 2006. Combining the results of these ongoing studies with the AI unique capabilities, a 15-year pioneer, is allowing our perfumers to awaken emotions and move into territories that we believe are more exciting and relevant for our customers and consumers alike. By pulling together our research, ingredients and technologies into one program, we are expanding our ability to serve growing consumer demand for wellness solutions."


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July 12, 2022


Essential Oils and Their Constituents Targeting the GABAergic System and Sodium Channels as Treatment of Neurological Diseases





Essential oils (EOs) are concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds which are extracted from herbs, flowers, and other plant parts. Oil is “essential” in the sense that it contains the “essence of” the plant’s fragrance. They are recommended for or encouraged to be applied as a complementary therapy for people with anxiety, pain, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and depression [1,2]. EOs can be absorbed into the body by oral administration, inhalation, diffusers, baths, and massages. Many studies show that EOs were effective in reducing pain, anxiety, and stress symptoms in animal models and humans with different CNS disorders [1,2]. EO constituents belong mainly to two chemical groups: terpenoids (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes) and some phenylpropanoid derivatives. Terpenoid group compounds are usually fairly hydrophobic with molecular weights below 300 Daltons [3].


hydrophobic liquid  疎水性液体
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD:注意欠如・多動症
bipolar disorder 双極性障害(躁うつ病)

Activation of the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor system and the blockade of neuronal voltage-gated sodium channels (Na+ channels) are essential for the overall balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition which is vital for normal brain function and critical for the central nervous system (CNS) disorders. It has been suggested that EO constituents could exert their biological activities through modulating the GABAergic system and inhibiting Na+ channels [4,5]. GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS and the GABA receptor system exerts a major inhibitory function in the brain. The dysfunction or deficiency of the GABAergic system has been implicated in epilepsy, pain, and anxiety [6]. Neuronal voltage-gated Na+ channels mediate the propagation of action potentials along axons, and thus, are thought to be important targets of antiseizure drugs. Local anesthetics and analgesics prevent the transmission of nerve impulses via their binding to Na+ channels. Two main types of Na+ currents, termed tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive and TTX-resistant, have been identified in the dorsal root ganglion [7,8]. Studies on Na+ channels have demonstrated a greater involvement of Nav1.7, a predominant subtype of TTX-sensitive sodium channels expressed principally in peripheral neurons [8], in inflammatory pain [9,10] and in pain sensation [11,12].


voltage-gated sodium channels 電位依存性ナトリウムチャンネル
action potentials 活動電位
axons 軸索
antiseizure drugs.抗けいれん薬
Local anesthetics 局所麻酔剤
tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive テトロドトキシン感受性
dorsal root ganglion:後根神経節(こうこんしんけいせつ)

Recently, many studies have addressed the potential of natural EOs for treatment of anxiety, convulsion, and pain in humans and in rodents or fish neuropathic models, and the mechanisms underlying the pharmacological profile. The main constituents of EOs were isolated and chemically elucidated. Recent studies indicate that many EOs and their constituents exert pharmacological properties through interactions with the GABAergic system and voltage-gated Na+ channels. An increasing number of studies show that: (1) many EOs used for the treatment of anxiety affect the function of the GABAergic system [13,14,15,16]; (2) many EOs with antinociceptive and anticonvulsant properties inhibit the function of neuronal voltage-gated Na+ channels [17]; (3) some EOs affect the function of both the GABAergic system and voltage-gated Na+ channels [4,18].

最近、多くの研究が、ヒト、げっ歯類や魚類の神経障害モデルにおける不安、痙攣、痛みの治療に対する天然精油の可能性と、その薬理学的プロファイルの基礎となるメカニズムについて取り上げています。精油の主成分は単離され、化学的に解明されました。最近の研究では、多くの精油とその成分は、GABA作動性システムおよび電位依存性Na+チャネルとの相互作用を通じて薬理学的特性を発揮することが示されている。また、以下のような研究結果も増えています。(1)不安の治療に使用される多くの精油は、GABA作動性システムの機能に影響を与える[13,14,15,16]、(2)抗侵害受容および抗痙攣特性を持つ多くの精油は、神経細胞の電位依存性ナトリウムチャンネルの機能を阻害する[17]、(3) いくつかの精油はGABA作動性システムの機能と電位依存性ナトリウムチャンネルとの両方の機能に影響する[4,18]。

This review summarizes the beneficial effects of EOs and their constituents targeting the GABAergic system and neuronal voltage-gated Na+ channels for CNS disorders, in particular with respect to their antinociceptive, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, and sedative effects.



