Essential Oils and Seasonal Affective Disorder by rtisserand | Jan 15, 2016
季節性情動障害(Seasonal Affective Disorder:SAD)
Feeling unusually sad is not uncommon in the winter months. Classic (winter based) seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder, affecting people with otherwise normal mental health. Symptoms include difficulty waking up in the morning, nausea, tendency to oversleep and overeat, cravings for carbohydrates, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating or completing tasks, withdrawal from friends, family and social activities and decreased sex drive. While sharing many symptoms with clinical depression, the main distinguishing factor of SAD is its seasonal character
There is likely not a single cause for SAD but scientists have identified several physiological suspects: serotonin, melatonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. SAD has been most strongly linked to reduced levels of serotonin, an important “feelgood” neurotransmitter. Since eating carbohydrates increases serotonin levels, this may explain the tendency to binge on carbs. However, even in the general population, postmortem examination of the hypothalamus shows minimal serotonin in the months of December and January, suggesting that this is not sufficient in itself to cause SAD (Gupta 2013, Levitan 2007).
季節性情動障害(SAD)の原因は1つではないようですが、科学者たちは、セロトニン、メラトニン、ドーパミン、ノルエピネフリン(アドレナリン)といった生理学的な疑惑を特定しました。SADは、重要な「気分の良い」神経伝達物質であるセロトニンの減少と最も強く結びついている。炭水化物を食べるとセロトニンレベルが上がるので、炭水化物に偏りがちになるのはこのためかもしれません。しかし、一般人でも、死後に視床下部を調べると、12月と1月にセロトニンが極小になることから、これだけではSADの原因として十分ではないことが示唆されています(Gupta 2013, Levitan 2007)。
Studies have shown that dopamine depletion causes a temporary worsening of symptoms in SAD patients. Dopamine is associated with “reward” pathways in the brain,and may also be linked to binge eating. Fatigue and lethargy in SAD are very likely associated with low levels of dopamine and also norepinephrine (Levitan 2007).
研究では、ドーパミンの枯渇が季節性情動障害(SAD)患者の症状を一時的に悪化させることが示されています。ドーパミンは脳内の「報酬」経路と関連しており、暴飲暴食とも関連する可能性があります。SADにおける疲労や無気力は、ドーパミンやノルエピネフリン(ノルアドレナリン)の低レベルと関連している可能性が非常に高い(Levitan 2007)。
Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland when there is very little light, and it signals our body to sleep. And if we choose to ignore those signals (because falling asleep while driving or in a meeting for example may have negative consequences), our natural sleep rhythms may be thrown off balance. We naturally produce more melatonin in winter months.
Many species naturally decrease their activity during winter months, as food sources are diminished and there is not enough sunlight to go hunting for whatever is still available. Some animals, such as bears and hedgehogs, even choose total hibernation, sleeping through the winter months to awaken when sun is high and food abundant. We humans cannot afford such winter sleep indulgences, and so we need to fight the ramifications of ignoring our natural circadian rhythms (the inner clock that tells us to sleep when the sun goes down).
circadian rhythm 概日リズム
Common treatments for SAD include light therapy, vitamin D supplements and antidepressants. However, essential oils may also be of great service.
Essential oils
Studies on depression and the sense of smell show that clinical depression is associated with reduced olfactory sensitivity (Negoias et al 2010, Schablitzky and Pause 2014). However, this may not apply to SAD, where researchers find the opposite – an increased olfactory sensitivity, especially in the right nostril, which corresponds to the right side of the brain (Postolache et al 1999). This increased sensitivity suggests that people with SAD may be especially responsive to aromatherapy.
うつ病と嗅覚に関する研究によると、臨床的うつ病は嗅覚感受性の低下と関連しています(Negoias et al 2010、Schablitzky and Pause 2014)。しかし、これは季節性情動障害SAD には当てはまらないかもしれません。研究者はその逆、特に脳の右側に対応する右の鼻孔で嗅覚感受性が増加していることを発見しています(Postolache et al 1999)。この感受性の高まりは、SADの人々がアロマセラピーに特に反応する可能性を示唆しています。
Clinical depression 臨床的うつ病
olfactory sensitivity 嗅覚感受性
It has long been claimed by aromatherapists that essential oils can positively affect mood, and scientific studies are now providing significant evidence for such effects, as well as explanations of how they work. Inhalation is a very efficient mode of administration for affecting neurological function, as the smell receptor sites in our nasal cavity have a direct link to the brain, via the olfactory bulbs.
In a 2013 article, researchers at Xiamen University, China, commented: “Most studies, as well as clinically applied experience, have indicated that various essential oils, such as lavender, lemon and bergamot can help to relieve stress, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. Most notably, inhalation of essential oils can communicate signals to the olfactory system and stimulate the brain to exert neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin and dopamine) thereby further regulating mood.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23531112.