ベンゼン環(C6)に直鎖状プロパン(C3)が結合したC6-C3単位を基本骨格とする天然芳香族化合物であり、シキミ酸経路によって生合成される。各種ケイヒ酸誘導体が生成し狭義のフェニルプロパノイドとされているのもは、芳香を有する物が多く、ケイヒアルデヒドやアネトール、オイゲノールなど香料や芳香性健胃薬などの原料になっている。また、C3部分でラクトン環を形成したクマリン類、C6-C3単位2-4個が結合したリグナン類、C6-C3化合物からβ酸化によって生成したバニリンや安息香酸などのC6-C1化合物も広義のフェニルプロパノイドに属する。(2006.10.17 掲載)


ナトリウムチャネルは高い選択性を持ってナトリウムイオンを透過させるイオンチャネルである。ナトリウムチャネルとしては、電位依存性ナトリウムチャネル(Navチャネル)、および上皮性ナトリウムチャネル(ENaC)が知られているが、これらは分子構造が全く異なっているため、本項目では電位依存性ナトリウムチャネルについてのみ記述する。電位依存性ナトリウムチャネルはホジキン(Alan Lloyd Hodgkin)とハクスレー(Andrew Fielding Huxley)によるイカの巨大軸索を用いた研究によりその存在が予測され、1984年に沼博士らによって遺伝子が同定された。Navチャネルは細胞外に量が最も多い陽イオンであるナトリウムイオンを透過させることで、大きな内向き電流を生じ脱分極を効率よくもたらすことができる。中枢神経や末梢神経、骨格筋、心筋、内分泌細胞等に存在し、電位依存性カリウムチャネルと膜電位を介して機能的に共役することで、活動電位の開始および伝搬に本質的な役割を担っている。

神経因性疼痛治療薬としての 電位依存性ナトリウムチャネル遮断薬の探索研究


要約:電位依存性ナトリウムチャネルは,神経細胞の 興奮や伝達を担っており,痛みの神経伝達に深く関与 することが知られている.現在までに 9 種類(Nav1.1 〜Nav1.9)の電位依存性ナトリウムチャネルが報告されているが,その中で Nav1.7,Nav1.3,Nav1.8の3つ のサブタイプは神経障害性疼痛との関連性を示唆する 報告が多い.現在,臨床ではメキシレチン,リドカイ ンなどの電位依存性ナトリウムチャネル遮断薬が処方 されている.これら既存の治療薬は,サブタイプ非選 択的な薬剤であることから Nav1.7,Nav1.3,Nav1.8 の いずれにも作用することで鎮痛効果を示すと考えられ る.


テトロドトキシン (tetrodotoxin, TTX) は化学式C11H17N3O8 で表され、ビブリオ属やシュードモナス属などの一部の真正細菌によって生産されるアルカロイドである。一般にフグの毒として知られるが、他にアカハライモリ、ツムギハゼ、ヒョウモンダコ、スベスベマンジュウガニなど幾つかの生物もこの毒をもっている。習慣性がないため鎮痛剤[1]として医療に用いられる[2]。分子量は319.27。名称はフグ科に由来する

後根神経節における電位依存性 Na チャネルの機能解析 ~痛覚伝達における役割~

2.痛みとは 痛みは外部からの侵害的要因や体内の病的状態に対する警告反応としての役割を持ち,免疫系 と並ぶ重要な生体防御機構である.しかし,痛み は「不快な感覚性・情動性の体験であり,それに は組織損傷を伴うものと,そのような損傷がある ように表現されるものがある」(国際疼痛学会に よる)と定義されるように,非常に複雑なもので あり,それ自身が身体に有害な病態をもたらすと いう二面性を持つ. 皮膚感覚を受容する一次知覚神経はその細胞 体を後根神経節(dorsal root ganglion, 以下 DRG)に 持ち,末梢・中枢の両側に軸索を伸ばす,感覚情 報の伝達に最初にかかわっている神経である.一 次知覚神経は伝導速度,軸索線維の太さおよび髄 鞘の有無などにより,Aβ線維,Aδ線維,C 線維の三 種類に分類され,これらはそれぞれに異なる感覚 を伝えている. 通常,触,圧覚などの非侵害性刺激は有髄の太 い Aβ線維を介して伝達されるのに対し,痛みな どの侵害性の刺激は有髄の細い Aδ線維と無髄の 細い C 線維を介して伝達される.さらに Aδ線維 は鋭く識別性の高い一次痛を,C 線維は焼け付く ような,鈍く持続的な二次痛を伝達すると考えら れており,慢性痛など臨床的に問題になる痛み重要であるのはC線維である1), 2)(図 1).

3.電位依存性ナトリウムチャネルと痛み 神経細胞の情報伝達の基本である活動電位は 細胞膜のイオンチャネルを介したイオンの移動 により生じる.電位依存性ナトリウムチャネル (以下,Na チャネル)はその名のとおり,電位に 依存して開口し,Na イオンを選択的に透過させる イオンチャネルである.神経細胞,骨格筋細胞, 心筋細胞といった興奮性細胞に発現し,電位依存 性カリウムチャネルと共に活動電位の発生および伝播を担う膜機能分子である.


HOME ガイドライン がん疼痛の薬物療法に関するガイドライン(2010年版)
2章 背景知識 4 薬理学的知識 3 鎮痛補助薬 3. 各鎮痛補助薬の特徴

3. 各鎮痛補助薬の特徴 - 日本緩和医療学会
2章 背景知識 
4 薬理学的知識 3鎮痛補助薬
[作用機序・特徴] 主な作用機序として、


June 24, 2022


The Effects of Essential Oils and Terpenes in Relation to Their Routes of Intake and Application



Sachiko Koyama 1,* and Thomas Heinbockel 2,*

1 Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA

2 Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059, USA
ハワード大学、ワシントンD.C 医学部解剖学科



Essential oils have been used in multiple ways, i.e., inhaling, topically applying on the skin, and drinking. Thus, there are three major routes of intake or application involved: the olfactory system, the skin, and the gastro-intestinal system. Understanding these routes is important for clarifying the mechanisms of action of essential oils.


the mechanisms of action 作用機序

Here we summarize the three systems involved, and the effects of essential oils and their constituents at the cellular and systems level. Many factors affect the rate of uptake of each chemical constituent included in essential oils. It is important to determine how much of each constituent is included in an essential oil and to use single chemical compounds to precisely test their effects.

ここでは、関連する3つのシステム、および 精油とその成分の効果を細胞およびシステムレベルで要約します。多くの要因は、精油に含まれる各化学成分の取り込み速度に影響を与えます。 精油に含まれる各成分どの程度含まれるかいるかを決定し、単体の化学成分を使用して その効果を正確に検証することが重要です。

Studies have shown synergistic influences of the constituents, which affect the mechanisms of action of the essential oil constituents. For the skin and digestive system, the chemical components of essential oils can directly activate gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors and transient receptor potential channels (TRP) channels, whereas in the olfactory system, chemical components activate olfactory receptors. Here, GABA receptors and TRP channels could play a role, mostly when the signals are transferred to the olfactory bulb and the brain.


transient receptor potential channels (TRP) channels:一過性受容体電位チャネル(TRP)チャネル
transient receptor 一過性受容体
gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA):ガンマアミノ酪酸(GABA)受容体

Keywords: olfactory system; skin; gastro-intestine system; essential oils; oil constituents;

キーワード: 嗅覚系、皮膚、消化管系、精油、精油成分;


GABA - 脳科学辞典



温度感受性TRPチャンネル Science of Kampo Medicine 漢方医学 Vol.37 No.3 2013より


TRP チャネルの機能
TRP チャネルは細胞膜に存在するイオンチャネル型受容体の1 つであり,ヒトでは 6 つのサブファミリー,27 チャネルで構成される膨大なチャネル群です(図 1)1)1997 年に温度感受性TRP チャネルが発見されてから2),16年の間に9つのTRPチャネルが温度感受性であることがわかってきました 3)

ヒトの身体は外部の環境温度に応じて意識的に,あるいは無意識的に体温調節を行いながら深部体温を維持しています.環境温度の感知は,ヒトのみならず鳥類などの恒温動物をはじめ両生類,爬虫類,魚類などの変温動物,さらに無脊椎動物や単細胞生物など,多くの生物の生存にとって重要な機能の 1 つです.温度感受性Transient Receptor Potential(TRP)チャネルは,温度のみならず多くの化学的・物理的刺激を感受するセンサーとして多様な生体機能に関わっている.最近ではTRPチャネルが遺伝子疾患や消化器疾患,大腸がん,肺疾患などに関与していることが報告され注目を集めている.また,TRPV1チャネルは血管拡張や血流増加,腸管運動促進作用に関与することが明らかになってきた.ここではTRPV1チャネルの発見者でTRPチャネル研究の第一人者である富永真琴先生に,TRPチャネル研究の経緯と生体における機能について解説していただいた.