Aromatherapy and the central nerve system (CNS): therapeutic mechanism and its associated genes
Many studies have found that vaporized citrus oils are particularly effective for mood enhancement. In one, a mixture of bergamot, orange and lemon (with lemon predominating) was slowly vaporized throughout the day over a two-week period, and depressed patients exposed to this fragrance were able to reduce their dose of antidepressants (Komori et al 1995).
多くの研究で、気化した柑橘系オイルが特に気分の高揚に効果的であることが分かっています。ある研究では、ベルガモット、オレンジ、レモンのブレンド(レモンが優勢)を2週間にわたって1日中ゆっくりと気化させ、この香りに触れたうつ病患者は、抗うつ薬の投与量を減らすことができた(Komori et al 1995)。
Bergamot and lemon oils are among the most widely-researched for positive effects on mood. Rodent studies show that lemon oil is antidepressant (Komori et al 1995) and invigorating (Komori et al 2006). It also reduces anxiety and boosts both serotonin and dopamine (Komiya et al 2006), two neurochemicals that are often reduced in SAD. In addition to lemon oil, other essential oils that positively impact dopamine and/or serotonin, and are also antidepressant, include clary sage, Atlas cedarwood, eucalyptus globulus and orange (Costa et al 2013, Kako et al 2008, Martins et al 2015, Seol et al 2010).
ベルガモットとレモンオイルは、気分に対するポジティブな効果について最も広く研究されているオイルの一つである。齧歯(げつし)動物の研究では、レモンオイルは抗うつ作用があり(Komori et al 1995)、爽快感を与える(Komori et al 2006)ことが示されている。また、不安を軽減し、季節性情動障害SADでしばしば減少する2つの神経化学物質であるセロトニンとドーパミンを増加させます(Komiya et al 2006)。レモンオイルに加えて、ドーパミンおよび/またはセロトニンにプラスの影響を与え、抗うつ作用もある他の精油には、クラリセージ、アトラスシダーウッド、ユーカリグロブルス、オレンジなどがあります(Costa et al 2013, Kako et al 2008, Martins et al 2015, Seol et al 2010).
The citrus oil that has been most widely researched for mood effects in humans is bergamot. Bergamot oil inhalation, from diffusion or water-based sprays, has shown significant effects in the following conditions:
* Reduction of work-related stress in a total of 83 elementary school teachers (Chang & Shen 2011, Liu et al 2013).
* 合計83人の小学校教師における仕事に関連したストレスの軽減(Chang & Shen 2011, Liu et al 2013)。
* Reduction of anxiety in 53 patients awaiting surgery, compared to 49 control patients (Ni et al 2013)
* 手術を控えた患者53名における不安の軽減、対照群49名と比較(Ni et al 2013)
* Reduction of stress hormone cortisol, along with reduction in self-reported fatigue and anxiety in 41 healthy women, within 15 minutes (Watanabe et al 2015).
* 健康な女性41名において、自己申告による疲労と不安の軽減とともに、15分以内にストレスホルモンであるコルチゾールの減少(Watanabe et al 2015)
* Changes in heart rate variability that indicate relaxation in 25 healthy females compared to 22 controls, within 15 minutes (Peng et al 2009).
* 健康な女性25名において、対照群22名と比較して、15分以内にリラックスを示す心拍変動の変化(Peng et al 2009)
Many other essential oils are said to be uplifting – some of these are more stimulating, and some are more calming (see below). However, note that a “relaxed alertness” is also described for some essential oils, as is as an antidepressant effect.
Stimulating oils
Black pepper
Black pepper is the only essential oil that has been shown to significantly increase epinephrine levels on inhalation (Haze et al 2002) and so might be useful where lethargy is a problem, but perhaps not if anxiety is high.
ブラックペッパーは、吸入によりエピネフリン濃度を有意に増加させることが示されている唯一の精油である(Haze et al 2002)ため、無気力が問題である場合には有用かもしれないが、不安が強い場合にはそうではないかもしれない。
In healthy adults, inhaled grapefruit oil was stimulating and invigorating, increasing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system by 50%, and causing a slight increase in skin temperature (Haze et al 2002). Grapefruit oil inhalation slightly increased epinephrine and norepinephrine levels. The effect was not statistically significant, but it may reveal a tendency (Haze et al 2002).
健康な成人では、グレープフルーツオイルの吸入は刺激的で活性化し、交感神経系の活動を50%増加させ、皮膚温度をわずかに上昇させた (Haze et al 2002)。グレープフルーツオイルの吸入はエピネフリンとノルエピネフリンレベルをわずかに上昇させた。その効果は統計的に有意ではなかったが、その傾向を明らかにすることができる(Haze et al 2002)。
Jasmine absolute is widely regarded as an antidepressant. Vaporized jasmine absolute had a stimulating effect on the autonomic nervous system, resulting in greater blood oxygen saturation and increased alertness and perceived vigor (Sayowan et al 2013).