受容体 TRPV1 活性化温度閾値 43℃<

受容体 TRPV3 、活性化温度閾値32-39℃<
発現部位:皮膚・感覚神経・脳 脊髄・胃・大腸

受容体 TRPM8 活性化温度閾値<25-28℃

受容体 TRPA1  活性化温度閾値<17℃(?)

TRPV1 は酸の刺激でも活性化します.カプサイシンや熱, 酸は,いずれも痛みを引き起こすことから,TRPV1 の反応性は 痛み刺激を伝える神経が複数の 侵害刺激に反応することをよく 説明します.ほかにも黒胡椒の 辛み成分であるピペリンや,生 姜の辛み成分のジンゲロン,ジ ンゲロールなどもカプサイシン 受容体 TRPV1 に作用します. TRPV 1 活性化は灼熱感をもたらし,交感神経系を介して産熱も引き起こすことから,寒い地 域では,暖をとる意味でトウガ ラシを靴下や下着の中に入れた り,生姜風呂に入って体を温め たりするのです


December 06, 2018

バイオレット光線 エドガーケイシーヘルスケアより


この記事のなかで臓器の電気力のことが書いてあります。この電気力のことは周波数のことかと思いました。以前のブログ「精油の周波数」では健康な人の人体平均周波数は62 から 68 Hzと書いていました。これが低下すると病気になり、精油は人体の周波数を上げることが可能できるそうです。このような考え方があることを知りました。バイオレット光線も周波数を有しているので同じようなことが起きるのかと思いました。


The Violet Ray




Edgar Cayce Health Care


Education And Information Relating To Edgar Cayce Health Readings


Whatever happened to the violet ray, an electrical appliance recommended in over 900 Cayce readings? Once in common usage by physicians, now it is virtually a forgotten tool of conventional health care.


violet ray バイオレット光線

The Violet Ray was recommended in the readings for a host of disorders– poor circulation, nervous disorders, arthritis and rheumatism, hair and skin disorders, problems with digestion and elimination, female reproductive disorders, prostate disease, cataracts-even possession and schizophrenia. One of the most frequent recommendations concerned problems related to poor circulation. When the violet ray is applied, the resultant surge of blood to oxygen-starved tissues stimulates lymphatic and capillary circulation, clearing cellular toxins and strengthening body organs. Duration of treatment ranges from one to thirty minutes.


cataract 白内障
possession 憑依

The violet ray appliance is usually a hand-held device with a variety of glass applicators, such as the comb-rake and the bulb, which can be inserted in the base and used on the part of the body being treated. When the machine is turned on, a violet-colored electrical charge can be seen. It emits warmth.


hand-held device 手動操作機器

This high frequency appliance uses a sophisticated coil invented by the renowned scientist Nikola Tesla. It acts in a manner similar to a spark coil in a car. Utilizing a transformer the voltage is increased dramatically as it moves through the resonating coil. The device’s bulb contains a gas that ionizes and produces charged particles and that emanate from the surface. This combination of charged particles and high frequency produces a mild heating effect in the body. This heating of body tissue, called diathermy, increases the circulation, dilates superficial blood vessels, and promotes healing.

この高周波機器は、有名な科学者Nikola Teslaによって発明された洗練されたコイルを使用しています。それは自動車の点火コイルと同様に作用する。変圧器を利用すると、電圧が共振コイルを通って移動する際に電圧が劇的に増加する。装置の電球には、電離して荷電粒子を産生し、表面から発するガスが含まれています。荷電粒子と高周波のこの組み合わせは、体内で軽度の加熱効果をもたらす。ジアテルミーと呼ばれる身体組織のこの加熱は、循環を増加させ、表面血管を拡張し、治癒を促進する。

charged particles 荷電粒子
ionizes イオン化する、電離する。

A Cayce reading for a man with poor circulation recommended that he use the violet ray over the lower limbs every evening: “In five to six weeks, we will find the body more active mentally and physically and better fitted for physical activities.” (137-1)When recommended for someone with arthritis, it was said to relax the body, energize the nerves, and supply additional oxygen to cells and tissues. Generally the individual was advised to apply the bulb over the area where arthritic pain was felt, and along the spine.


The Violet Ray was recommended as a tonic for exhaustion and lethargy: This will give the ‘pick up’ or the stimulation that is needed for what might be called the recharging of the centers along the cerebrospinal system…” (1196-17) “To do this will prevent the central nervous system as to make for better coordination between the sympathetic and cerebrospinal nervous system.” This would strengthen and revitalize the entire body, giving “incentives to the nerve centers to become rejuvenated again….. ” (269-1)


exhaustion 疲労
lethargy 無気力
cerebrospinal system 脳脊髄系

According to Dr. McGarey, the violet ray was very common in the early 19OOs–and easily obtained from electrical and drug-supply houses nationwide – but today, since the rise in pharmaceutical medicine, it is far less common.


Venture Inward editor A. Robert Smith recalls being treated, as a child, with the violet ray machine for an earache and other conditions. “Our family physician, who was my grandfather, believed in the violet ray. He had a violet ray machine the size of an X-ray machine, as I recall it, and I would lie down underneath it while getting a treatment for my ear. It was painless, and I remember the neat part for me, as a kid, was having to wear goggles like an airplane pilot to protect my eyes from the light. I think he used it on my knee when I fell and had some deep abrasions. My sister recalls being treated for jaundice. It was a standard therapy in his office.”

Venture Inward 雑誌編集者 A.ロバート・スミスは幼児のように耳痛みやその他の症状のためにバイオレット光線装置で治療されたことを思い出します。「私の祖父であった私たちの家庭医はバイオレット光線を信じていました。私がそれを思い出すことに、彼がX線装置のサイズのバイオレット光線装置を持っていて、耳の治療を受けている間、私はその下に横たわっていました。それは痛かなくて、子供は光から眼を守るために飛行機のパイロットのようなゴーグルを着用しなければならなかったので、私とっては素敵な部分であることを覚えています。私が倒れて、いくつかの深い擦り傷になった時に、彼を膝の上で使っていたと思います。私の妹は黄疸の治療を思い出します。彼の診療所では標準的治療法でした」

earache 耳痛
abrasions 擦り傷

Dr. McGarey says, “it was once a favorite among osteopathic physicians to control infection without the use of antibiotics. Interestingly enough, scientists are only now beginning to recognize the profound power of light introduced into tissues to dissipate infection.”


osteopathic physicians オステオパシー医師

In fact, the medical science has confirmed what Cayce said: that the human body is a composite of electromagnetic vibrations. The characteristics of this electromagnetic flow within the body-today measured by sophisticated laboratory instruments-were foretold in great detail by Cayce, long before such technology existed.


Composite 複合物

This vibration might be visualized as an electromagnetic cloak that shields us from head to toe. Disturbances in this force field signal the beginnings of physical weakness and disease. Cayce noted in one reading that when the electrical force in an organ becomes weak in its ability to reproduce the balance necessary for the support of the physical body, that portion becomes deficient.


Conversely, if the electrical forces in the body are balanced, the body chemistry, the organs, tissues, bones, and nerves remain in a state of health. As a result, electricity was often recommended by the readings as an important therapeutic method for stimulating the body to heal. Dr. McGarey theorizes that “the primary healing effect of the Violet Ray is accomplished through it’s balancing and rejuvenating effect in the body’s electromagnetic shield.”


Due to its ability to heal skin tissue, skin specialists across the county still use the violet ray on clients with acne. Beauticians use it to increase the circulation in the scalp and stimulate hair growth in clients with “falling hair” or baldness.

肌の組織を治す力があるため、全国的に皮膚専門医は、依然として、にきびの患者さんにバイオレット光線を使用します。美容師は光線を使用して頭皮の循環を増加させ、 "抜け毛"または脱毛症で顧客の髪の成長を刺激する。

Bill Newlin, and A.R.E. Member from Ardmore, Pennsylvania, owns several violet ray machines, including one he found in a garage sale. It still works

Bill Newlin、A.R.E。ペンシルベニア州アードモアのメンバーは、ガレージセールで見つけたものを含め、いくつかのバイオレット光線装置を所有しています。それはまだ動いています。





内なるドクター―自然治癒力を発動させる、奇跡の処方箋 単行本 – 2002/11/30











マジョラムCO2 5ml・精油(バイオレットボトル充填)