ジャスミンアブソリュートは、抗うつ剤として広く知られている。気化したジャスミンアブソリュートは、自律神経系を刺激する効果があり、その結果、血中酸素飽和度が高まり、覚醒度と知覚活力が増加しました(Sayowan et al 2013)。
Rodent studies show that lemon oil is antidepressant and invigorating (Komori et al 1995, Komori et al 2006). It reduces anxiety and boosts both serotonin and dopamine (Komiya et al 2006).
齧歯類の研究で、レモンオイルには抗うつ作用と爽快感があることが示されています(Komori et al 1995, Komori et al 2006)。不安を軽減し、セロトニンとドーパミンの両方を増加させる(Komiya et al 2006)。
A proven essential oil for those who have difficulty concentrating (Moss & Oliver 2003, Moss et al 2003), rosemary oil also acts on serotonin receptors (Martinez et al 2009). Also see Rosemary Boosts Brain Power.
ローズマリーローズマリーオイルは、集中力に欠ける人のための精油として知られており(Moss & Oliver 2003, Moss et al 2003)、またセロトニン受容体に作用します(Martinez et al 2009)。ローズマリーで脳力アップもご参照ください。
Calming oils
Bergamot was a key ingredient in the original Eau de Cologne, which was said to have restorative and refreshing properties. According to the research (cited above), inhaled bergamot oil reduces anxiety and stress, and correspondingly causes slight reductions in blood pressure and heart rate.
Clary sage
Clary sage oil increases both dopamine and serotonin levels, and these effects are thought to explain its notable antidepressant action (Lee et al 2014, Seol et al 2010).
クラリセージは、ドーパミンとセロトニンのレベルを増加させ、これらの作用が顕著な抗うつ作用を説明すると考えられています(Lee et al 2014, Seol et al 2010)。
Research on orange oil demonstrates that it is calming, reduces anxiety and heart rate, and improves mood (Goes et al 2012, Jafarzadeh et al 2013, Lehrner et al 2005). Orange oil does increase serotonin levels (Costa et al 2013).
オレンジオレンジオイルに関する研究は、オレンジオイルが心を落ち着かせ、不安と心拍数を減らし、気分を改善することを示しています(Goes et al 2012、Jafarzadeh et al 2013、Lehrner et al 2005)。オレンジオイルは、セロトニンレベルを増加させます(Costa et al 2013)。
Inhalation of rose essential oil resulted in a 30% decrease of epinephrine levels (Haze et al 2002). So this would be an appropriate essential oil for extreme stress, but not for extreme lethargy. Prolonged inhalation of rose oil (24 hours) by gerbils revealed an anti-anxiety effect that was described as being similar to “some serotonergic agents” (i.e. substances that increase serotonin) (Bradley et al 2007).
ローズ精油の吸入は、エピネフリンレベルの30%減少をもたらしました(Haze et al 2002)。ですから、極度のストレスには適切な精油でしょうが、極度な無気力には向きません。スナネズミがローズオイルを長時間(24時間)吸入したところ、「いくつかのセロトニン作動性物質」(すなわちセロトニンを増加させる物質)に類似した抗不安作用があることがわかりました(Bradley et al 2007)。
Traditionally, Buddhists used sandalwood oil as a therapy for anxiety, depression and insomnia, while Tibetan Monks used it to relax the body and focus the mind. Research reveals that inhaled sandalwood oil is calming, while improving mood and increasing attentiveness (Heuberger et al 2006).
伝統的に、仏教徒は不安、うつ病、不眠症の治療法としてサンダルウッドオイルを使用し、チベット僧は体をリラックスさせ、精神を集中させるために使用しました。研究では、サンダルウッドオイルの吸入は、気分を改善し、注意力を高めると同時に、心を落ち着かせることが明らかにされています(Heuberger et al 2006)。
Cautions & conclusion
Not everyone should take substances that increase serotonin. In particular, drug interactions are possible. Be aware that a few essential oils, if taken with for example SSRI drugs, could possibly lead to serotonin syndrome, such as I reported here [Interaction with SSRI medication] almost certainly due to blue (German) chamomile oil.
SSRI:Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor(選択式セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬)
If you have chosen an oil or blend that fits you the best, I recommend using a diffuser with intermittent setting and diffusing oils in intervals of 30 to 60 minutes and then stopping for at least the same amount of time for the greatest therapeutic benefit. This way the nervous system does not habituate or adapt to the olfactory stimulus. And,its safer. In a day, 2-3 sessions are usually adequate. If diluted essential oils are being worn as fragrance, body oil etc., these limits wont apply.
So, get those diffusers and inhalers ready, because the winter still has a long way to go and even if you are not suffering from SAD we can all use some uplifting now and again, especially when the temperatures drop into single digits and blizzards roar outside.
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